Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. She follows her students’ lead on whether or how much they want to discuss social injustices in the news. For more information on the Daily or The Christian Science Monitor… I still can’t take off the bracelet. Friday, April 23, 2021 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily Saturday will mark the 106th anniversary of the start of the Ottoman Turkish mass killing of Armenians that claimed 1.5 million lives. The Monitor Daily Podcast is available each Monday through Friday at 6 pm ET. It was founded in 1908 as a daily newspaper by Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist. “But they’re incredibly popular, and they increase in popularity during the run-up to elections.”. “He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. Science (in this instance named natural) raises the human thought above the cruder theories of the human mind, and casts out a fear” (p. 189). The Christian Science Monitor is a peculiar publication. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. After graduation, I moved to Malaysia to work – and partly to find what it meant to be Malaysian. Public gestures, too, play a role in this kind of civic-minded respect. Those words, they mean something. When my grandparents died, the bangle became a memento of lost opportunity, of all the questions I hadn’t asked them. That’s a fact,” he says. For decades, its most effective tool has been the 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. So he persists, despite recently being attacked in what police say was a hate crime. The Christian Science Monitor Daily News Briefing provides an editorially curated perspective on important news of the day. In the style of the classic teenage pastime “never have I ever,” she posed statements to her class for discussion. The Monitor Daily Podcast is available each Monday through Friday at 6 pm ET. How is it that the people have turned into the threat?”, “The regime leadership is aware of the substandard performance of its institutions in the intelligence wars against foreign powers,” says Mr. Alfoneh. It had taken a good 15 minutes to squeeze my hand into the bracelet. The Christian Science Monitor Daily for November 9 2020 - Sharing Emoji. As far-right Jewish marchers shouted racist chants next to them, including a call to burn down Arab villages, Mr. Maswadeh asked the woman her opinion. That is where Mr. Kadhimi’s experience in trying to reconcile Iraq’s own differences could pay off in bringing peace to the neighborhood. The former Marine won a scholarship for his criticism of tolerance. “We grew up suffering from the settlers. “There’s no leavening; there’s no sense that, yes, despite these differences – and they are real, and we have to account for them, and we do understand they’ve affected us – but they’re not the end, and they’re not the only thing and we can transcend them,” he said. Yet when Dr. King was in prison in 1963, charged with violating the ban that Birmingham, Alabama, placed on his protests, he famously wrote an open letter to white clergymen, who were questioning his methods. Just holding fair elections later this year is proving to be big task. Yet Kindergeld is a huge government expense that doesn’t necessarily boost other family-policy-related goals, says Dr. Rainer, the economist. Even Mossad derived a benefit from Iran’s many intelligence distractions, according to the London-based Jewish Chronicle. “This is because of the demographic situation in Germany. And that was Mr. Fulghum’s point. Our work isn't possible without your support. In a windowless room at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center, Carl Chan unspooled his story, focusing on two foundational events that, he says, “changed my life.”. It always accompanies us, illumining every moment of our lives. But respect and civility have also been used to oppress and maintain the status quo. How good it is to know our true, spiritual, light-filled heritage! If a media outlet, or a person tells the truth, does that in your mind make them a Liberal Socialist Propaganda news daily , because if it does, I will wear that distinction with pride. Suddenly consumers are facing scarcities for everything from lumber to copper, computer chips to rental cars. ). If corruption persists, history has told us it will be one step forward and two steps back. It was summer, so the school kids were wearing white uniforms. “In 43 years, we had shortages, sure,” Mr. Shepley says. The jade bracelet began to feel like an inconvenience. For decades, its most effective tool has been the 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA. The initial talks began in Baghdad a month ago, focused mainly on stopping a proxy war in Yemen. “These kind of courses have been asked for and rolled out in various forms over the last 15 to 20 years, but you see a higher prioritization, you see more school board members talking about it, you see principals being more open in terms of expressing their desire and creating courses that didn’t exist last year,” says Brian Lozenski, an associate professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in St. Paul. Ms. Blackmore was the 20th female jockey to compete in the race, which has allowed women to participate since 1975. “It recognizes their humanity, it builds community, it builds healing, it allows students to feel seen and allows teachers to learn about what’s going on in their lives,” says Ms. Muhammad, who teaches in a red brick high school surrounded by homes peppered recently with lawn signs reading “Justice for George Floyd” and “Guns Down, Love Up.”