Prisoners were forced to drink their own urine and he orderd babies to have their limbs riped right off their bodies. This paradox is the moving force in human history.. H ave you ever wondered who the evilest people to ever walk this earth are? The 13 most dangerous men in the world right now By Marc Chacksfield. Many people were whipped, had to endure terrifying physical punishments and had to give up the valubles that they owned. Elizabeth Bathory was a countess who lived in the Carpathian Mountains. He was the powerful ruler of the Mongolia Empire from 1206 - 1227. In 1945, he died by self inflicted deadly poisoning and gunshot. One day after his marrage, he murderd his wife. He showed the executions of people on TV. Christian: The cop that killed the teenager—Trayvon. He dismemberd his wife and had her limbs sewn upside down. Uncle Sam. Vlad was a prince of Wallaphia for a total of 3 times, in the years 1448,1456-1462,and 1476. When he conquered a village he would cut off the heads of the poor and tortutre the rich to find out where their money and valuables were. He was the powerful ruler of the Mongolia Empire from 1206 - 1227. he took over most of Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. Top 10 Most Evil Humans. As one of the most deranged and sadistic humans to ever live, Vlad Dracula has been named as the most evil person history has ever seen. Top 10 Most Evil Humans. He died of old age in 1478. He forced thousands of people to move from their lands and they ended up homeless. Have you ever asked yourself why there is evil in the world? Some children were starved to death and people often had no clothes when being tortured. Top 10 Most Evil People In History :-10: Maximilien Robespierre:- Millions of people starved to death, were executed and commited suicide. They rule with an iron fist and an unrelenting thirst for power and recognition. He ruled about 20 million Congolese. He created a 30 year long reign of violence, terror, destrucion and murdering. Yeah the top, top corporate person who dictates how everything should be, besides the president, because Obama’s actually changing stuff around, so I guess the congressmen. search results for this author. Rather than totally freak you out and just tell you the worst criminals around, I’m going to tell you about the fifteen of the most dangerous people that are, thankfully, locked away in maximum security prison right now. One of the most terrifying killers in the world history is Ted Bundy, whose charismatic personality made him even more dangerous. - Don't let Elmo's day job fool you... question and answer in the Random club That’s relative. Ah ha! Not money itself, but the want of money and what you can do with it. He was the powerful ruler of mongolia from 1206 - 1227. He was the powerful ruler of mongolia from 1206 - 1227. Hitler alone was responsible for about 11 million deaths. Instead he turned the Congo Free State into a country ruled by forced labor. Millions of people in China, reportedly, had their human rights annulled during the Cultural Revolution. We’re still cleaning up his mess. He killed people by having them riped to shreads in crocodile infested rivers. The government is not a person. Leopold killed around 10 million Congolese (50% of the population). He’s dead by the end of Episode 2 of Season 1, so they don’t really get a good look into his psyche or who he is as a person, which is why it’s so hard to categorize him as good or evil. There are gaps of time between the killings, which may range from a few days to months, or many years. Unfortunately, these characters for the most part not only did evil, but possessed the gift of convincing in their ideology many other people who became followers of their “black” deeds. There’s a lot of evil in the world, and a lot of people who could be blamed for it. You can go to other places and shop, or you can come here and shop.” And that’s what a lot of them do—things aren’t really competitive, it’s more of a monopoly. His last name, Dracula, means” little devil”. He enforced alot of harsh rules about clothing and affection. So off he set, looking for an evil pet. People who spoke or looked Veitnamese were also killed, even if they weren’t Vietnamese. More. Mao's brutal men had horrible methods of torture like whipping, burning people with flame of a kerosene lamp, nailing a person's palms to a table, and then forcing bamboo under their nails. I can’t pick one person so I thought why don’t I ask Reddit. “This effort is geared towards ensuring that there is equality, fairness, transparency, openness and level playground for all in the process of selection and to ensure that the best and the most qualified person that will drive the established vision of the school’s founding fathers emerges at the end of the process. Below are the six most evil places around the world that should be … He was dictator of North Korea from 1948 to 1972. Rhee Syng-man Don’t be fooled by his kindly appearance. Mao Zedong was the dictator of China from 1943-1976. When a 12-year-old girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of … People were also beaten if they said something that angerd Mao or his men. Stefan: Evil? I wasn’t gonna say Bin Laden, I wasn’t gonna say the other guy that got beheaded. He would cut off people's noses, ears, hands, feet, limbs and sexual organs. He died in 1976 from a nervous breakdown. Well, Bloomberg. So it’s the people setting prices for things? Idi Amin was the dictator of Uganda from 1971-1979. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side. More than 90% of Polands Jews were killed. He was literally one of the two most powerful men in his country and was responsible for a multitude of murders within the Mexican borders and beyond. His real name was Temujin. This is an important factor to keep in mind when thinking about the 10 most evil businessmen from modern history. If a child did not meet the Nazi standard, the child would be killed. Were you going to say Kim Jong-il? People were worked until they dropped dead. 25 Elizabeth Bathory. In 21 short years. In 21 short years. In the Novgorod massacre, 60,000 people were slaughterd. For fun and amusement he kept pictures of people getting tortured with sledgehammers. Under his rule, China experienced a series of economic disasters and political terrorism. 10 Most Evil Women in History 1. Yeah! Rick Rosner is alleged to have an IQ of 192. People were killed if they didn't make enough rubber because rubber was a big resource. He killed three-fourths of the population of the Iranian Plateau which was 10 to 15 million. The most evil person would be someone who knew the difference between right and wrong, chose to do wrong intending to do great harm, on a mass … He caused millions of children's lives to come to a end. After all, what one person thinks is evil may not be considered truly evil by another person. Jews would be killed even if he had almost no evidence that they commited a crime. People may be (half) joking about the nuclear threat of a Donald Trump presidency but for now, from kidnappings to suicide bombs, our planet is becoming a more volatile … Millions of people including elderly, pregnant women and chldren would stand in the water up to their necks in the cold and rainy season and some of them drowned. Often referred to as ‘Countess Dracula’, Elizabeth Bathory was one of the inspirational figures that lead to the creation of Dracula himself. Often, they use bigotry, homophobia, sexism, racism, and fascism in general to keep good people apart, and to breed more evil people in the world. He threw a fake party and burned all the poor and sick people. 10 most evil people in the world. The demonologist also advices to avoid certain dark and sinister locations while the Veil is at its thinnest, as paranormal activity could be at its highest, especially when it comes to dark and malevolent entities. “People are not good or bad, they are just strong or weak.” - Shiva Trilogy Some people succumb to their circumstances while others stand tall. It is difficult to distinguish an evil act from an evil person. He tortured and killed 300,000-500,000 people. The concepts of good and evil are only subjective sensations, the result of comparative judgments and the free choice of each person. Shiro Ishii Maximilien Robespeirre- He was the leader of the French Revolution. This is why evil people have a tell: they mislead you into thinking one way or another about them, about the people … Let's start with evil. Religious leaders were  killed if they asked Ivan to stop killing innocent people. His first plan was to turn the Soviet Union into a industrial Superpower country. What’s he done that you don’t like? 1. He would impale children and babies through their Mother's bellies. He thought that Jews were behind all problems in Germany and that they didn’t classify as human beings. He tested ways to kill people on those that were ill or hurt in hospitals. He did this just to get more money. He was tesponsible for about 15 bombings. Let's start with evil. Some of his men killed people by having them bleed to death and made them suffer for a long time. There are people that history recorded from time to time as the most wicked set of men and women to have ever graced planet earth. The Most Evil Person In The World? Knowing the chemistry of morality gives us keen insights into why most of us are good most of the time, and why some people like Hans Reiser are evil. Ilse Koch. In total, Mao killed 70 million people. Christian: The cop that killed the teenager—Trayvon. he took over most of Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. In 21 short years he took over most of Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. It is said that,”His army was so vicious that it is said that if they had no water they would cut a horses veins and drink its blood”. He favored many types of torture like sufficating people to death and roasting people's feet. He died while he was playing a game of chess with one of his friends in 1584. Why? : BitLife Life Simulator. 2,000-10,000 Jews were burned on the stakes and more than 9,000 were punished by other horrible methods. Born on 24 October 1955 and continues to serve life long sentence in the prison, Katherine Mary... 3. Does money make you evil? His most common and favorite way to kill people was by impalement. Millions of Cambodians were displaced,tortured, and killed. People with exceptional talent are called geniuses. 