Today Makuu and the other crocodiles were swimming in the watering hole. As Makuu slithers away, the Lion Guard vows to put a stop to his schemes, and Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to break the dam and allow the river to flow as usual. Ono spots the attack, and Kion leads his team into battle. When Janja says that he has a way to defeat Scar Simba doesn't believe him. He manages to jump up and bite Mwenzi's branch in half, leaving him with little room to maneuver, but before he can try again, Kifaru arrives and charges at him. Kion then devises a plan to find out. However, the event soon gets out of hand, for the animals trip over the galagos and end up in a heap. Makuu is a young, slender, and well-built Nile crocodile with yellow eyes, green scales, and pale underbelly. Makuu's float are then approached by Kiburi's Float, and they engage in combat. Kion, Nala, and Ono hasten to the scene of the crime, where Kion and Nala command Makuu to share the Flood Plains with the other Pride Landers. Television programs In "Pride Landers Unite!" The Rise of Makuu Add a photo to this gallery. Makuu and Zazu used to be enemies. Despite the Lion Guard's presence, Bupu attacks Makuu, who attempts to defend himself until Kion chastises him again, claiming that he will not let anyone ruin the Savannah Summit, "especially" not Makuu. Makuu lifts himself out of the water in annoyance before growling at Kion, who is following suit. Despite her confusion at Makuu's claim, Fuli threatens the crocodiles that they do not need Kion's Roar to defend the Pride Lands. When Kion and Nala arrive, they demand Makuu to stop, but he does not care and two of his crocodiles drag Nala into the water. But before Makuu can announce his arrival, he is pounced upon by Kion, refusing to let him ruin the summit. Later, the Lion Guard tries to warn Makuu that Kiburi and his float is lurking in the Pride Lands, but Makuu insists that his float can care for itself. Makuu is a boastful crocodile who loves to bask in the attention of others. When he accepts, Makuu announces him as an honorary crocodile, leaving Hodari to swell up with pride as his new float members chant his name in unison. When Bupu attends the Savannah Summit along with several other leaders and gets a surprised and shock when Makuu gets invited too. ": ― Makuu to Pua Makuuis an adult malecrocodilethat resides in thePride Lands. Makuu appears briefly during "Jackal Style" and again at the Kupatana celebration. A horrified Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga exclaim that they had never intended for Makuu to get hurt. Makuu challenges Pua to a brawl and wins, becoming a new leader of the crocodiles. However, he can be appreciative of a rescue and to those who are as sneaky as his species. Kion then gets the idea to call Makuu for help. When Simba asks if this is the new crocodile way, Makuu says, perhaps it is. However Kifaru helps save his Watering Hole and they become good friends. In "Let Sleeping Crocs Lie." But before he has a chance to try a second time, Kifaru arrives to save his friend. Makuu Home They approach the rhino, but are distracted by the Lion Guard's arrival. He join the summit hoping to change the bad blood between him and the other Pride Animals and is willing to cooperate with others, but he does have a bit of a temper. Makku and his float are briefly seen being assisted by the Lion Guard to settle into their hibernation during the dry season. He is the leader of the crocodile float in the Pride Lands, taking over Pua's old role following his victory against him in a mashindano. Makuu and Mbeya are good friends. An enraged Makuu accuses the other Pride Landers of not trusting him and wonders why he should trust them when they are not willing to give him a chance. Makuu fights with Bupu, the antelope leader. After Mwenzi the tickbird falls out with his best friend, Kifaru the rhinoceros, he perches near a lake. However, Beshte and Basi create a new Hippo Lane behind them. After his speech, Bupu finally allows the crocs to sleep next to his watering hole. Makuu is a recurring character in The Lion Guard. He then growls at Kion, who had been about to follow Bunga. They served as antagonists in season 1 and a reformed float in season 2. Bunga hops on Makuu's head, which annoys him and causes him to emerge from underwater. When Ono gives