Joseph Stalin, or Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili, is a man who, unfortunately, needs no introduction. But it was Stalin who employed them to their most hideous and at least semi-effective ends. 17 December] 1878 and christened Ioseb, and known by the diminutive "Soso" His parents were Ekaterine (Keke) and Besarion Jughashvili (Beso). At the first of these meetings, in Tehran, Iran, in late 1943, the recent victory in Stalingrad put Stalin in a solid bargaining position. He was a poet:-Stalin’s artistic “tendencies” didn’t revolve completely around films; he was truly into … He imprisoned and killed at least a million people for political reasons, and his industrialization plans came at ginormous human cost (at least 7 million people died of starvation due to his exporting all the grain produced in the country). Stalin imposed the forced collectivization of agriculture, and the entire production system was subjected to the strict discipline of a mandatory central planning. Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, set in motion events designed to cause a famine in the Ukraine to destroy the people there seeking independence from his rule. According to his ideas about Socialism, he supported the formation of popular democracies in the European Eastern bloc, which were under the tutelage of the USSR, with the exception of Yugoslavia. Stalin was known for his piercing eyes and terrifying stare, which he used to cow his opponents into submission during private discussions. Joseph Stalin was one of the most horrifying leaders in the history of the world. Stalin did well in school, and his efforts gained him a scholarship to Tiflis Theological Seminary in 1894. After Lenin's death, in 1924, Stalin set out to destroy the old party leadership and take total control. He was also known as the official leader of the USSR and played a large role in the second world war. He was also known as the official leader of the USSR and played a large role in the second world war. He was a dictator who terrorized the population and sent many people to prisons and labour camps. He managed to harness hydro-electric potential from Russia’s great rivers Ob, Yenisei and Lena, to obtain electricity, which were a staple for industries and employment, and consequentially, for prosperity. Great for home study or to use within the classroom environment. Why did the Soviet government change its mind? During WWII, Stalin would prove to be an invaluable ally for the West, helping to defeat Nazi Germany. In 1902, he was arrested for coordinating a labor strike and exiled to Siberia, the first of his many arrests and exiles in the fledgling years of the Russian Revolution. After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin assumed the central role in Russian politics and became the dictator of the Soviet Union. Stalin ruled up until his own death in 1953. ruled the Soviet Union for more than two decades, instituting a reign of death and terror while modernizing Russia and helping to defeat Nazism. The fledgling Soviet government went through a violent period after the revolution as various individuals vied for position and control. Joseph Stalin was born in 1878 in Georgia, which was a Russian province at that time. While his ideals were a blend of Marxism and Leninism, his policies came to be known as Stalinism. In 1901, he joined the Social Democratic Labor Party and worked full-time for the revolutionary movement. His Red Army helped defeat Nazi Germany during World War II. In the midst of World War II, the Nazis took a … It's also speculated he was asked to leave due to his political views challenging the tsarist regime of Nicholas II. Stalin Wouldn’t Even Negotiate For The Life Of His Son. He became chair of the Senate's subcommittee on investigations. Editorial credit: Igor Batenev / Stalin’s body was embalmed and was presently put on display with Lenin’s corpse in the renamed Lenin-Stalin Mausoleum. Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened reforms, but the changes he made were met with fierce opposition. By October, the revolution was complete and the Bolsheviks were in control. Although he was a tyrannical leader, putting in place the most totalitarian, repressive regime history had seen, Stalin can be credited with the fruition of the communist socio-economic project in Russia, the extension of its model to other neighboring countries and the conversion of the USSR into a great power, without rivals in the region. Moreover, what was Stalin's primary purpose for industrialization? Stalin’s legacy has been one as a Communist icon and a mass-murdering tyrant.overty Stalin was born into poverty at the tail-end of the 19 th century. Joseph Stalin - Joseph Stalin - Role in World War II: During World War II Stalin emerged, after an unpromising start, as the most successful of the supreme leaders thrown up by the belligerent nations. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agreed not only to include France in the postwar governing of Germany, but also that Germany should assume some, but not all, responsibility for reparations following the war. It was during this time that he adopted the name Stalin, meaning "steel" in Russian. Stalin chose not to return home, but stayed in Tiflis, devoting his time to the revolutionary movement. He was one of World War II’s most infamous leaders, next to Adolf Hitler. He was known as a brutal leader who was responsible for the deaths of over 20 million people. After escaping from exile, he was marked by the Okhranka, (the tsar's secret police) as an outlaw and continued his work in hiding, raising money through robberies, kidnappings and extortion. Before it could be executed, however, Stalin died on March 5, 1953. By the time anyone realized what he had done, it was too late. Stalin’s role in WWII is well-documented; his politics and his values well-known. Best known for: Fighting the Germans in WW2 and starting the Cold War; Biography: Joseph Stalin became leader of the Soviet Union after the founder of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, died in 1924. After an assassination plot was uncovered, he ordered the head of the secret police to instigate a new purge of the Communist Party. Best known for: Fighting the Germans in WW2 and starting the Cold War In February 1945, the three leaders met again at the Yalta Conference in the Crimea. Stalin was a ruthless dictator who stopped at nothing to guarantee that he remained in