. Job applicants are scarce, too, in some rebounding sectors like restaurants. Ready to welcome him home! A third brother sold the top floor to a Jewish group. I systematically asked people I interviewed whether they had ever had encounters with racism – during the pandemic or in their more distant past. The silver lining in this is that most of these shortages are expected to be temporary. It doesn’t exist simply to tell the news. Check out promising innovations from Peru to Uganda. Business is booming, but lumber prices have tripled in a little over a year. Instead, the Hong Kong boy ran away, and the British boys turned on him, beating him. Something deeper is necessary for meaningful conversations to take place, something beyond mere tolerance, he suggests. In practice, it’s allowed Ms. Salzmann freedom and flexibility. But educators like Ms. Muhammad are trying to be part of the path forward. The current shortages have hit homeowners. If you find the Monitor Daily in your spam folder: Right click the email. Without light there is no life. El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele speaks to foreign ambassadors at the Presidential House May 3. It was founded in 1908 as a daily newspaper by Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist. On the labor front, for example, total U.S. employment is still about 10 million jobs below pre-pandemic levels. More broadly, in the past year, a handful of school districts in the Twin Cities region have created courses focused on the study of race, says Professor Lozenski. Over this past year, some police officers made a simple gesture of respect during protests over the murder of George Floyd, taking a knee amid such civic pain and turmoil. During last year’s six-month nesting season, volunteer patrol teams counted more than 2,400 nests – an all-time high. In other words, buoyed by the monthly payments, women may be more likely to stay with the kids than work outside the home for a period of time. “Schools impede students’ abilities to have those conversations when we make everything this super, super nice environment,” Mr. Fulghum says. Yet in its deepest meanings, respect is seen as an essential ingredient in the American experiment. Successive Israeli governments have used these methods, she argues, as part of a long-term vision for a city with no Palestinian presence. Thursday, April 29, 2021 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily. ‎The editors of The Christian Science Monitor take you beyond the headlines with the ideas driving progress in this 15-minute news briefing. Some other teachers are uncomfortable or don’t see the purpose. Critical race theory, an academic framework that considers how policies and laws perpetuate racism, has emerged as an especially contentious flash point, particularly in conservative circles. “If you get up in the morning, take your kids to school, or go to your work, without getting a ticket from a policeman or insulted by anyone on the street, that’s a good day, honestly; you would feel good,” says Mr. Abbassi. As a fractured nation seeks to knit itself together, the ability to disagree yet not hate is seen as essential. For Ms. Muhammad, covering these topics comes naturally. Mr. Zarif dismissed “Gando” as a “lie,” but sparked controversy in an interview leaked in late April when he said Iranian diplomacy was “sacrificed” to IRGC military interests. US debates child credit payments. In our global progress roundup, intense efforts by volunteers as well as scientists are protecting animal life, from vulnerable turtles nesting in Cyprus to pollinators that need more habitats in the U.K. Aug 21, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor - an independent daily newspaper providing context and clarity on national and international news, peoples and cultures, and social trends. “The fact that more countries are opening more investigations into possible transnational bribery occurring within their own borders is a promising sign that enforcement authorities globally are building investigative capacity and taking anti-corruption seriously,” says Trace President Alexandra Wrage. Translating this analogy to our human scene can help us see that we don’t have to fear or fight, because all have a harmonious place in God’s creation. “The things that have really hammered pollinators, and bugs in general, are habitat loss, fragmentation of habitat, loss of connectivity of habitat, climate change and pesticides – this deals with everything except pesticides.”Euroweekly News, Buglife. As the light of divine Truth becomes clearer to us, as we allow it to enlighten us rather than clinging to the darkness, we discern and experience more of the divine reality – we are able to say “Ahh!”