25 Most Evil People in History of the World (Pics Included) Jide Adeyoye Franklin. He was cruel and violent. Staltin drove his wife so insane because of the way he treated her that she commited suicide. THE MOST EVIL PERSON IN THE WORLD! When he was young, a group of nomaddic turkish people killed his dad.He created one of the first international postal services. He had a plan to turn China into an extremely powerful country. You would work until you dropped dead. If children took food and they were caught, they would have their fingers sliced right off. Genghis and his army killed 20 to 60 million people (or 10% to 30% of the known world’s population). He was the powerful ruler of the Mongolia Empire from 1206 - 1227. “Evil” is an example of a word that has a more ambiguous definition. Before he became evil, he wanted the people of France to have freedom and rights. In only a short period of time he killed 700,000 people. Mean. He died because of natural causes in 1227. The American government? Elizabeth Bathory. Bloomberg’s your final answer? unfortunately for society there was too many for all to fit on the list, thus here’s the worst of the worst. He loved seeing people's blood and people suffering. One of his most “ unique” ways of killing people was liquid metal into peoples eyes. I guess, but I would say it goes a little higher than the people who set the prices. He was cruel and violent. He roasted children and forced their parents to eat them. Uncle Sam is the evilest person in the world right now. Ron Johnson said Joe Biden is facilitating the business model of “some of the most evil people in the world.” Here is part of Johnson’s interview this morning. It’s not about putting the customer first or thinking about how the economy has an effect on the consumer, it’s more like saying, “Hey, I’m gonna set this price, and if you don’t like it, so be it. Rather than totally freak you out and just tell you the worst criminals around, I’m going to tell you about the fifteen of the most dangerous people that are, thankfully, locked away in maximum security prison right now. History is full with tales of wicked people who’ve committed unspeakable crimes, even children. One of his most “ unique” ways of killing people was pouring liquid metal into people's eyes. He ruled the Congo Free State, which was a private project from 1885-1908. You may be a religious person who treats others the way you want to be treated, but that won’t stop evil scientists and M.D.s from selling you dangerous chemical-based drugs that slowly poison you and your innocent children until death does you part. shrouded- To wrap or dress a body for burial, Death Marches- A forced March of prisoner's of war or other captives or deportees, Genocide- The delibrate killing of a large group of people, Heretic- Someone who doesn't belive what everybody else belives, Kerosene- A light fuel oil obtained by distiling petroleum, Maimed- To deprive the use of some part of the body by wounding, Mustard gas- A colorless oily liquid whose vapor is a powerful irritant and vesicant, Terrorism- The use of violence and intinidation in the pursuit of political aims. If children took food and they were caught, they would have their fingers sliced right off. Many of Jews had to suffer by watching their friends and family die. One of his most “ unique” ways of killing people was pouring liquid metal into people's eyes. When you hear this name, a vampire comes to mind. He used fear to scare everyone who disagreed with him.The famines killed around 30-45 million people. Genghis Khan was the merciless and ruthless Mongloian ruler of the 1200’s. The most evil and most hated man in the universe," If the people who make the Sunday Funnies believe this, imagine what other world leaders think. The 10 most evil women in history of the world. He's gotta fix things, and we need money. Perfect! People were often killed by mustard gas bombs. More than 500,000 died from various diseases and a few million died from starvation. Prisoners that were sent to war and came back alive would go back to prison, even if they won the war. Connor: I don’t know their names, but probably CEOs of top companies that are oppressing Main Street… I would think that they’d be evil. They literally are evil AF. He’s the most hated person right now. If it’s not a good vs. evil dialectic, then who’s fucking shit up the most? Uncle Sam. Bloomberg’s just evil. Pol Pot took pictures of the people he executed and recorded it in detail. The sort of people that just hearing about them gives you the creeps and makes you worry for your own safety, even if they are on the other side of the world. When his power went to his head, he became crazy, cruel, ruthless and destructive. After all, what one person thinks is evil may not be considered truly evil by another person. He kept the skulls of dead people. Vlad also loved to impale animals. Many people lost thier right to eat, so they starved to death. According to Hegel, any progress of human society will be impossible without the constant unity and struggle of these opposites. 10 most evil people in the world. Below are the six most evil places around the world that should be avoided at all cost this Halloween. 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