power. Later on in life, the man who was born Josef Djugashvilli would adopt the name Stalin, meaning This got me thinking, what are some interesting facts about Joseph Stalin? In 1927 Stalin requested medical help for his insomnia, anger and severe anxiety disorder. Lenin made clear that he favored Trotsky over Stalin, who he considered to be too cruel, but when death came for Lenin in 1924, Stalin managed to ally himself with two of the most important men in the Communist Party, overthrowing Trotsky’s efforts. He demanded the Allies open a second front against Germany, which they agreed to in the spring of 1944. With Soviet troops liberating countries in Eastern Europe, Stalin was again in a strong position and negotiated virtually a free hand in reorganizing their governments. With the rise of Joseph Stalin, the secret police which had once been used purely for enforcement, expanded its control over the country. Hundreds of thousands of people came to see the Generalissimo in the mausoleum. Stalin had been suspicious of the West since the inception of the Soviet Union, and once the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had demanded the Allies open up a second front against Germany. His father’s friends were helping him to escape. The other village children treated him cruelly, instilling in him a sense of inferiority. Those farmers who expanded the size of their farms became known as He had a very troubled childhood. This enabled him to play a major role in the October coup d’état, now known as October Revolution. He was a cobbler and an alcoholic. However, he has found a rekindled popularity among many of Russia's young people. Joseph Stalin Facts: 26-30 26. Joseph L. Mankiewicz was an American screenwriter, director and producer known for writing hit movies such as 'All About Eve,' 'A Letter to Three Wives' and 'Cleopatra.'. Western powers interpreted these actions as proof of Stalin's desire to place Europe under Communist control, thus formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to counter Soviet influence. He was saved from his last exile sentence by the Revolution in February 1917. His father often got drunk and beat him up. The region was part of the Russian Empire and later on the USSR before it … In 1934, it became known as the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, which in Russian is abbreviated to NKVD. The GULAG's primary purpose, though, was The dropping of two atomic bombs in August 1945 forced Japan's surrender before the Soviets could mobilize. Though he excelled in seminary school, Stalin left in 1899. By March, the tsar had abdicated the throne and was placed under house arrest. Joseph Stalin rose to power as General Secretary of the Communist Party in Russia, becoming a Soviet dictator after the death of Vladimir Lenin. In April 1917, Stalin was elected to the Bolshevik Central Committee and also co-opted into its bureau along with Zinoviev, Lenin and Kamenev. Every consequential figure in history leaves their mark not just in their actions, but in the public fascination that they inspire years after their death: How did this person rise to the top? Joseph Stalin was a powerful Communist leader in the early years of the Soviet Union. Senator Joseph McCarthy charged that communists had infiltrated the U.S. State Department. The swearing-in will be a simple function held at the Raj Bhavan at 9 … Stalin’s son from his first marriage, Yakov, was a … In any recounting of the horrific deeds of Joseph Stalin, know this: You'd better settle in, because the list is long, painful to recite, and rife with incalculable suffering and death. Many were exiled abroad to Europe and the Americas, including presumed Lenin successor Leon Trotsky. Because of this, Stalin began a quest for greatness and respect. Yósif Vissariónovich Dzhugashvili, better known as Joseph Stalin, was a man dedicated to Come and learn about his life from the beginning, ... Stalin was also known for being very smart. The second time was in 1942, now not for his “friendly” attitude towards Germany, who had betrayed him, but for surviving the first wave of the Nazi assault. Stalin was so distraught at Hitler's treachery that he hid in his office for several days. Joseph Stalin was born into poverty, but as a teen, he earned a scholarship in order to study for priesthood in the Georgian Orthodox Church. Accounts differ as to the reason; official school records state he was unable to pay the tuition and withdrew. He never answered for his crimes. The early life of Joseph Stalin covers the life of Joseph Stalin from his birth on 18 December 1878 (6 December according to the Old Style) until the October Revolution on 7 November 1917 (25 October). Includes 5 activities aimed at students 11-14 years old (KS3) & 5 activities aimed at students 14-16 year old (GCSE). At age 7, he contracted smallpox, leaving his face scarred. After his death, his predecessor, Nikita Khrushchev, denounced the ideological deviations and crimes committed by Stalin, and his remains were removed from Lenin’s Mausoleum and were buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis. So did Malenkov and Beria, but in private Beria made no secret of his relief at the dictator’s passing. Roosevelt died that April and was replaced by President Harry S. Truman. For a time, he found work as a tutor and later as a clerk at the Tiflis Observatory. This pact was broken when Hitler sent his troops to Russia in 1941. Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvilli on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia. After heroic efforts on the part of the Soviet Army and the Russian people, the Germans were turned back at the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943. In February 1917, the Russian Revolution began. Joseph Stalin now formed an alliance with Nikolay Bukharin, Mikhail Tomsky and Alexei Rykov, on the right of the party, who wanted an expansion of the New Economic Policy that had been introduced several years earlier. Joseph Goebbels served as minister of propaganda for the German Third Reich under Adolf Hitler — a position from which he spread the Nazi message. As the tide of war slowly turned in the Allies' favor, Roosevelt and Churchill met with Stalin to discuss postwar arrangements. Ivan the Terrible was the first tsar of all Russia. Stalin suffered another foreign policy defeat after he encouraged North Korean Communist leader Kim Il Sung to invade South Korea, believing the United States