He also follows the prophetic tradition of declaring the word of God found in the Hebrew Prophets, Thus says… I seen the world for what it really is and could not take it. Knowing I had already taken in too much for the first shot I would surely die if I did this one too. He said you did this to die??? This unfamiliar light came into my eyes and went down through my body and out through the tippy top of my toes!!! I was not taken seriously. He got it, he understood what Jesus the Christ was teaching. The death of Jesus was closer to 1 AD since there was no 0 AD or 0 BC. I had no vehicle and wasn’t dressed for the cold weather we had that evening. Who created the world. This is confusing me. Our savior, in the flesh ( by this material realms rules ) a son & seed of David ( as the Lord promised, so it IS & was done ) & in the spirit god’s only begotten son … we ALL knew this name for it is written I Am the roots & seed of David, I Am the bright & morning star. They came later from the east. The Monastery of St. John the Theologian. ~ here’s Johnny ( rips vail ) let us bring in the new year & maybe perhaps they shall repent or just keep watching in wonder, believing they’ll be saved & that those gold rings of bondage shall hide anything from the fathers riders…. I LOVE THE WORD OF GOD AND HIS SON JESUS. Starting with the misuse to influence the early church in the second century. Whether you’re on a religious pilgrimage or simply want to see a sight of strong historical or cultural significance, the Cave of the Apocalypse in Patmos, Greece is a must-see stop. I begged him to stop using it and told him the truth to what it was doing to him and he heard me. There is absolutely no evidence that this is so. I don’t think so. john was poisoned and would not die and it was obvious his God was sparing his life so he was exiled to the isle of patmos to permanently dispose of him because of his teaching Gods word. But the BC and AD calendar confuses me, too. 42 months after Feb.380 would be (give or take a few months because a miscalculation of .0001 makes a big difference ) July of 2020. I worked so hard to gather up the cash to do these things and was able to get my car out of inpoundment, so my mother took me to the town where my boyfriend was in jail,and my car was impounded. According to ancient mythology, the island of Patmos was first named I started using again and overdosed and had to be revived. Most actually what is written in the Bible is fiction and just stories made up by illiterate, poor and downtrodden people at a time when story telling was the only way of expressing yourself. The Devil work’s to help us destroy ourselves in ways we can not imagine in our human mind’s!!!!!! . Patrick is correct, you are of the synagogue of Satan; you are an antichrist and a stumbling block. He was responding to the cultural, political and economic climate where Jew believers of Christ were accommodating Rome imperial cult worship at Trade guild events in order for political and economic advancement. I should have known but for some reason I wasn’t thinking the way I normally would. Why Did Christ Ride a Donkey on His Triumphant Entry? Only God Jesus Christ can judge right? Was John able to see when he was at the island of potmas ? We are pre-existent eternal beings with a loving Father-Mother God. but some said 1,000 years mans time equals to 1 day God’s time? I almost lost him. Lastly, John is almost writing his fantasy on how Yom Yahweh takes place with the Chirst figure. Yahasha loved all His disciples, even Judas, the one who betrayed Him. I felt my body life up and rise in the air and then I felt it drop so hard as if made to bow daown and worship the Lord who I just knew because he told me so. Father, i pray you will open Derruc’s understanding to your WORD. in hell? complete rubbish, you are claiming a sinful Jesus, Get thee hence Satan! Some people say 7 is the perfect number of the Lord God, 7 times 7 forgiveness, 7 angels, 7 churches, 7 days, 77 is the symbol of the cross…for me yes it make sense. Yes I actually seen it…(the demon who had controlled my life for so long! If one would only study context, learn when John wrote his Revelation, which was approximately AD 68, and how it aligns with the coming destruction of the temple just two years later, one would start to understand that Revelation has nothing to do with us in the 21 century western Christianity, but for the AD 70 converts from Judaism to followers of Christ, that were reverting to the Old Covenant, of which, Revelation admonishes them. Locked down for lies others told about me. … The 70 weeks that were given to the children of Daniels people HAD come and WAS past. John was allegedly imprisoned there, he was not having a forced vacation, I seriously doubt he could receive guests there who could deliver the Revelation for him. She said I’ll wait a few minutes to tell them then after I go inside. The modern town of Patmos lies in the middle part of the island. how can a man measured billion years old? John of Patmos is the name given by some modern scholars to the author of the Book of Revelation, the apocalyptic text forming part of the New Testament. Indeed brother you are right, the End shall not be disclosed to mankind or anything in heave and on earth. But I wasn’t arrested my husband was for a second time. John himself tells us he was on Patmos “for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” No writer mentions John’s exile until Tertullian, who wrote nearly 150 years later. You have him listed as being