Merlin himself is a character that is by all accounts malicious in that he … Mark’s pathway leads him right into the mouth of the beast – into the inner circles of N.I.C.E.– whereas Jane’s journey brings her into contact with Ransom and his colleagues; both of them, through their radically distinct paths, are able to face the red dragon within themselves and come out on the side of good. is clearly the enemy here; with a purely amoral and almost Satanic worldview, they intend to amass ultimate power and take over the world with the ideals of scientific progress. That Hideous Strength is, in many ways, a story about marriage. This aspect of Revelation – the destruction of one order and the rebirth of another – is certainly present in That Hideous Strength. Like modern transhumanists , they believe that humanity can be perfected by migrating out of flesh and blood. The final book of the Bible tells of the “marriage of the Lamb” (19:7) to the New Jerusalem, who comes “down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (21:2). Somewhat like the early Gnostics, the main antagonists of That Hideous Strength despise the human body and all organic life as frail, corrupted, and unworthy of pure mind. It is the process of the battle that becomes less black and white; in the arena of individual human actions in the novel, it is not always obvious where a character will end up – on the good side or the bad. Character Analysis. In that attitude eternity overtook him as sunrise in old tales overtakes and turns them into unchangeable stone. "I say!" Enjoy the crazy cover designs as well as the side-by-side comparison of the prefaces. This theme is evident thoughout the entire novel. Studdock is subtly drawn into the Progressive Element at Bracton, unaware of its connection to the N.I.C.E., and then is taken to the N.I.C.E. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating Marriage in the modern world is largely misunderstood. A subject on which Lewis has composed an entire essay, the "Inner Ring" has a significant presence in the plot of That Hideous Strength. But that statement needs to be qualified somewhat. them. Even Orwell's genius "newspeak" finds its prepubescent cousin in… is too far gone, so he has it destroyed with fire and brimstone, demonstrating the process of sanctification by burning out all that is wrong with the world. That Hideous Strength, unlike the first 2 books in this series, where Ransom leaves earth and fights evil in space and on other planets, the battle in this book takes place on earth. In contrast to the dark and monochromatic N.I.C.E., St. Anne's seems to radiate with color, hope, and love. Not affiliated with Harvard College. That Hideous Strength is an essential primer for any Christian in seeking to understand what is going on in society today. Clearly, this organization is up to no good. The story takes place on earth, and therefore lacks some of the imaginative sparkle of the first two novels, with their meticulously described worlds - the plot is also rather belabored, with an evil fascist organization (the eerily titled N.I.C.E.) After the vote, Hingest tells Mark that the vote over Bragdon Wood was just a show. "Is this still Eaton Road, Arthur?" In their case, the fulfillment of their conversions and the renewal of their lives involves a rejuvenation of their marriage, which had been failing at the beginning of the story. Summary. Enjoy this free preview Unlock all 62 pages of this Study Guide by subscribing today. C. S. Lewis. The novel That Hideous Strength by C.S. In considering That Hideous Strength as an apocalyptic novel, the unmistakably delineated sides to this battle mirror the war between “the great red dragon, […] that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan” (12:9) and “[Christ,] the Lamb” (21:22) in Revelation. Anonymous "That Hideous Strength Themes". 3. Character Analysis. Hingest tells Mark that he is leaving because he no longer wants to be a part of N.I.C.E. It takes a little while longer for the "good" characters to fully define themselves to the reader, but when Jane goes to St. Anne's with the news of a disturbing … The Question and Answer section for That Hideous Strength is a great The N.I.C.E. Lewis takes an unusual stance for a science fiction writer on the matter of progress; he seems to be firmly against scientific and material progress when it involves breaking away from traditional morality and values. (note below). Why does Hingest tell Mark he is leaving N.I.C.E. ― C.S. It follows the main characters, Mr. and Mrs. Studdock, as they become supporters of … Chapters 7-9. Just after the world around them has crumbled into apocalyptic disarray, Jane and Mark experience a renewal of love that heralds the true end of the apocalypse: the dawn of a new day. "This rain is spoiling the whole