. From lumber to labor, are we now in a ‘shortage economy’? For example, Kindergeld hasn’t helped measurably increase the birth rate – important for a country suffering a labor shortage as well as a shrinking tax base – and the money has also been found to supplant paid work. Steel prices are up 75%, prompting appliance-makers and mattress manufacturers to hike prices. Growth in U.S. manufacturing slowed slightly in April, reflecting in part supply-chain troubles, after hitting a 37-year high in March. Copper prices have hit all-time highs. She says she fears her Jewish neighbors and was traumatized by their behavior. Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. The Central American Small and Medium Enterprise Investment Fund (CASEIF), for example, has supported 33 businesses and created more than 10,000 jobs over the past two decades – more than 40% of those positions have been filled by women. No signup or install needed. Unable to buy new vehicles, rental car companies are now short of cars and charging sometimes double the price of a year ago. Her lined square face showed no sign of worry as she tried to push the bangle past the knuckles of my scrunched-up hand. Managing director Kimani Muturi shows off a TexFad hair extension made from banana trunk fibers near Kampala, Uganda, April 3, 2021. Send your comments, suggestions or thoughts to podcast@csmonitor.com. The first occurred as a middle school boy in British-governed Hong Kong, where he was born in 1958. But I no longer want to. President Joe Biden’s one-year expansion of tax credit to American families to around $250-300 a month per kid has shone an analytical light on Germany, Australia, Canada, and about 100 other countries that provide some kind of universal child benefit. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi waits outside his office in Baghdad. Liberal policymakers might have preferred more infrastructure spending, such as investments in child care centers or kindergartens. Interesting Engineering, Reuters. On April 29, in broad daylight, Mr. Chan was punched in the head from behind and knocked to the sidewalk, his attacker yelling profanities and racial slurs. Sometimes this kind of respect is modeled in public friendships, like the 1980s ties between House Speaker Tip O’Neill and President Ronald Reagan, who despite being in different political parties shared a deep personal fondness and would call each other to offer congratulations when the other won a bruising legislative battle. The author’s name has been withheld at their request. Don’t pick on him!” he told the boys. We would visit on school holidays or for Chinese New Year, but as I grew older, I felt increasingly distant from my dad’s family. A Christian Science Perspective About this feature Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The organizations denied any wrongdoing. We want to hear, did we miss an angle we should have covered? Instead, we remain focused on the known solution: light. He quickly posted a video on social media. Karen Norris. The IRGC’s broadening remit includes a major role in the sanctions-strapped economy; supporting regional proxy forces from Lebanon and Syria to Iraq and Yemen; building an expanding ballistic missile and drone program; and fighting a shadow war against the United States and Israel. I understood part of it. “Everything is more difficult these days.”, And getting a haircut at his brother’s barbershop, Alaa Somrein describes living in a Silwan house whose ownership has been contested since he was a boy. Conservatives have appreciated the choice families are allowed in how to spend the money. In its deepest meanings, however, it is seen as an essential ingredient in the American experiment. “But what they have not developed is a real unity of effort, and a real articulation of what the danger is,” says Dr. Ostovar, author of “Vanguard of the Imam: Religion, Politics, and Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.”. “In our classrooms, especially in north Minneapolis, our kids deserve to be in that healing process.”