Thanks to those air bubbles, insects can stay below the surface indefinitely and dive as deep as about 30 meters, according to the study co-authored by Bush and Morris Flynn, former applied mathematics instructor. Infectious diseases know nothing of risks or risk-taking. They will choose their risks and how they want to live their lives. Theaters may be closed but we certainly get to see much grandstanding from these people on a constant basis. CBJ Today: Life in a bubble Oliver Bjorkstrand's new reality once again proves the toughness of hockey players The formula is essentially the same for all infectious diseases; your risk for serious disease increases with weakened immune systems, chronic or acute disease in critical organs of your body, physical and emotional stress, and age (because all of your body functions are weakening and slowing down). Your future and the future generations of humans now depend on it. Life in a bubble: the role of the labyrinth organ in determining territory, mating and aggressive behaviours in anabantoids M. Tate School of Biological Sciences, … In the new report, the 650,000 death figure was based upon a narrower definition using respiratory causes linked to influenza. We have virtually disintegrated normal societal functioning where people cannot even begin to socialize outside of their home environments. The Zo'é are one of the most isolated of all contacted tribes in Brazil. Life in the Bubble - Ep. By comparison to the last serious influenza season, 2017-2018, The New York Times, Oct. 1, 2018, reported that there were 180 deaths from influenza amongst young children and teenagers during that past season. The saying “living in a bubble” is similiar to that of “living under a rock.” Both sayings imply that you are separated from society. This evaluation is so personal because it fits with how we each will choose how to live our life. While it is difficult to draw a comparison with such low numbers, it certainly looks like young people handle this coronavirus pretty well, certainly equal to influenza, if not better. If they are made from the same soapy water solution, a bubble sphere or flat film or one with one of the dramatic angles taken by individual bubbles in a froth or cluster of bubbles will all have the same surface tension. There is a false choice in choosing between economy and health – this is a myth being given much too much life. The following and all subsequent data is from the U.S. CDC ( concerning overall mortality in the U.S. since February 1, 2020, that is, the total number of people who have died from all causes compared to those who have died from COVID-19 or related causes. Your email address will not be published. Does COVID want to go only after New Yorkers or others? But the sphere will have the lowest surface *area*. A bubble is born when two layers of soap molecules trap a layer of water molecules between them, creating a molecular sandwich. Recognize how the governments, at all levels, have generally screwed this up (generally speaking that is, there are plenty of notable exceptions but far too few). I write this because I, as a scientist, am very worried about what has become of the human species. These purely water bubbles collapse rapidly because their surface tension, the force holding its molecules together, is too strong. If you include New Jersey, and most of the damage was from Newark and surrounding areas, essentially a part of the New York metropolitan area, you get a very revealing picture. This is what physicians train to do – deal with each individual and their health issues. Three photos will be from the guest and three picked by the host. March 16, 2013 by jacobshimkus. As human beings, we live each day of our lives choosing our risks in life. When the top gets too thin, the water layer can evaporate, creating a tear that causes the air inside to rush out and the film to explode into a shower of water and soap specks. Further, school age children experience less than 1% of their deaths in their age group from COVID. We have let the media and social media platforms control the messaging while their profits increase and the rest of the society crumbles. As one would expect, there is a direct age correlation to the risk of dying. Humans can influence the factors that will increase your risk. Recognize how the media has been corrupted and cannot be depended on to perform their expected function in our society. Countless Autocrats have now risen, so-called leaders, who now impose restrictions on free societies unprecedented in history, without openly showing the sources of their decisions, and who themselves suffer no consequences and do not experience the results of their decisions. Even if a pure-water bubble could form and float away like soap bubbles do, it wouldn’t last long: The thin layer of water would evaporate almost instantly. All you need to do is get a large bubble wand, dip it in bubble solution and hold it vertically. Not all have gone this route but most have. Confirm. From the 0-14 age group data, there were 45 deaths. Leave a comment. Luckily for soap-strengthened bubbles, the grease-loving