plan," said Dimble from the back seat. Masking as a research organization, the Nazi-like N.I.C.E. The central executors of this plan are in contact with evil spiritual beings, essentially devils, who are animating the severed head of an executed criminal. Sanctification is not a comfortable process, and it requires suffering to create beauty and holiness. England is illustrative of an antiquated force inconsistent with Logres. Chapters 4-6. Chapters 13-15. The book takes places at an undetermined year "after the end of the war". C. S. Lewis. Their opposition is the party of St. Anne's, led by the distinguished and Christlike Dr. Elwin Ransom. In That Hideous Strength, Jane and Mark experience mental and physical devastations, but these devastations ultimately lead to a promise of hope for the future. Escape for the soul, if not for the body, was offered him. "I can't see a white gate," said Denniston. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. The events of this novel follow those of Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra (also titled Voyage to Venus) and once again featu without harm to himself. That Hideous Strength focuses on Mark Studdock, a young naïve and not very impressive member of the sociology faculty at Bracton College in Edgestow. That Hideous Strength C. S. Lewis. M. H. Abrams, “Apocalypse: Theme and Variations,” The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Literature, ed. Furthermore, staying in line with the Christian view of apocalypse, That Hideous Strength also ends with a promise for restoration and renewal. This blog offers original work on and about C. S. Lewis from scholars who have written far and wide about his stories, his theology, and his world. Download Save. Summary. Lewis Published in 1945. In his 1984 essay, “Apocalypse: Theme and Variations,” M. H. Abrams explains that, Revelation (or in the Greek derivative, Apocalypse) is the concluding book of the biblical canon which presents, in the mode of symbolic visions, a series of events, even now beginning, which will culminate in the abrupt end of the present, evil world-order and its replacement by a regenerate mankind in a new and perfected condition of life. The forces of light and darkness thus do battle, resulting in the victory of the former through the purging of the latter. yes, there's the toll-house," said Denniston, who was driving. With one supreme effort he flung himself back into his illusion. A significant element (Lewis rated it as "second in importance") is to illustrate the destructive folly of desiring to gain the power and prestige of belonging to a ruling clique or inner circle. Book Review: A Deeper Look at How the West was Lost by Melvin Tinker: In 2018 EP published the original That Hideous Strength: how the West was lost; the book originated as lecture notes author Melvin Tinker prepared for a conference in Jerusalem that year. This new expanded edition overcomes those limitations, without becoming unwieldy or too heavy. Setting. Merlin's main objective in Chapter Fourteen is to understand why he's been awakened, and how to solve the problem of the evil eldils and the N.I.C.E. (355-6). for trying to leave the organization, “there are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. The third and final book in C.S. A fictional place, the University of Edgestow, consisting of 4 separate campuses, in England. It gives me a chance to show some of the varieties of cover art for That Hideous Strength. Themes. "), a scientific and social planning agency, furtively pursues its program of the exploitation of nature and the annihilation of humanity. By incorporating a character from Arthurian legend into That Hideous Strength, Lewis is demonstrating how the good and fantastic elements of mythos can be reconciled with Christianity, arguing that simply because it's pagan does not mean it isn't worthwhile to study and enjoy. Although none of them border on realism, some of the imaginative scope of old SciFi art is dominant in these older book covers. Through the application of these principles to … "Look! A subject on which Lewis has composed an entire essay, the "Inner Ring" has a significant presence in... Progress vs Tradition. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. One of N.I.C.E.’s main executives, named Frost, demonstrates in his final moments that ultimate, apocalyptic battle within his soul. Once the destruction is over, those who have chosen the good can share in the wedding feast of the Lamb and the New Jerusalem. this section. headquarters at Belbury and invited to become a member of the organization. Enjoy this free preview Unlock all 62 pages of this Study Guide by subscribing today. In addressing the idea of individual characters discerning good and evil, it will be enlightening to refer to another of Abrams’ insights. You'll find we shall be perfectly warm sitting in … ‘That Hideous Strength’ is the conclusion of CS Lewis’s ‘Space Trilogy’. Indeed, That Hideous Strength, while unapologetically employing spiritual and Christian themes (the good guys are fighting for the true God whereas the bad guys are being governed by demons), still manages to give us a dynamic and nuanced picture of dystopia recognizable by anyone of free mind, believer or not. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. 2. Important Quotes. In order to enter into communion with the Lamb, and to escape the clutches of the red dragon, God’s people must undergo a change of heart; the evil within themselves must be destroyed in order to make way for the New Jerusalem of Christ living within their souls. Stop." In That Hideous Strength, the characters go through internal apocalypses that parallel the physical apocalyptic events happening around them. That Hideous Strength, published in 1945, centers around Jane and Mark Studdock, a young couple who find themselves major players in the battle between good and evil waged by Dr. Elwin Ransom, the protagonist of the first two novels of Lewis’s Space Trilogy, who heads the “good” side of the battle, against the evil National Institute of Co-ordinated Experiments (ironically known as N.I.C.E.). The common earthly struggle is always good vs. evil. WWII era. Lewis takes an unusual stance for a science fiction writer on the matter of progress; he seems to... Sanctification. Also in “Apocalypse: Theme and Variations,” he discusses a facet of apocalyptic literature he calls “the apocalypse within” and describes as a “spiritual, […] internalize[d] apocalypse” (353); he likens this internal apocalypse to conversion, saying that a “new heaven and a new earth” can come about “in the spirit of the individual convert” (353). Symbols & Motifs. This fear is embodied in the resurrected and disembodied head of Alcasan, which leads the N.I.C.E. Though characters and plot devices from the two previous books appear in That Hideous Strength, it’s written so that it can be read as a standalone book. Symbols & Motifs. These two are a pair of progressive English academics going about their lives when a mysterious corporation called N.I.C.E. That Hideous Strength. Your email address will not be published. Although the entire world’s end does not occur in the novel, its conclusion involves enough destruction, disarray, and violent death to suggest a parallel to the apocalypse: the town in which the story is set endures cataclysmic devastation, many of the “evil” characters lose the power of coherent speech, and several are killed and eaten by wild animals. C. A. Patrides and Joseph Wittreich (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1984) 342-68. Dr. Dimble portrays them both as being in Britain, however that the different sides have been battling for quite a while. Merlin's main objective in Chapter Fourteen is to understand why he's been awakened, and how to solve the problem of the evil eldils and the N.I.C.E. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The novel opens with Jane Studdock, wife of Mark, who has just had a strange dream about an old imprisoned man being decapitated, as well as the digging up of a long-sleeping but not-quite-dead man. That edition deliberately had no footnotes and was as compact as possible to appeal to a … That Hideous Strength. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Chapters 7-9. He half saw: he wholly hated. Lewis, quote from That Hideous Strength “And Dimble, who had been sitting with his face drawn, and rather white, between the white faces of the two women, and his eyes on the table, raised his head, and great syllables of words that sounded like castles came out of his mouth. The Question and Answer section for That Hideous Strength is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. In this novel, as he often does, Lewis takes a fundamentally human issue – the concerns, expectations, and images associated with the end of the world – and offers an enlightening perspective of the matter through the lens of fiction. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous. An internal apocalypse is, then, a personal battle between good and evil upon the ground of an individual soul, followed by a choice to embrace the good and overcome the evil. In chapter 12 Ransom makes a passing reference to Owen Barfield's "ancient unities" when discussing the feelings of the bear "Mr Bultitude". This is demonstrated in “That Hideous Strength,” as the main characters, Mark and Jane, are in a state of dissatisfaction and must simultaneously make a decision. Instead of focusing on the previous protagonist Ransom, we’re introduced to Mark and Jane Studdock. What's that? 1. Chapters 10-12. intended to have Bragdon Wood all along. Get started. Marisa White’s research interests lie mainly in the area of 20th Century British Christian literature, especially Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, George MacDonald, J.R.R. Themes in "That Hideous Strength" Timeline and Themes in Chapters 1-4 We will be concentrating on establishing a timeline for chapters 1-4 of Lewis' novel, then on themes that are revealed in this part of the narrative. There’s no escaping the apocalypse. Frost is given a chance to repent, to choose the good – but he refuses it. Chapters 1-3. As one of the “good” characters states, before he is killed by N.I.C.E. will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. Ransom, on the other hand, who appears in That Hideous Strength as a saintly character after his prior experiences in “deep space,” is equally clearly an instrument of goodness; he is in constant communication with the angelic beings, or “eldils,” who are faithful to Maleldil, Lewis’s representation of God in the story. The first word of the novel is “marriage,” spoken by Jane as she reflects on the miseries of her newlywed state of being. She notices the picture of the prisoner in the paper, and, rattled, … After long … Characters. Essay Topics. This story can, however, be read without first reading the other two books. This Study Guide consists of approximately 71 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of That Hideous Strength. The N.I.C.E. Good and evil, in Revelation and in That Hideous Strength, are not essentially ambiguous or intermingled; good and evil are real, existing entities between which every person has to make a choice. Lewis’ science fiction novel, That Hideous Strength , destruction of the natural world is a major theme. Required fields are marked *. Themes. This grim passage echoes the terror of the apocalypse, a terror that comes when an individual fails to repent. The designs of N.I.C.E. Print Word PDF. That Hideous Strength Themes Obedience For Mark Studdock , the desire to be accepted and brought in to the inner circle—any inner circle—is a drive that forces him into obedience to the N.I.C.E. In that set of essays, Lewis argues modern educational practice is shaping children (and therefore adults) to disbelieve in any kind of objectivity, locating value judgements merely in the subjective and relegating truth to a myth. That Hideous Strength (subtitled A Modern Fairy-Tale for Grown-Ups) is a 1945 novel by C. S. Lewis, the final book in Lewis's theological science fiction Space Trilogy. Get started. That Hideous Strength CHAPTER ELEVEN . Your email address will not be published. HarperOne also posts updates about new products and promotions. This week we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the publication of That Hideous Strength (THS). After their apocalyptic experiences, however, Jane and Mark meet again in the “marriage chamber” (377) that awaits them in a “place of sweet smells and bright fires, with food and wine and a rich bed” (380). Lewis's Space Trilogy. All Rights Reserved, The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Literature. Chapters 13-15. According to Lewis, and according to Revelation, loss of the soul’s life inexpressibly outweighs loss of the body’s, for when the soul is lost there will be no New Jerusalem to follow. conducts cruel experiments on animals (and, as it turns out, human beings), manipulates the press, brainwashes its members, and – ultimately – plans to wipe out human existence as it is currently known. The Institute is secretly inspired and directed by fallen eldila, whom they refer to as " macrobes", superior beings. Marriage is a union of two people, melding their old lives with their new one. Tradition is often slighted in favor of whatever takes the title of progress. BATTLE BEGUN "I CAN'T see a thing," said Jane. Revelation, too, is a story about marriage. He notices, idolizes, and then dismisses several of these rings when greater ones present themselves, such as Curry's ring, then Feverstone's ring, then that of the N.I.C.E. Chapters 10-12. He became able to know (and simultaneously refused the knowledge) that he had been wrong from the beginning, that souls and personal responsibility existed. On a lighter note, MacPhee, a resident of St Anne's Manor, expounds in Chapter 8 on the impossibility of men and women collaborating on housework, since "women speak a language wi… An editor Ransom must lead a group of faithful believers against National Institute for Coordinated Experiments or N.I.C.E., an organization that believes that Science can solve all of humanity's problems. have failed, many of his colleagues have met horrific deaths, destruction lies all around, and Frost: walked back into the Objective Room, poured out the petrol and threw a lighted match into the pile. What is Merlin's objective in Chapter 14? However, the choice was not always easy and sometimes frightening. 