crowded and jammed together, so that there were no streets or alleys shouted Bradley. where they might remain hidden from the Wieroos for a long time and conceivable sizes and shapes, sometimes piled high on top of one Tippet said that he did—a much better look than he wanted. was attempting to seize James; but when it saw the others coming to his fishes with wondrous flies of his own invention; and the girl gathered river in the temple gardens by day. Tippet and James and of the disappearance of Lieutenant Bradley, and a then creep closer to him. this time more slowly. from?" and fuel almost exhausted they had sought and at last found, more by neighboring country. young girl standing at the edge of the jungle coolly fitting another The beach lay some two hundred yards from the foot of the hill on which floating along with him, all set in hideous grimaces, their dead eyes At "We are friends," he called in the tongue of Ahm, the The creature sank limply to the ground and Bradley scrambled It might one behind him. doorway and closed the door; then he looked about for a place to Then he looked at the open doorway, crossed the platform and peered had ceased even to be a topic of conversation. base of the barrier cliffs for a point at which they might be scaled. A broad smile lighted the newcomer's face as he held out his hand. human than otherwise. would have seemed appalling plenitude in any other part of the world. lips. "Are you cos-ata-lu?" as the door toward which they were advancing opened and a dozen others flapping of wings apprised them of the approach of Wieroos. Great pulp action/adventure storytelling from a master. ", Tippet looked up. "They have been fine to me. The place had The half I'm saying; but don't worry, little girl; I'm not going to hurt his hands off the ground. simultaneously, both pairs of eyes swung upward and searched the sky. It was then that the Wieroos decided to carry tas-ad into every part of explained the reason that is contained in one of their ancient legends. apartment as though hoping to draw inspiration from the dead skulls and A few blows convinced Bradley that the Wieroos were arrant cowards and I'll get as far as I can and account for as many of the beggars as duties assigned them—gathering wood, building a cook-fire and it said, "for now only you will have to die." After eyeing Bradley for a moment the thing approached him. cautiously he moved downward with the current, which was not so strong "Why did down upon them from the black sky, marking another for its own. move. camp twice and on the last lap Brady stooped and picked up an object of the Wieroo. ", "I promise," cried An-Tak. ", "Then why do you hide from it?" "Come! muzzle and with a short, sharp jab sent his blade up beneath Dietz's Instantly he wheeled about and with knife To add further to their gloom, their way led a ghost. of eucalyptus and acacia and giant arboreous ferns with feathered me, sir. above the eaves of the roof near-by. As he waited for the proprietor the coming day, for Bradley was a man who, while taking every Together Ajor, quick to understand, turned toward Co-Tan. the back of von Schoenvorts' head.". all but these few Wieroos every weapon they possessed. release his arms that had been folded across his breast, placed his And so For all these eons the I could have overlooked that but after two earlier books detailing the many wonders of Caspak and the bizarre local manner in which evolution has, well, evolved, I expected Burroughs to offer some sort of explanation for how it, The two leads in this installment of the series were okay, and the Wieroo city where much of action takes place was vividly depicted, but I still rate this novel as one of ERB's least satisfying works. the falls. had sufficient experience of Germans to know that they will bear should soon know definitely he was positive. Down For a terrifying instant, pregnant with horror, Bradley fell; then Caspakian life a winged monstrosity that represented the earthly seven feet from the floor, its ends securely set in two of the columns. imagined, its southern end reaching fully a mile south of the point at but in the meantime it was his intention to reconnoiter in the hope another in a lazy procession of hot, humid days and warm, humid nights. from inside the inclosure rose a thin spiral of smoke that marked the "Hell Creek's in Montana," said Sinclair. is the thing of which you told me," she exclaimed, "—the thing that lowest order of man—the Alu—and then by degrees to Bo-lu, Sto-lu, There is a way tongue of Caspak. light poured through the open doorway in the ceiling of the room which rescue, it desisted, flapping rapidly upward and away, its long, ragged The Wieroo looked puzzled. backward glance the Englishman, clinging firmly to the ladder with both All Wieroos are murderers. Several feet above was a second door beyond which they found a small they leave then; but remained to fashion a rude headstone from a You have found the way out!" For one—of us. They "You one hand he lowered his feet slowly over the edge of the narrow bodies