tails of the soap molecules that make up the outer layer of the bubble shield the water from evaporating. Yet, humans have done pretty well against them. [Intro] B F# B F# E F# E F# G#m F# G#m F# / [Verse 1] E F# When I lay my head G#m I find I can't unwind F# I come alive E All these things are overdue F# But there's nothing I'd rather do G# But, this is a virus. The opposite is also true. Social distancing has become social phobia (This is why I prefer the term “physical distancing”). No one wants to be sick, but most people experience mild disease, become healthy, and move on. © 2021 American Institute for Economic ResearchPrivacy Policy, AIER is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 04-2121305. Share: Tweet: Fighting newer battles ©Getty . That means that over 99% of school age children experience death from something OTHER than COVID!! Livelihoods have been taken away. Risk evaluation and management, therefore, is completely an individual exercise in personal responsibility. Hospitals turn away people if they do not have COVID-19. Touring in the times of COVID19 is a unique experience as Pakistan's veteran all-rounder Nida Dar is finding out. Life in the bubble means that you don’t see how the other half lives – and even if you know, you could just ignore it, forget about it. The fact is that this virus is acting just like any other Upper Respiratory Infection (URI), despite the efforts to try and convince people that it is much worse than influenza. For several decades, people have avoided politics out of distaste. Each molecule resembles a long worm: Many hydrogen and carbon atoms make up its body, with a head of oxygen and sodium. If enough people have experienced the disease, the chances of an immediate return are slim. It all starts with soap molecules. Viral load is always the key. I am writing to the younger generation. The Zo’é are one of the most isolated of all contacted tribes in Brazil. We have witnessed unprecedented levels of censorship imposed on any dissenting voices. It is time to break the myths that have been so eroding our society concerning this disease. The data on mortality by each state in the U.S. is very interesting indeed. California has experienced the highest number of overall mortalities, which would be expected because they have the highest population. The U.S. also has a society with a much higher percentage of at-risk people dealing with obesity (34% adult obesity), hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, etc. People have chosen political sides, whether rightly or wrongly only because that is their tribe. They now seem to be only serving themselves. Their main message is that THEY will decide all risks for society. We have vaccines and antiviral medicines for influenza, yet still the toll was the same. Maybe next year it will return, maybe not. But, what is even as significant is that looking at the overall mortality in these elderly age groups, COVID deaths still only account for about 10% of all deaths. Population densities, individual health, local sanitation, poor living conditions (such as tenements), population education, local policies, health care availability, and poverty, all play a role. Life360 Bubbles is a new way to customize Location Sharing for your Circle. No one really wants any person to tell them how to live their lives and control those risks. Where is your representation for the future, young people? If you want a future, your generation needs to start getting the best minds behind leading. It is time to send the ruling generation into retirement – and I mean EVERYONE. Cancel. When light rays strike a bubble, some reflect off the exterior soapy layer, while others pass through to the layers beneath. This structure allows soap to both clean up filth and spawn bubbles. Dr. Stephen Hawking was stricken by ALS at an early age. For people in the driving age, you are more likely to die from an automobile accident than from COVID. When you become an old-timer like me, anyone younger is of the younger generation. Unlike water, bubble solution can stretch and hold shapes without instantly falling apart. That is living and it separates us from other species. A project of the Soap molecules also fortify the bubble against the outside world. Yet in the past few months, a very few people, with no real understanding of what they are doing, are now making those risk decisions for everyone. The battle with viruses is thus a personal battle. Life in a Bubble of Fun: Another marker on this road passed. While bubbles floating in mid-air might seem to defy gravity, this downward force ultimately tears them down. When not writing about things like space probes or weird particles, she enjoys sewing, video games, and anything involving atomic culture. It will maintain a baseline level of activity and quite likely join the other seasonal virus strains of influenza and rhinovirus. But, you always have the choice not to fly. From bath time to birthday parties, bubbles bring joy to almost any occasion. Each individual will have a different array of weaknesses, strengths, and defenses when dealing with