There are nine scenes with at least four words per second and at least two with more than five words per second. Very quick and witty. Having been away for four months, Hildy Johnson walks into the offices of the New York City based The Morning Post, where she is a star reporter, to tell her boss, editor Walter Burns, that she is quitting. Am Abend begibt Earl sich zu einer psychiatrischen Untersuchung. Molly weigert sich und springt aus dem Fenster. Feuer an Bord | The world in this film is not determined by gender, but rather by intelligence and capability. S.O.S. While producing Only Angels Have Wings (1939), Howard Hawks tried to pitch a remake of The Front Page to Harry Cohn of Columbia Pictures. The line is a "cleaned-up" version of a line from the stage version of The Front Page ("Get back in there, you God damned turtle!") Jean Arthur was offered the part, and was suspended by the studio when she refused to take it. 31 Min.‬ ‪Deutsch Audio‬ ‪FSK12‬ A classic screwball comedy in which Russell plays reporter Hildy Johnson, who, on the eve of her remarriage, is talked into one more assignment by her editor and ex-husband, Grant. [17] Columbia studio head Harry Cohn thought it was too cheeky and ordered it removed, but Hawks insisted that it stay. Burns suggests they cover one more story together, getting themselves entangled in the case of murderer Earl Williams as Burns desperately tries to win back his wife. This is as bad as it gets. Rote Linie 7000 | It was released by Columbia Pictures. [17] Hawks then turned to Rosalind Russell, who had just finished MGM's The Women (1939). Einige Zeit später taucht Earl am Fenster im Pressezimmer auf. [42], The film contains two main plots: the romantic and the professional. Hawks himself was determined to break the record for the fastest film dialogue, at the time held by The Front Page. Today We Live | Walter Burns, ein charmant-durchtriebener Zeitungsherausgeber und Reporter, versucht seine Ex-Frau Hildy Johnson zurückzubekommen. [46], His Girl Friday (often along with Bringing Up Baby and Twentieth Century) is cited as an archetype of the screwball comedy genre. Start in die Dämmerung | His Girl Friday has received a few different origin stories over the years. Enlarge image: Newsroom hustle... Enlarge image: ... and bustle. Sein Mädchen für besondere Fälle wurde 1993 in das National Film Registry, ein Verzeichnis US-amerikanischer Filme, aufgenommen. [54][55], His Girl Friday and the original Hecht and MacArthur play were later adapted into another stage play, His Girl Friday, by playwright John Guare. Consequently, Hawks considered Gene Fowler as the screenwriter, but he declined the job because he disliked the changes to the screenplay Hawks intended to make. Hildy takes the gun from him. Hawks decided to leave this scene in the picture. [12] Though he was not credited, Hecht did assist Lederer in the adaptation. In the meantime, Hildy bribes the jail warden to let her interview Earl Williams in jail. Hildy Johnson is a girl reporter. Die übrigen Filmversionen sind: Das American Film Institute wählte diesen Film auf Platz 19 der 100 besten amerikanischen Filmkomödien aller Zeiten. The reason for her absence was among other things to get a Reno divorce, from, of all people, Walter, who admits he was a bad husband. Wir marschieren um Mitternacht | Er wird herausgeholt und ins Polizeirevier zurückgeschickt. Walter frames Bruce again, and he is immediately sent back to jail. Nachdem Hildy sich mit dem offensichtlich geistesverwirrten Earl im Gefängnis unterhalten hat, begibt sie sich ins Pressezimmer im Schwurgericht, um einen Bericht über Earl zu schreiben. Ich war eine männliche Kriegsbraut | The ending of the film is rather circular and there is no development of characters, specifically Walter Burns, and the film ends similarly to the way in which it starts. His Girl Friday is a 1940 American screwball comedy film directed by Howard Hawks, from an adaptation by Charles Lederer, Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur of the play The Front Page by Hecht and MacArthur. Images in this review One person found this helpful. Rio Bravo | Tiger Hai | The two plots do not resolve at the same time, but they are interdependent because although Williams is released before Walter and Hildy get