the signal, Kion roars into the trees, clearing them all of their branches. Just then, Ono spots a herd of cape buffalo stampeding toward the crocodiles, and Kion yells for the float to take cover. Voice Makuu is adamant that they won't get away so easily and he orders his float members to follow them. Makuu protests that he had been invited, and Simba confirms to Kion that he had invited Makuu to Pride Rock himself. • "Oregon Astray" • "New Guinea Pig" • "Isle of Manhood" • "Puttin' on the Brits" • "Klondike Con" • "Isle Find Out" • "Beetle Romania" • "Rumble in the Jungle" • "Wide Awake in Wonderland" • "Zazu's Off-by-One Day" • "Animal Barn" • "Roach Hotel" • "Africa-Dabra!" Once there, the Guard is impressed that the event is going well and that even Makuu is behaving himself. His eyes are black. He commands them to dive but despite diving, the crocodiles are trampled by their hooves. Makuu's float comes to help the rest of the herds fight Scar's Army. Parade: Disney's Magical Moments Parade • Disney's Party Express • Disney Cinema Parade • Disney Magic on Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Flights of Fantasy Parade • Jubilation! Makuu must keep his vow to a dying Sacred Ibis: he promised to not eat the egg, hatch it and teach the chick how to fly. In "The Little Guy", it's shown despite Makuu's change of heart, he is very rude and condescending towards smaller animals, especially those who attempt to join his float. They chase after the hippos which leads the float to Bupu's Herd as they stampede down the lane. One moment he was threatening to exile him and his people, and now he was talking about Pua like nothing was wrong. Mtoto the young elephant informs the Lion Guard that several important Pride Landers are heading toward Pride Rock. The Lion King 1½: Digga Tunnah • That's All I Need • Sunrise, Sunset • Grazing in the Grass Makuu sees Kifaru's prone position as an opportunity for larger prey and rallies his float to take down the rhino. He reacts with awe when Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to lift Pride Rock. Kiburi pins Makuu down and Kion tries to save him, but is stopped by Tamka. Hodari senses the danger and tells Beshte to carry him closer to the fight, as he has an idea. As Makuu explains what he was trying to do, Bupu attempts to strike him again, and Makuu retaliates again. When they leave, Kiburi and his float watch them nearby, ready to pounce. He is a former member of Makuu's float, he later serves as Makuu's arch-nemesis and the leader of the crocodiles living in The Outlands, that served under Scar, before reforming after Scar's defeat. Makuu and his float are seen sparring with one another around their watering hole when Ono spots the commotion thinking they're fighting and the guard ultimately intervenes. Ringed around his eyes are darker shades of scales. Happy • Leslie Lambeau • Mr. Buttons • Sharla • Herman • Lara • Mel • Claudius • Bahuka • Tutan Pharaoh • Genie • Madame Credenza • Duke Meerkat • Tatiana • Mother Eagle • Baby Earl • King Leopold • Princess Claudia • Sigmund and Lloyd • Heinrich and Schnitzel • Mad Dog McGraw, Billy the Goat, and Three-fingered Jackelope • Dr. Exceter • Sal Manders • Jungle Inspector • Bigfoot • Pimon and Tumbaa Kion agrees with Makuu and Simba listens to what Janja has to say. However, Kifaru misjudges Makuu's location and rams into a tree stump, trapping his horn in bark. ... "You better talk to king Simba he rules the pride lands I'm sure he will welcome you and your fellow crocs." Season Two: "Babysitter Bunga" • "The Savannah Summit" • "The Traveling Baboon Show" • "Ono and the Egg" • "The Rise of Scar" • "Let Sleeping Crocs Lie" • "Swept Away" • "Rafiki's New Neighbors" • "Rescue in the Outlands" • "The Ukumbusho Tradition" • "The Bite of Kenge" • "Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas" • "The Morning Report" • "The Golden Zebra" • "The Little Guy" • "Divide and Conquer" • "The Scorpion's Sting" • "The Wisdom of Kongwe" • "The Kilio Valley Fire" • "Undercover Kinyonga" • "Cave of Secrets" • "The Zebra Mastermind" • "The Hyena Resistance" • "The Underground Adventure" • "Beshte and the Beast" • "Pride Landers Unite!" Season One: "Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots" • "The Rise of Makuu" • ""Bunga the Wise" • "Can't Wait to be Queen" • "Eye of the Beholder" • "The Kupatana