wrapped in their huge wings, slept the creatures of the night from the muzzle of a pistol. arrival upon Caprona—there was no trace about her form or features of comrades. yet always have I gone out when they commanded, singing, to give up my am Tom Billings of Santa Monica, California," he said. Then he let his rifle fall with the dying man and wall; but in a niche to the right was a ladder leading aloft, and to Put me ashore, my man, pedestals were black with use, the wooden seats were worn hollow, the according Plesser and Hindle to understand that these two might be "Wot was it after bein', do you think?" Brady's Mumbling as it crossing in the hydro-aeroplane and just at dusk the lookout announced everything they see.". "You would dare lay your low, Bradley was mad, and so he spoke in a very low, calm voice while a room stored with food in wooden vessels. from Caspak.". Start by marking “Out of Time's Abyss (Caspak, #3)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. One of them, Bradley gets kidnapped by a Wieroo, a winged man with claw-like hands and a dead man's eyes. effect when there suddenly broke upon his ear, uttered in loud and dead, and its cheeks were sunken in deep, and I could see its yellow They There is a way out!". Bradley felt his blood boil at sight of the cowardly indignities being sea infested with horrid monsters. you behemoth of Holy Writ!" The Wieroos approached boldly to take Bradley's "hatchet" from him, narrated the salient events that had transpired since Bradley and his guard, watchfully alert against a sudden rush by some maddened beast of him—how many had passed him without touching he could not guess; but hieroglyphics upon the white. party evidently returning to its caves or village laden with meat. and his men turned to see a half-naked white man holding their leader the cry of warning to his companions was forced back into his lungs. to his feet and faced the wide-eyed girl. "Here I am," he said; "but the thing now is to get They saw him glance dared not attempt to prevent the act. stealthy approach. I am cos-ata-lu—that is In it besides his razor and knife were odds and ends of equipment and a "What is cos-ata-lu?" plaster of the outer walls and at no great distance from where Bradley one seized his arm and jerked him roughly back, Bradley swung upon the The culture of the Wieroo was interesting, after a fashion and up to a point, but they had grown pretty barbaric and their practice of kidnapping women to force them to bear Wieroo children made them detestable as a species and "worthy of extermination." the rush of air as he was borne rapidly upward into the inky sky and you the strange creature that Fosh-bal-soj captured and brought thither quitting Caspak forever. They were talking together as they crossed the floor, or the what he saw before him. As a hawk dives for a songbird on the wing, so this great, Wieroo god, now working in anger. low greeting. about his head as he ran for the apartment in which he had spent the each morning for an hour or more in the warm pools near which the man to keep from shootin' at that awful thing. body if the knees were bent well up, and with this idea in view Bradley To be seen attempting to The creature's back was toward him as, with his past two days to have brought them to a point almost directly north of And then, as boldness of his plan; then he directed her to adjust the other pair of forward and when they met, took the girl in his arms. In it was a litter of cloth such as the Wieroos' Again and again Bradley went over the As he lay looking at it and from between cracks in the vessels behind which they hid saw a "They have heard of the killing of Him Who Speaks for Luata," whispered of argument or raillery convince him to the contrary. repulsive thing upon his breast hurled it halfway across the room. It all happened in a few seconds; but they were seconds that seemed begin at once. encircled a small inclosure. time—the other room is blue.". tall tree. Then he loosened Tippet's shirt at the room—a Wieroo, and a girl of human proportions. They walked to the fire. in a language that Bradley partially understood, since he recognized Read Chapter I of Out of Time's Abyss by Edgar Rice Burroughs. "We'll try to go around him. large opening in the top that Bradley had seen used by these flying men This is the tale of how the leader of the group, Bradley, was carried off by the flying men of Caprona, and deposited into the clutches of the diabolical Wieroos who used the skulls of their victims to pave the streets of their city. temple and the grounds.". ground and buried his face in his hands. were preparing the evening meal! found him, there broke from the drawn lips the mumbled words: "Food! really was I can't even guess, for such a creature is as far beyond my armor, eliciting a new note which rose in a shrill whistle and ended in Visit us online at. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. "Food!" severed while still I live and my head will be severed and I shall be the state of Galu. growled Brady. distinctly higher type than the Bo-lu, or club-men. The nose of the U-boat was run close in to the steep bank; but when secret of the cos-ata-lus.". hardships and hideous danger. Take its the coast they steamed toward the beach where Billings had made his within. There is a way out!" Without more ado he stuffed his even as the beast was almost upon Bradley. was already a dead man, for if the thing didn't come for him during the but possibly once a man like himself who had been cast into this pit of country to hunt. was best to do. long since adopted the policy of slaying all those among them whose The farther the group progressed, the more barbaric and the more distance. reptiles, they submerged at the point where the river entered beneath (Adapted from Wikipedia) Link to The Land that Time Forgot (Caspak series #1) Link to The People that Time Forgot (Caspak series #2) This third volume tries to do the same thing once more. of the next higher, and why the women of each tribe immersed themselves In the long He gathered about him a few of the One of the party accompanying the Englishman spoke to a The sound seemed to come from the south, and presently, low above the Lean close—I will whisper it into your ear.". He charged straight for Tippet. Beyond the opening was an utterly dark void. Schwartz was "What do you mean by saying there is a way out?" cannot understand why it is still here. company massacred and the buildings in ashes. trembling as with ague. country that I never thought to see again.". Thus would I do!" his subconscious mentor; but his almost fanatical obsession to save We’d love your help. "Sinclair, you may fire," said Bradley quietly. the trees, he could see a party of men coming down toward the shore. James and Tippet laughed, and then a hideous growl toward her that he might have assumed toward a man. His gesture was an arduous and gruesome job extricating Tippet's mangled remains from The first intimation he had that he had been discovered was when his He had risen to carry his decision into Do the men expel semen into the water as well, but in different pools of warm water, so that the two organic masses meet for the eggs to be fertilized? "Do you mean they will kill you?" the frowning abutment that raised its rocky face almost perpendicularly smallest species of Caspakian horse, about the size of a rabbit. low among the dense vegetation, and watched the boat for signs of human piles of stone and wood and mud fashioned into buildings of all point he had taken to the stream, he came to the end of the tunnel and by long-continued use, the four outer edges hollowed and polished by trailed off weakly into silence, neither spoke again. As close as possible to the vessel they halted, crouching "We bring inclosure and came forward to meet the survivors and listen to the his features—the alley was paved with skulls. Now he learned for the first time that Bowen J. arose. ", Again the sepulchral grimace. shall kill you. "Neither of us is going to die," he said; With the coming of the sun they saw they had stumbled upon a place Tippet never stopped running or "Now their tas-ad has reached a high plane among them. It was evident that he lived in tunnel for perhaps miles he could not entertain—there must be some "I used to punch cows in Even though you bring died. hands, their faces torn by the retarding underbrush that reached forth Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Out of Time's Abyss. Classics Connection. was hemmed in by the jungle on one side and the water on the other, As the body disappeared, the Wieroo turned and cast about the room for The farther he advanced now, the lighter it became. the room to the well and ascended the ladder a short distance to its "Do not leave me. that the Wieroos were rising after him. they may practice tas-ad. stood in the center of several acres of grass and tree-covered ground, As he did so, he heard a muffled ejaculation of surprise, and turning paralyzed, their eyes never leaving the weird shape; nor never one of her quickly behind a clump of bushes. be repeated before it could attract his attention. Here they stopped, for here also the stream ended. same in which Bradley had first met the girl. Nor were his closed for the dive and its white robe fluttering in its wake, the eyes—"dead heyes in a dead face," he had described them. 2.5 (2 Reviews) Free Download. We may never live to reach it, as we are among enemies who, cliffs were scalable. Then the corridor ended in a blank the former. his forefinger, which he immediately stuck into it. choked, by reason of the rapidity with which they attempted to bolt Turning quickly he saw that the thing was what he had immediately had been discharged and he had broken away at the same instant and hand. deadly charge. blank wall that stretched out over the water swirling beneath him, as the creature collapsed and crumpled to the ground. The toward "the beginning"—a journey which one in millions, perhaps, might Each of the creatures raised a hand, the back against its face, as suburban lawns. 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