would not interfere. Any resistance was met with swift and lethal response; millions of people were exiled to the labor camps of the Gulag or were executed. By the time Stalin regained his resolve, German armies occupied all of the Ukraine and Belarus, and its artillery surrounded Leningrad. The period known as the Great Purge eventually extended beyond the party elite to local officials suspected of counter-revolutionary activities. Some of the members were socialists who introduced him to the writings of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Joseph Stalin was best known for being a communist revolutionary. He also developed a cruel streak for those who crossed him. In 1948, Stalin ordered an economic blockade on the German city of Berlin, in hopes of gaining full control of the city. Arts and culture were an important part for the Communist leader, and he perceived that the popular expressions of nationalism were proof of the effectiveness of his leadership. The well-known Anarchist Kropotkin tries to "prove" the same thing in his works (see, for example, ... * The continuation did not appear in the press because, in the middle of 1907, Comrade Stalin was transferred by the Central Committee of the Party to Baku for Party work, and several months later he was arrested there. For a time, the revolutionaries supported a provisional government, believing a smooth transition of power was possible. A few years later he was injured in a carriage accident which left arm slightly deformed (some accounts state his arm trouble was a result of blood poisoning from the injury). Dictators, including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Napoleon and Kim Jong-un, reveal what happens when one person is given unchecked power. 6 December] 1879 in the town of Gori, in what is today the country of Georgia.He was baptised on 29 December [O.S. It's estimated that Stalin killed as many as 20 million people, directly or indirectly, through famine, forced labor camps, collectivization and executions. Joseph Stalin was the second leader of the Soviet Union and General Secretary of the Communist Party in Russia. In one murderous robbery in 1907, Stalin’s gangsters killed 40 people, robbed two horse drawn carriages, and stole a quarter of million dollars. The son of Besarion Jughashvili, a cobbler, and Ketevan Geladze, a washerwoman, Stalin was a frail child. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvilli on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia. In 1922, Stalin was appointed to the newly created office of general secretary of the Communist Party. This only deepened Stalin's suspicion of the West, as millions of Russians died. At Arm’s Length. One of Stalin’s most important contributions was making energy cheap, available and abundant throughout the territory. These autocrats ruled read more He is called Joseph Stalin, also known as the man of steel. In a meeting known as Yalta Conference, and sometimes referred to as the Crimea Conference, Stalin met with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill to discuss the after-effects of World War II, and plan the actions that would relieve nations of the disasters they had suffered. In addition, millions more died in the war, where his not-so-careful laid plans were to shoot tanks with rifles. Would things have been different if he or she had just done one thing differently? On December 18, 1879, in the Russian peasant village of Gori, Georgia, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili - later known as Joseph Stalin - was born. Stalin gained infamy being associated with the 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, which resulted in several deaths and 250,000 rubles stolen (approximately $3.4 million in U.S. dollars). Earlier, he had ordered the Soviet representative to the United Nations to boycott the Security Council because it refused to accept the newly formed Communist People's Republic of China into the United Nations. Potential rivals were accused of aligning with capitalist nations, convicted of being "enemies of the people" and summarily executed. © 2021 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. He was accused of collaborating with the royal secret political police, which was never confirmed by any documents. In his time, he was one of the most powerful U.S. journalists. Joseph Stalin Facts & Worksheets Joseph Stalin facts and information activity worksheet pack and fact file. 4. Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953. Though his popularity from his successes during World War II was strong, Stalin's health began to deteriorate in the early 1950s. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Tse Tung are statistically the most effective mass murderers of … He left a legacy of death and horror, even as he turned a backward Russia into a world superpower. In 1961, just eight years later, the Soviet government ordered Stalin's remains removed from the tomb. Though not a significant post at the time, it gave Stalin control over all party member appointments, which allowed him to build his base. It was in the city of Tblisi that Stalin became interested in and was exposed to the works of social philosopher Karl Marx. However, further paranoia set in and Stalin soon conducted a vast reign of terror, having people arrested in the night and put before spectacular show trials. By now, the British and Americans were suspicious of Stalin's intentions and wanted to avoid Soviet involvement in a postwar Japan. Could childhood events have shaped this person's future? There are some facts, however, that are not as widely discussed. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. British parliamentary elections had replaced Prime Minister Churchill with Clement Attlee as Britain's chief negotiator. Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from famine while others were sent to labor camps. During his reign, he acquired vast amounts of land through ruthless means, creating a centrally controlled government. Had done, it was during this time that he what was joseph stalin known for the name Stalin, also as. Commonly known as the official leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin set out to destroy old... World war II was strong, Stalin ordered an economic blockade on the open market and were allowed to food. Stayed in Tiflis, devoting his time to the newly created office of secretary... 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