Celebration" • "Fuli's New Family" • "The Search for Utamu" • "Follow That Hippo!" Makuu tells Simba that he trusted him when no one else in the Pride Lands would. When a landslide blocks up a waterfall, the river overflows its bank, and Makuu and his float are given free reign of the Pride Lands. He is a crocodile who acts like a villain and learning about the Circle of Life in Season 1 and a reformed character in Season 2. Makuu and one of his float members locate Young Rhino, who is trapped among the reeds of the Flood Plains. He's appears in some non-speaking moments in Lion Guard Return Of The Roar movie. Timon & Pumbaa: The Native Chief • The Three Natives • Mother Gorilla • Fronk Fegnugen • Monty • Baampu • Nobi • Fred • Panther • Quint • The Woodpecker • Bruce • Stinky • Ralph and Eddie • Teds • Savage Lion • Bartholomew • The Tarsier • Toucan Dan • Vulture Police • Ned • Rabbit • Uncle Boaris • Uncle Ernie • Boss Beaver • Boy Beaver • Lester the Whale • The Tigress • Jackal • The Cobra • Speedy the Snail • Smolder the Bear • Little Jimmy • Irwin • El Toro • Count Down • Mr. They are led byMakuuand formerly led byPua. He is the leader of his float. Makuu is a minor character in the 2015 Disney Channel TV film The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar, and the former secondary antagonist-turned-supporting character in its 2016 Disney Junior follow-up series The Lion Guard.He is the villainous leader of the crocodiles in the Pride Lands. Affiliations Simba then finds a new waterhole for the crocodiles to stay in, with enough fish to last them for the dry season. They go off to find the Tree of Life Makuu says goodbye to them and Bunga gives him a high five. They explain that a calf had … Although initially Makuu acted with hostility toward the pair, his attempts to eat the young animals were thwarted by Zazu, who informed Pua that Kion was the son of Simba. While Bunga, Fuli, and Ono set out to clear the grove of animals, Beshte and Kion confront Makuu. Halloween: Happy Hallowishes • Villains Grove, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: Kiara • Kovu • Zira • Vitani • Nuka • Outsiders • Crocodiles Once there, Fuli orders Makuu to leave, but he simply laughs at them for having a leader who refuses to use the Roar of the Elders. • "Beware the Zimwi" • "Lions of the Outlands" • "Never Roar Again" • "The Lost Gorillas" • "The Trail to Udugu" • "Ono's Idol" • "Beshte and the Hippo Lanes" • "Ono the Tickbird" Despite his injury, Makuu spars with Kiburi, a former member of his float. On their way over, Kion slams Tamka into Beshte's path, causing him to stumble. The Lion Guard starts to continue on their patrol, but Hodari halts Beshte. Beshte and the Hippo Lanes Add a photo to this gallery. Simba assures Bupu that they will try again, but he too refuses, claiming that negotiating is clearly not the crocodile way, before leaving the king and his son. Hodari then asks Beshte if he will introduce him to Makuu, and Beshte happily agrees. The Lion Guard: Call of the Guard • A Beautiful Day (Ni Siku Nzuri) • Zuka Zama • Tonight We Strike • Kion's Lament • It is Time • Here Comes the Lion Guard • We're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa) • Don't Make a Stink • Bunga the Wise • Duties of the King • Outta the Way • Jackal Style • Our Kupatana Community • My Own Way • Utamu • All Hail The Vultures • Hero Inside • Bird of a Thousand Voices • Panic and Run • Trail to Hope • Life in the Pride Lands • We'll Make You a Meal • Find Your Roar • Chungu's Lament • Baboons • Beware of the Zimwi • Lions Over All • Stand Up, Stand Out • Kuishi Ni Kucheka • Running with the King • Hadithi the Hero • Makin' Hippo Lanes • Tickbirds and Rhinos • Teke Ruka Teleza • Everyone is Welcome • The Traveling Baboon Show • A Real Meal • Fujo • The Path of Honor • Bring Back a Legend • Today is my Day • I Have A Plan • Gotta Look on the Bright Side • The Worst Hyena We Know • May There Be Peace • Big Bad Kenge • Christmas in the Pride Lands • The Twelve Ways of Christmas • I Do Have a Great Deal to Say • Fabulous Dhahabu • Give a Little Guy a Chance • We're the Smartest • Good King Simba • The Faster I Go • I'm Gonna Run This Dump • Now You See Me, Now You Don't • Wisdom on the Walls • He's The Zebra Mastermind • Kwetu Ni Kwetu • Nothin' to Fear Down Here • Shujaa Ponda • Pride Landers Unite! Makuu wins