. I immersed myself in my liberal arts studies. Designers can easily adjust their models on computer software to bring their vision to life. Minneapolis offers lessons. Tradewater then incinerates the recovered gases. Kindergeld was first passed into law in the mid-1950s, but initially it was only paid out beginning with the third child of working parents, part of an attempt to boost living conditions during the post-war period. ( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by The first stone has been put in place, thanks to an Iraqi leader who has learned from the suffering of his own people. The United Arab Emirates has named the first Arab woman to train as an astronaut. Two brothers live on the second floor. A family strolls on Easter Sunday under overcast skies in Dangast, Germany, April 4, 2021. Orient House, a prominent symbol of Palestinians’ political presence that was shuttered in 2001, remains behind a padlocked gate. Any further dialogue between Iran and Saudi Arabia still needs a trusted go-between. The area is traditionally Arab, but religious Jewish families have bought property and moved in, determined to change the demographics. Pollinator insects, such as honeybees, bumblebees, and butterflies, play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Both left and right approved of it when it was rolled out decades ago, and today the policy is too beloved to touch. “This is one of the first times in the 19th century when civility becomes a rhetorical weapon for a political end, and that was not to call for greater inclusion, but to demonize abolitionists as tearing the nation apart,” says Professor Zamalin, author of “Against Civility: The Hidden Racism in Our Obsession With Civility.”. Consider the premium benefits of a subscription to The Christian Science Monitor. Analysts say the IRGC is overburdened, having assumed more and more functions of the state. The editors of The Christian Science Monitor take you beyond the headlines with the ideas driving progress in this 15-minute news briefing. Years later, in the United States, he saw a video featuring a Black man giving a speech. I say, ‘Leave the village,’ and then we will come and live in it. Also, respect is complicated. The hope is to offer glimpses of ways forward even as national conversation is polarized, sometimes to the point of critical dysfunction. Mr. Khamenei “has not found a way to become a dictator and just impose a king-like efficiency to the system, and there’s also an indigenous looseness to the system that … allows these cracks and these fissures that can be exploited by Israel and whomever else.”, IRGC efforts are complicated, too, by the scale of “taking on the world, or at least a significant part of it, as an enemy,” says Dr. Ostovar. In theory, the monthly cash was meant to level the playing field for parents by exempting basic child-rearing expenses from the tax collector. If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).The Christian Science Monitor, The Associated Press. “He told them the greatest threat to Black freedom is not the klansman; it’s the white moderate who can bask in and use the language of civility while allowing the status quo to continue to dominate and inflict suffering upon people of color,” Professor Zamalin says. Yet the top American diplomat may be more focused on what he often calls the “internal threat” to Ukraine – the vast corruption that undermines its democracy. “There is an issue that you have deja vu all over again, which could happen because of the policy mistakes of the type that were made in the 1970s,” says Frederic Mishkin, professor of banking at Columbia University and a former member of the Federal Reserve’s board of governors. Progress on that front could lead to a wider detente. Please come back tomorrow when we look at how the pandemic has affected universities’ efforts to bring in students of all backgrounds – and what universities are doing to push forward. Ángel Toledo has run a waste disposal plant on the edge of Guatemala City for 16 years, but only dealt with refrigerant gases since 2018. In the 1970s, high Vietnam-era federal spending and the failure of the Fed to react by hiking interest rates led to the stagflation of that era. “‘I have a dream.’ That was so powerful.”. “They go after small-potato dissidents, or just invent them to begin with, because it’s something they can show the regime [and] everybody else.”. They will, however, be programmed to become the next generation of ‘woke’ social activists.”, By contrast, Professor Lozenski says that creating a more diverse curriculum benefits all students. Mr. Chan says he felt as if Martin Luther King Jr. was almost telling his own life story, inspiring him to do his best to make positive change. When they are, it points to gains for everyone. But they also sit atop deep fault lines. President Joe Biden has promised to invest $4 billion in Central America. ‘I have a dream.’ That was so powerful.”