's plans. begins interfering with their lives. That Hideous Strength is, in many ways, a story about marriage. Author: C.S. I feel remiss in ending here, since there is so much more to be said about apocalyptic themes in this novel – Jane’s visions, Merlin’s “resurrection,” the references to the tower of Babel – and a more thorough analysis of the issues I have already brought up. The National Institute of Coordinated Experiments ("N.I.C.E. Chapters 1-3. By being destroyed, Edgestow becomes clean again. That Hideous Strength - Characters - N.I.C.E. By his own admission, Lewis intended That Hideous Strength to have a very similar message to his nonfiction work The Abolition of Man. C. S. Lewis titled That Hideous Strength after a line in a poem by Sir David Lyndsay called “Ane Dialog” (1555) in which Lyndsay was describing the biblical Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9): “The shadow of that hideous strength, Six miles and more it is of length.”. Jane is displayed as choosing the good side. The first section of Revelation contains a set of seven letters in which God, through the voice of John, calls out for his people to “repent” (1:5; 2:5). do not have aims that are good. The first word of the novel is “marriage,” spoken by Jane as she reflects on the miseries of her newlywed state of being. We add new entries regularly and we encourage your comments and feedback so we can develop a helpful, thoughtful and entertaining resource for you. Download Save. That Hideous Strength. This novel deals with the issue of science versus ethics, among others. Why does Hingest decide to get out of NICE? Essay Topics. Lewis' THS is read mostly by fans of dystopia or of Lewis' work, it is Lewis that preceded Orwell. Look! That Hideous Strength, set “vaguely ‘after the war’” (8)(note below), is a novel in which the characters must all face an apocalypse in their own lives. What is Merlin's objective in Chapter 14? The physical torture of the burning was not fiercer than his hatred of that. Themes. Tolkien, Evelyn Waugh, Dorothy L. Sayers, David Jones, Charles Williams, and Graham Greene. That Hideous Strength brings the story fully back to Earth to finally explore the depths of Earth’s corruption. said Jane suddenly. As I said, things become a lot less black and white when looking at these personal battles between good and evil. After long separation, and with their individual selves renewed, they are finally able to truly love one another. In That Hideous Strength, as in the Scripture, there is a real difference between right and wrong, between good and evil. On the level of individual characters, however, the division between good and evil becomes much less black and white. NICE is a progressive science … This book should be on every church bookstall, and every Christian’s bookshelf. Conversion is also crucial in the book of Revelation. without harm to himself. Mark, being an insecure sociologist, is obsessed with discovering and integrating himself into one of these inner rings, whether it be at Bracton College or higher up in the N.I.C.E. Lord and Lady Wimsey are able to live happily as a married couple because they communicate with one another (Talboys, 32). Like Lewis’s other work, the novel explores themes of morality, Christianity, faith, obedience, love, and the human condition. Their descriptions of the future they hope to achieve offend the conscience upon reading them. The first of Lewis’s works to come to mind when mentioning the apocalypse may be The Last Battle, in which Lewis depicts the end of the world as it happened in his well-known and well-beloved imaginary realm of Narnia; however, the final novel of Lewis’s Space Trilogy also incorporates fundamentally apocalyptic images and themes. Chapter Summaries & Analyses. . in its attempts to take over and transform the world. For all of us, there will be some “end of the world” experience: whether or not we live to see the cosmic end of all things, everyone must face the inevitable close of our earthly lives and our journeys into the beyond. When he finally has the opportunity to join the highest inner ring, that of the leadership of the N.I.C.E. Mark and Jane insist on maintaining entirely separate lives, which keeps their marriage from working (That Hideous Strength, 12). The main religious message here is that of sanctification; instead of merely forgiving the sins of all the evildoers (with the exception of Mark and Jane), as some Christian writers might do, Lewis makes a stronger statement. His internal apocalypse cannot be completed, for he rejects the final opportunity to embrace the good, and he is therefore doomed to eternal destruction with no new heaven or earth to come in the future. That Hideous Strength C. S. Lewis. Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. The Chief is the Pendragon of Logres, and the Pendragon is entrusted with reestablishing the great at whatever point Britain and Earth are compromised. That Hideous Strength. That Hideous Strength Themes The Inner Ring. However, there is still an ultimate choice between good and evil that remains clear. Then there’s never more than one” (70). N.I.C.E. Revelation tells of “a new heaven and a new earth” and a “New Jerusalem” (21:1-2) that will come about for the faithful after the apocalyptic storm has passed. Like many of Lewis's novels, the distinction between the organizations of good and evil is sharp and clear, even exaggerated to further his point. After their apocalyptic experiences, however, Jane and Mark meet again in the “marriage chamber” (377) that awaits them in a “place of sweet smells and bright fires, with food and wine and a rich bed” (380). It is a vague solidarity belonging to those inside this ring of status, excluding all outsiders. He alludes to the groups unthinkable plans and tells Mark that he no longer wishes to be a part of them. This novel echoes the fears Lewis expresses in The Abolition of Man; when scientific progress advances far enough, humanity will destroy itself by taking away the things that make it human. (343)(note below). Mark sees many of the red flags of the Institute, including the Institute’s desire to cull the population, control the press and reeducate humankind. “Don't you like a rather foggy a in a wood in autumn? That Hideous Strength differs from the previous two novels in many other respects as well, notably that the entire novel takes place on Earth. Apocalyptic Themes in "That Hideous Strength". GradeSaver, 4 July 2019 Web. N.I.C.E. Chapter Summaries & Analyses. That Hideous Strength, the third book of the Ransom trilogy, is one of Lewis’s best-loved stories—and also one of his most fiercely criticized.It is a big book, more than twice as long as the two earlier books of the trilogy combined. He... That Hideous Strength study guide contains a biography of C. S. Lewis, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. ("headed" by Alcasan), however, he discovers that it isn't desirable after all, and the inner ring is empty and vain. Important Quotes. Chapters 16-17. Not till then did his controllers allow him to suspect that death itself might not after all cure the illusion of being a soul – nay, might prove the entry into a world where that illusion raged infinite and unchecked. Notes Near the beginning, the reader gets a sense that the people within the N.I.C.E. Read the Study Guide for That Hideous Strength…. However, I hope you will pursue the topic more fully, if you so desire. That Hideous Strength and Environmental Destruction (Revision) Throughout C.S. While Huxley’s prophecies did in part come true, they seem rather one-sided … The biblical book of Revelation is about the destruction of the old world in order to make way for the new, perfected one. Chapters 4-6. Chapters 16-17. Jane and Mark Studdock, however, although each travels a very different pathway, both experience internal conversions that lead them to become “new” people by the novel’s end. . "I think . And do let me know if you have information on the provenance of the second preface. This inescapable human reality is an interesting one to consider when reflecting upon C. S. Lewis, both as a Christian and as an artist. The first edition was outstanding but limited because of its size. That Hideous Strength Themes. C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength (New York: Scribner, 1973). While George Orwell's 1984 is considered among the great 20th c. dystopian novels and C.S. The historical atmosphere during Lewis’s lifetime – the war-torn world around him – conjures up an image not unlike the events we imagine as constituting the “end times.”. Jul 7, 2020 by Jill. C. S. Lewis. Lewis carries on a plot that begins in the first book in this trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, and continues through the second novel Perelandra. In that Hideous Strength imaginative scope of old SciFi art is dominant in these older book.... Leads the N.I.C.E separation, and with their new one to repent and transform the world, of! She notices the picture of the old world in order to make your own the imaginative scope of SciFi.: Scribner, 1973 ) – is certainly present in that attitude eternity overtook him sunrise. Strength ’ is the conclusion of CS Lewis ’ s never more than one ” ( 70 ) `` this. Lot less black and white when looking at these personal battles between good and evil, it is real. Contributions and encourage you to make your own is the conclusion of Lewis. 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