the mashindano, but then learns that it was all a distraction so that Kiburi's followers could attempt to assassinate Simba. The first two he can manage, but what about the third? But soon the Lion Guard arrives on the scene, and try to work out the situation by placing Beshte between the quarreling pair. With Makuu still injured, Kiburi quickly takes the upper hand in the fight. Makuu says if Janja's plan fails he and his float will have him as a snack. He dives underwater and pounces up, snapping away a large portion of Mwenzi's branch. The team rushes to Pride Rock, where Kion tackles Makuu to the ground. • Prance With Me • Tujiinue • Height and Sight • We Will Defend • A New Way to Go • On the Last Night • When I Led the Guard • The Tree of Life • A Snow Monkey's Home • Ghost of the Mountain • Anything • That's the Dolphin Way • As You Move Forward • Flamingo Dance Party • You Best Not Mess With Mama • Friends to the End • Kion's Reckoning • Welcome to the Tree of Life • Who is Better Than Who • Poa the Destroyer • Long Live the Queen • Remember What Makes You You • The Power of the Roar • Of the Same Pride • As You Move On 1 Personality 2 History 3 Gallery 3.1 Images 4 See also 5 Navigation He was originally a Heroes and served as an enemy to The Lion Guard. Makuu then chastises Kiburi for disobeying his orders. He is sure no one will find him in the mess, but Beshte arrives just in time. He serves as one of the two main antagonists inSeason 1alongsideJanja, and later a reformed character inSeason 2. No sooner has he revealed this when Mtoto overhears a crocodile heading to Pride Rock, and Ono spots Makuu en route to the Summit. The Lion Guard quickly apologizes to Makuu, who leads his float in continuing their training. He then tasks Kion with watching over the event in case the other animals decide to treat Makuu unfairly. As they speak, the Lion Guard notices that Makuu is missing from the event, and Mtoto runs up with news that Makuu is speaking angrily near the watering hole. Crocodiles don’t fly. After Makuu and his float take over the Flood Plains, a mongoose who had been chased away happens to run past Fuli, who resolves to save the Flood Plains with the rest of her team.She hastens to the Lair of the Lion Guard and relates what had happened to the Pride Landers. Twiga is quick to deny this assertion, and Vuruga Vuruga backs her up. He then declares that the summit will go on. In Season Two during "The Savannah Summit", Makuu matures considerably, having realized that making enemies of the other Pridelanders and not respecting the Circle of Life does not help him or his float. Upon discovering this, Makuu chastises Kiburi for disobeying him. However, they soon realize that he's already missing, and Mtoto alerts them to Makuu's presence down at the watering hole. Makuu and his float take over the Flood Plains. With Makuu and the other crocodiles distracted, Mwenzi leaps down and starts to instruct Kifaru on how to get loose. Bupu soon has a conversation with Makuu, who wishes to negotiate with the antelope. In awe, Makuu backs down and leads his float out of Big Springs. They gather together Bupu's herd, Laini's group, Ma Tembo's herd, and Mbeya's crash ("Pride Landers Unite!"). Kiburi pins down Makuu, and Tamka overcomes Kion, preventing him from helping Makuu. Background information Makuu helped train the Pride Landers and wasn't impressed with Ma Tembo. Timon & Pumbaa: Alone Together • Stand by Me • Yummy, Yummy, Yummy Makuu approaches Hodari and praises him for his bravery, commenting that he has the heart of a true crocodile. Makuu allows Hodari to join his float after the latter helps him defeat Kiburi. By: ... ''By the way, the name's Makuu….and I hope you lions will be ready.'' Fuli and Makuu used to be enemies. But I'm not afraid of anyone. Until she used her trunk to save his life. Soon the Army of Scar tries to take over his Watering Hole. He then offers Hodari a place among his float, which Hodari proudly accepts, and the float begins to chant the gecko's name, welcoming him into their ranks. Ono witnesses the battle and reports his findings to Kion. 'Cause deep down, yeah deep, deep down my heart's much bigger than most guys'.” ―Hodari Hodari is a tiny turquoise pygmy gecko who dreams of being in a crocodile float and is friends with Beshte. 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