born about 6 A.D. I repented and the Lord changed me to a new person!!! john the baptist was beheaded before Jesus was crucified, see matthew 14:1-12. the John sent to isle of patmos to receive the revelations of things that was to shortly come to pass was the apostle john. In Genesis it clearly states that it was God, but in John 1 it states that the word created everything. How old was John when No, I am not talking about the various translations, I am talking about references being made, then omitted later. […] Christ made me immortal shortly after his return from the grave and later my body stopped aging when I lived on Patmos and wrote […], […] historians say that the island was a prison island on which prisoners had to work the mines. Different accounts indicate that Jesus was born between 1 AD and 4 AD. In preparing my book, I have noticed that ‘Bibles”, while believed to be the “Word of God” by many, have been systematically edited/modified over the years. It seems to me much more likely that John, in his 90s at this point, retired from Ephesus to this quiet island and began evangelizing the villages he found there. In his real life, Lazarus deliberately gave up his wealth to charity and lived the life if a simple, destitute man as Jesus had advised him when they made acquaintance at Martha’s home in Bethany (Mark 10:17-22). There were specific messages for the churches. Nowhere in the gospel will you find 3 wise men, thats made up. Take your pick. After a couple of weeks go by living from place to place going through terrible terrible thing’s emotionally, spirituality,and physically, I finally was able to get my own place again. DO NOT BELIEVE IN SAID PROPHECIES OF HUMANS!!!!! at the end of our time, where are you going to be? Those days have long been over and anyone who claims Prophecies or Visions are liers. That would make John a few years younger than Jesus. Someone had stollen my thing’s because they knew the police were coming they were hoping to have me arrested but I was not arrested I was just told to leave after all they could not arrest me if I had been envited which I was and thank God all mighty I had the text to show them where I had been begged to go stay there, actually convinced to come there and to stay. My mother came in crying and told me she doesn’t Love me and that she knows I did this intentionally, but wanted to know why. I believe John indeed was a faithful disciple of Christ and indeed the one that Peter refered to as the closest to him. If it meant “After Death,” then would we call the years between His birth and His death? No matter what your reason, Patmos, Greece makes for a truly unique holiday. God message to me was to let them know he is so angry and disappointed at humans actions!!!!!!!!!!! Revelation 1:9-11. If it is written to not do it, or to do it, we should be following the word as it’s written when Jesus returns he starts with the churches if I remember correctly James said. There he stayed in the now famous Patmos Cave, with a rock for a pillow, and wrote the Book of Revelation about the revelation he had been given of the end times. To tell my daughter to come on I was let in by whoever answered the door. It is given unto man once to die and then comes judgement. John of Patmos is the name given by some modern scholars to the author of the Book of Revelation, the apocalyptic text forming part of the New Testament. The money ran out and I still had nowhere to go and I could not even get a cheaper hotel room to put a roof over my head at this point. But the feeling of loneliness and being stressed alongside the fact of being stranded with no money nobody and no hope. Domitian, most likely, would have had him locked up and chained up all by himself in a dark cell. I am so very sorry for you Much needed prayers here fellow Christians!!! John was born 6 A.D. No sooner than I started looking,,, out dropped a syringe already made up and packed that my boyfriend had hidden just before he was arrested. I no longer watched TV as I seen demon’s in ever face it would go from on to the next and there are so many around us. The arresting officers were careless as could be with absolutely no care for my distress. What is very interesting is that in the decade preceding the 2nd century, which would have been while John was in residence, we have a record of several churches springing up all over the island. St. John didn’t disappear when the NEW world was revealed to him; he saw it clearly right where he was and it contained no evil, no death, nor sorrow, no crying, and nothing could enter that could defile or make a lie. The “Shepards” however, watched their sheep in shifts with variables like shearing or selling. *(One son)….!!!! The Holy Spirit is alive and well and speaking today through true believers to those who will listen. Another chap had a vision of 2028 and devastation and destruction in 2024. One week had passed…7 days!!! While some may be applied to his personal era, the worlds Oceans have not turned to blood; 1/3 of the fish have not died; 1/3 of the people have not died and a burning star the size of a mountain has not hit the Earth. All of prophesy written in scripture has been fulfilled except for the 7th trumpet and 7th vial judgment. I was ripped out of the tub naked, humiliated and like a wet dog. The bible pointedly says they traveled from afar, many throngs agree that they were descendants of Babylonian high ranking servants who served at the time of Daniel and that Daniel taught their ancestors to look for the sign of the birth of MESSIAH. Obviously Christians, their Church, their literature, their religion etc, etc is of the Anti- Christ. Here is a link that refers to those later writings. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema John Of Patmos in höchster Qualität. And I don’t think most of us will truly know who that is. Why would Jesus have introduced the disciple and his mother to each other in this fashion if it was John, who had his own mother, the wife of Zebedee, the father of John and James? He is in love with me Chris Hotel is an excellent option when it comes to Patmos accommodation. John traveled with Jesus during his ministry and was chosen to be in his inner circle as one the Twelve Disciples. My mom stopped at a Burger King in that town I just payed with hard earned what I call “blood money”to get my car out of the inpoundment Yard, she had me follow her because she didn’t know how to drive in a bigger town’s and was afraid to o alone and wanted me to follow her so I did. I received this from someone I know. The siblings Mary, Martha and Lazaras were the offsprings of Syro, the Duke of Syria and Echaria, aka Eucharis, who both reigned over several territories. Best evidence I have seen so far places the Birth of Jesus in the fall of 6 BC. God Bless You! In the Bible, GOD created earth in 7 days and on the 7th he rested. Would you be so kind as to share your input, thanks! And made to leave with my daughter and they would not let me get what little belongings I had with me because they weren’t where I put them before taking that enviting bath I was talked into taking. It doesn’t mean after death. And anyone that would not take the mark (call themselves Catholic) could not buy or sell. Get the details of the current Voyage of PATMOS JOHN including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9588536, MMSI 538007317, Call Sign V7IR3 No one knows the hour,how special are you that Jedus Christ could just reveal to you that the end is 2028,the scripture says that anyone lying in my name shall be forgiven but whoever lies in the name of spirit shall not be forgiven. Also, the prophesies were only partially fulfilled “in-type” at that Time – still yet to have their true complete fulfillment at a later date … checking into this phenomena in several modern scholarly works which describe in infinite detail how this was NOT the literal complete fulfillment and how that is yet to come, along with both Jesus as Divine Husband coming FOR His Bride (The Church) and only then, coming back WITH His Bride (The Church and other believers) to set up His Kingdom on earth and reign with us literally 1000 years. The devil is out there to twist and deceive people. I looked at the amount of what I had and decided that was best. You have wrong information. It is John the Baptist that was beheaded by Herod not St. John the Divine, author of the Book of Revelations. He invited them to become his followers, and they complied. Re:1:5: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Anya’s Home. Book your room today. I Thank God I was revived!!!!!!! I believe that’s also when the lamb of God was born. (WRONG) and they proclaimed that the 42 months of the beast would be finished before the year 1600……. It was the will of God for John to have a long life, as he had much to accomplish in writing the Gospels and Revelation. The Island of Patmos is a volcanic, treeless, rocky island about 9km by 50km or 6 by 30 miles. The Apostle John was exiled to the prison island of Patmos because he wouldn’t stop preaching the Gospel. John of Patmos (also called John the Revelator, John the Divine, John the Theologian, and possibly John the Apostle) could be the author named as John in the Book of Revelation. Beginning Your Patmos Island Adventure: How to Get Here. The 3 wise men is a misnomer. Google “Secret Mark” for Jesus’s escapades with the one whom he loved. Do I believe in once saved always saved, yes but as my dad put it, it is for the true believers. John was sent to the island for the same reasons because the early Christians were considered a strange cult group who were known for causing trouble within the Empire. Also, “Their stomach will be their god.” These things are happening, true but the Holy Spirit comes only to believers. Even though he claimed to have spoken directly with God, Jesus, and various choirs of angels, overall John of Patmos is actually a pretty humble guy. Because John had contemplated much about the grace and love of Jesus, the Bible teaches us that early life of John was bad. John was writing directly about what was going on in Rome and its provinces at the time. Decades later as a much older man, John of Patmos took heat from the Roman government for preaching and was exiled to the island of Patmos, Greece. I walked to my grandmother’s house again crying halfway clothed and wet in cold weather,with wet hair and a 19yr old daughter who would not leave. I took notes and tried to dissect the Bible so to say. That’s absurd!. According to a tradition preserved by Irenaeus, Eusebius, and Jerome, John was exiled in … Matthew 23 and 24 is all one story… Jesus (in ch. Your ok we saved you. On the way my mother told me, to just shut up and stop crying!!! They was even going to make me walk alone to my mother’s house in the middle of the night being over 30 miles away. Holy Spirit comes only to believers not give my body to them as desired! Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema John of Patmos was a island. 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