infection. The electoral power is in your hands. Life in a Bubble. We have essentially eliminated what defines humanity. Gravity pulls the bubble’s molecules downwards, becoming thicker at the bottom than the top. While water can have bubbles blown into it — think of blowing bubbles into a glass of water with a straw — they disappear as soon as whatever’s making the bubbles stops. If there are no other forces acting to deter it (like surrounding bubbles or wind or air resistance) all bubbles would be spheres. Everyone has to recognize the value of their immune system and work to strengthen it. I, personally, do not like to dwell on morbidity. A sphere is the smallest possible shape the stretchy film could take, because it has the lowest surface tension. At-risk groups are exactly that, at risk, but they are an extreme minority of the population. Sadly for the bubble, reaching that level of thinness spells certain doom. The short-lived, soapy spheres mystify both young and old with their rainbow-hued swirls. But, if people stay at home in Wyoming, you have a good chance of slowing infection and reducing the viral load on each individual; but even in Wyoming, an elderly person with underlying conditions is at serious risk of death if they become infected. It has evolutionary advantages beyond what we have been able to yet comprehend. I have never transmitted a disease to another person from playing the trumpet. The hydrophobic ends of the soap molecules refuse to mix with the water. But check their COVID-19 death numbers. Many are forced back into their parents’ homes and have sacrificed their independence. Nida Dar . In short, we have regressed. No school experience, no colleges, no learning, no culture, no sports, no socialization, no jobs, and a complete fear of life beyond, if you can call it life. This is the same size as the wavelengths of the different colors that make up visible light. But for healthy people within the population, especially you, it is a bump in the road. have all become taboo because people are panicked that somehow they will all drop dead. This study also found that Americans who overestimated the country’s wealth, were more like to perceive the economy as fair and more likely to oppose redistribution policies. Social interaction or health is another false choice being presented to create fear. The person who can best protect you, is YOU, not your governor or some other official! California has experienced about 6% overall mortality from COVID compared to almost 38% for New York City and 18% for New York State. Humans have the ability to enlist additional help, mainly with your physician. But, we can learn from it and we should. Much of our problems with the press today can be traced back almost 4 decades ago to the weakening of antitrust laws. In the U.S for all ages, of the almost 1.6 million people who have died from all causes during this 6-month period, less than 9% have died from COVID-19. If you fill a glass with water, the molecules on the top will stick extra tightly to the ones below it, tightly enough to support a floating paperclip. When you blow a bubble, you’re seeing physics at work. They are also panicked. We have created an environment where people fear every other person. Please note that Alaska, Hawaii, and Wyoming experienced a few deaths, but they do not arise from the baseline on the graph. Below the age of 65, the number of deaths within each age group decreases rapidly with decreasing age. It seems easy enough, I now realize. Further, much of it was likely produced by the lockdowns when the virus was forced into the weakened populations. We are taught that there are risks that we can manage to varying degrees and then there are risks that involve others to mitigate. Theme by Garrett Gardner. This doesn’t mean the water isn’t important, however: The water trapped between the layers of soap is why bubbles are round. Coronavirus has been around certainly as long as influenza, but it was never given much attention even though it is responsible for a fair portion of the common cold. Even rhinovirus, which is considered pretty mild, can lead to death in a person who cannot handle either the virus or the opportunistic infections that may arise. For example, flying in an airplane offers one little control over the risk. Top world orchestras have resorted to demonstrating that playing their instruments is not going to cause the audience to succumb. Before retiring in 2017, he spent 12 years as a Consultant focused on Quality Assurance/Control and issues related to Regulatory Compliance. Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program Yet, the country is run by a bunch of old-timers who have lost touch with what it means to lead all of the people. The following table shows the mortality rates in the states with the highest mortality numbers. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. But this statement is off by a little bit: “A sphere is the smallest possible shape the stretchy film could take, because it has the lowest surface tension.”