. “They are distracted, and also I think myopic. At one point, a protester unfurled a Palestinian flag, reached over a metal fence, and waved it across the courtyard. Incorporating current events into her classroom – and digging deeper to address topics like power, bias, and racism – is something Nafeesah Muhammad, an English language arts teacher at Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis, believes is essential in order to connect with her students and help them succeed. Factories started having trouble keeping up with demand, especially when coronavirus cases on the factory floor caused temporary shutdowns of production lines. I turned to my mother and aunts, who sat at the kitchen table observing my ordeal with amusement. Aswini Ramesh founded Law Rewired last summer to help demystify India’s legal system and empower people to understand their rights. Watching the demonstrators was Maryam Ghawi. In Iran, the vanguard security force seems more focused on internal dissent than on external threats. For any number of reasons, some good ones live the rest of their lives sealed between the cardboard covers of those notebooks, stored in a drawer until they are finally thrown out. Jerusalem’s recent riots punctured a facade of calm that obscures deep fault lines. This echoes a larger debate in the United States about what should be taught in classes – Historic examples of racism? Behind his home, Israeli flags and an oversize Star of David hang on one of the buildings where a group of Jewish Israelis moved in, part of a contentious campaign to change the demographics of East Jerusalem. The Monitor Daily will now be added to your list of Safe senders. She seeks to provide joy through her classroom environment and with lessons that show the strengths and successes of various racial and ethnic groups. ‎Show The Christian Science Monitor Daily, Ep Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily - Jan 27, 2021 I’ve worn the bangle for 20 years now. Now my jade bangle has seen me through graduations, my first job, romance, my wedding, and now a pandemic and a long-distance marriage. It's a two-story, 200-year-old stone house built into the foot of a hill in the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem, just outside the Old City walls. “It’s going to seem a whole a lot worse than it might about a year from now,” says Gary Schlossberg, global strategist for Wells Fargo Investment Institute. Go home.”. Here’s why Germans value the decades-old benefit. Industry after industry, expecting the downturn of a year ago to last much longer, was surprised when consumers started spending again as early as last summer. “I believe joy is healing,” she says. The Christian Science Monitor Daily Receive our best stories each weekday evening in your inbox. These events illustrate how much the United States leads the world in battling corruption and encouraging people in other nations to demand equality before the law and an end to impunity. Today, the Monitor begins a series on respect, highlighting stories of how relationships can function – even thrive – despite fundamental disagreements. We believe news can and should expand a sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional expectations. https://www.thoughtco.com/top-conservative-magazines-3303617 That means the Fed will have to remain extra vigilant. Looming over this burst of scarcity is the fear that the United States will return to the high inflation of the 1970s – a fear that many economists tend to discount. A cry sounds out in unison: “Ooh!” I calm this slight panic and hurry to find a candle and light it. “There is a financial burden of raising children, and Kindergeld feels like appreciation from the state for doing this,” says Ms. Salzmann. The move was widely seen as a way to block anti-corruption investigations of top officials. This is part of the Monitor’s Respect Project. The refrigerants pumped into modern units are better, but still pose global warming potential. My father is from Ipoh. A year after becoming Iraq’s prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi has begun to apply lessons from his country’s history of wars and divisions to the rest of the Middle East. Deregulation and the decline of unions are two reasons many economists are skeptical. What’s worse is that I alienated myself from the Black community.”. One prompt, “never have I ever been scared of the cops,” resulted in students sharing times when they had felt afraid of the police. Now the jade bangle recalls the traditions that help define me – traditions that remind me where I come from. While American critics of unconditional payments argue they could be abused, experts did not find the money boosts parents’ spending on drinking and smoking, according to a 2012 study. Along the way we’ll look at education, politics, race, and the tension between religious and gay rights. “We have an aging society, and a social system based on a state social security scheme. I’m from Brunei, but I’m not Bruneian. The Christian Science Monitor (CSM), commonly known as The Monitor, is a nonprofit news organization that publishes daily articles in electronic format as well as a weekly print edition. The U.S share of global anti-corruption enforcement actions is now 66%. Indeed, the late April riots in Jerusalem, which punctured a recent facade of relative calm in the city, may have been sparked by a fairly arbitrary Israeli decision to barricade a popular gathering place during Ramadan. Statewide, only 