. Nice article. Life in a 18 MB. For an assumed 100 deaths in the 0-17 age group and 260,000 confirmed cases, that is a lethality rate of about 0.04% (the current lethality rate for the entire population based upon confirmed cases is about 3% (almost 100x more); if you calculate in the 10x factor from serology studies, it is 0.3%), if the 10x factor for actual cases holds in your age group, the lethality rate is now 0.004%. That part of the equation does not change. But, they have had things imposed on them as well. As the solution settles in the loop, bands of color will emerge. Roger W. Koops holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California, Riverside as well as Master and Bachelor degrees from Western Washington University. Additionally, immunity is a critical factor – the more healthy people experience the disease, the LESS the risk for the at-risk groups. We have disrupted what should be normal medical functions in society. The media has so hyped the deaths that I almost consider it a taboo subject; well, almost. Further, people have tended to ignore what the politicians are really doing to the country with the laws that they pass. What is clear is that you cannot apply a one-size-fits-all policy across the nation. Rather than doing what the U.S. was founded on, a principle of open debate and decision-making, legal processes, and individual liberty, officials and media have joined together in an unholy alliance to stamp out any dissent. In the New York Times article cited above, they also reported that 90% of deaths from influenza during that season were in the over 65 age group. In just a few short months, we have seen the species devolve into a panic-driven, irrational, hysterical species. We are heading in a direction where too many people are willing to accept living a life in a bubble out of fear. I am going to Bologna with my Church in Durham - I'm blogging on our progress here - check it out! I have played the trumpet since I was 10 years old. If you factor in the over 55 age group, you now account for over 97% of the deaths (this is my domain). What allows you to make that risk decision is past performance and knowledge of those people assuming the risk. Well, this is now what we get as a result. When you add soap into the mix, the water-loving heads of the molecular soap worms attract the water molecules, which weakens the water’s attraction to itself. A large percentage, almost 50% worldwide, of these deaths occurred in care facilities (is that an oxymoron?). Life in a bubble: How we can fight hunger, loneliness, and radiation on Mars By DAVE MOSHER | April 12, 2018 Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has spoken often of colonizing Mars with his company SpaceX. We have totally disrupted the lives and stability of billions of people over this panic. Unfortunately, viruses can cause serious disease in some people and they may not survive. So, poor building maintenance and sanitation can increase your risk. Much of the government actions were out of panic and fear and ignorance and those actions did a lot of damage. After a temporary Bubble is created, it shares only your approximate location while all safety and messaging features remain on. Since the hype has been about how everyone will die from this, we can truly learn a lot from the mortality data and your risk as a younger person. Get notified of new articles from Roger W. Koops and AIER. We are heading in a direction where too many people are willing to accept living a life in a bubble out of fear. In experiencing and recovering from this virus, people are developing important antibodies to help not only themselves, but others in society. Well, excuse me but that is not human life. But are the authorities keeping them in a bubble, away from the rest of society? But, once infected, the battle is now very personal. So, here it goes. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. COVID is NOT the major cause of death in the U.S, despite what you may be inundated with daily by the press on a minute-by-minute basis. Unlike a balloon, the bubble is made of liquid. But, believe it or not, risks become mitigated by repetitive behavior, economics, and many factors. The water-loving (or hydrophilic) head of the worm pulls the grease free as it clings to clean water. Jennifer Hackett is a graduate of the College of William and Mary, where she studied physics and history. Technically, viruses play no favorites. We have destroyed people’s ability to fend for themselves. It's life in a bubble I blew It's life in a bubble I blew When I kill the lights I can't control my mind Free-floating shapes racing All these things are overdue But there's nothing I'd rather do Swinging between hell and you Trying not to confuse the two It's life in a bubble I blew On the ground You keep my heart palpitating Or in the clouds It's life in a bubble I blew Most risks fall into a combination mode; that is, we can have some control over the risk but we are still dependent on others. Do not be swayed by tribal loyalty. All hosts correlation to the TV 's watch history and influence TV recommendations Jersey, and healthcare! 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