4% of teachers in Minnesota identify as teachers of color or American Indian, while 34% of the student population does, according to the Minnesota Department of Education. That means families receive the payments whether they’re barely surviving or, conversely, earning hundreds of thousands of euros a year (though it’s technically an advance payment against a tax credit for high earners). One root issue appears to be the cost of an ideological military force that sees itself as much more: The often hubristic self-image of the IRGC, created to “protect” the 1979 Islamic Revolution, has outstripped its capabilities. On May 1, President Nayib Bukele and his ruling party in the legislature removed all five justices of the constitutional chamber of the Supreme Court. A spiritual understanding of what we are leaves no room for conflict or division based on our uniqueness. “This isn’t all political discontent, but it leaves people more susceptible to inducements that foreign intelligence services can offer them.”. “It’s difficult for them to keep up. Another stressor is more purely political. Kindness – different than nice. Send your comments, suggestions or thoughts to … “It’s sad to talk about. Sometimes I forget it’s there: a solid, seamless piece of pale green stone, smooth and cold. “If you measure it against the four objectives that family policy has in Germany, unconditional child benefits are not as effective as, say, investments in public childcare,” says Helmut Rainer, an economist specializing in family affairs at the ifo Institute in Munich and the University of Munich. Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily. “That’s an overcorrection. The troubles and fears had been dispelled by the understanding that I could not – not even for a moment – be deprived of the gentle presence of divine Love nor of the luminous power of divine Life, God, ever-present good. Coordinators spent a decade mapping the best routes between fractured insect habitats, and with that information, they may now team up with residents, businesses, conservation groups, and local authorities to help bring back Britain’s wildflower meadows and make this network a reality. One is to adapt; the other is to resist.”, Israeli officials say there’s no legal basis for preventing Jews from buying property. Some other teachers are uncomfortable or don’t see the purpose. “This is wrong! Inspired, Mama squeezed a dollop of dish detergent onto my wet, plastic-covered hand. “Near the end of my enlistment, I learned that none of it mattered and my identity was lost,” he wrote in his essay. Tuesday, May 11, 2021 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily. It also provides a strong incentive for American companies to keep their hands clean overseas. “We see each other as avatars of a race or an identity or as something threatening to us, as opposed to another human being.”. “The IRGC at times loses sight of its main mission, due to its ever-expanding portfolios,” says Ali Alfoneh, an analyst at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. Minneapolis Public Schools started the school year with an all-staff, virtual professional development session about anti-racist education by Dr. Bettina Love, a professor at the University of Georgia and co-founder of the Abolitionist Teaching Network. “I’ve seen countries say, ‘We’re going to use an American company to build this road because we know that that contract was not obtained through illicit means,’” says Jose Fernandez, a Biden nominee to become an undersecretary of state. For many, it does not. One morning when I woke up, I felt strange pains, troubling sensations that made me lose my balance. For comparison, conventional plastic can take centuries to break down. He appeared prominently in my article, but his life-changing personal history went unused. This technology has been used many times on birds to replace amputated legs and broken beaks, and often these prosthetics are lifesaving. Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. The Christian Science Monitor (CSM), commonly known as The Monitor, is a nonprofit news organization that publishes daily articles in electronic format as well as a weekly print edition. But respect is a foundation for the stated goals in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution – a conscious effort to form a more perfect union, ensure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare. We want to hear from you. “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, if you have a pair of binoculars. In the past, ideals of respect were rooted in notions of “soulcraft,” or the cultivation of personal virtues that would inform the political policy of “statecraft,” many historians note. Why respect? And now our children are in the same situation.”. A bald eagle called Beauty received the first 3D-printed beak prosthetic in June 2008 after she was likely injured by poachers. 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