back together, he is the reason for their reconciliation. "[33] John Mosher of The New Yorker wrote that after years of "feeble, wispy, sad imitations" of The Front Page, he found this authentic adaptation of the original to be "as fresh and undated and bright a film as you could want. This is as bad as it gets. The crooked mayor (Clarence Kolb) and sheriff need the publicity from the execution to keep their jobs in an upcoming election, so when a messenger (Billy Gilbert) brings them a reprieve from the governor, they try to bribe the man to go away and return later, when it will be too late. Das Strafgesetzbuch | His Girl Friday is a 1940 American screwball comedy drama romance film directed by Howard Hawks, starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell and featuring Ralph Bellamy and Gene Lockhart. She is so consumed with writing the story that she hardly notices as Bruce realizes his cause is hopeless and leaves to return to Albany on the 9 o'clock train. Die durchschnittliche Wertung der Kritiker liegt bei 9,0 von 10 Sternen. The major change in this version, introduced by Hawks, is that the role of Hildy Johnson is a woman. Hatari! His ex-wife, Hildy Johnson, has returned to the paper to tell him that she is remarrying and moving to Albany with her new husband, the affable but milquetoast Bruce Baldwin. [19] In her autobiography, Life Is A Banquet, Russell wrote that she thought her role did not have as many good lines as Grant's, so she hired her own writer to "punch up" her dialogue. Scarface | [44] Hawks attached verbal tags before and after specific script lines so the actors would be able to interrupt and talk over each other without making the necessary dialogue incomprehensible. The script was written by Charles Lederer and Ben Hecht, who is not credited for his contributions. Der Psychiater Max J. Eggelhoffer und Sheriff Peter B. The Cradle Snatchers | Walter and Hildy work together to attempt to release wrongly convicted Earl Williams, while the concurrent plot is Walter attempting to win back Hildy. Sie basiert auf dem Theaterstück Reporter (Originaltitel: The Front Page) von Ben Hecht und Charles MacArthur. He used a sound mixer on the set to increase the speed of dialogue and held a showing of the two films next to each other to prove how fast his film was. Hildy uses economic theory to explain the murder of the cop to Williams, insisting that he shot the gun because of production for use. Beim US-Kritikerportal Rotten Tomatoes fallen von den 46 Kritiken insgesamt 45 positiv aus, womit der Film eine positive Wertung von 98 % besitzt. This creates a "closure effect" or an appearance of closure. Hildy wants to try to get Bruce out of jail, but Walter convinces her that she should focus on her breakthrough story. Williams comes to the press room holding a gun to Hildy and accidentally shoots a pigeon in fear. [15] After reviewing the screenplay, the Hays Office saw no issues with the film, besides a few derogatory comments towards newsmen and some illegal behavior of the characters. When reporters knock at the door, she hides Williams in a roll-top desk. It has a big change. Als er das Gebäude verlässt, wird er bestohlen. Der Schrei der Menge | [14], During writing, Hawks was in Palm Springs directing Only Angels Have Wings, yet stayed in close contact with Lederer and Hecht. However, after revealing the ending to a few writers at Columbia one evening, Ryskind was surprised to hear that his ending was filmed on another set a few days later. A shame since His Girl Friday is one of the great classics. Die Besetzung des Films war schwierig. Hawks shot this scene with one camera a week and a half into production and it took four days to film instead of the intended two. Walter is determined to break the most important news stories in real time, but as we learn in this portion of the film, in the past that has come at the expense of such momentous occasions as his own honeymoon. Als sie den Artikel verfasst hat, wird ihr klar, dass sie Walter immer noch liebt. [59], Director Quentin Tarantino has named His Girl Friday as one of his favorite movies. Die rasanten verbalen Gefechte der Protagonisten tragen den Film. [15] Forced to create another ending, Ryskind ended up thanking the anonymous Columbia writer, because he felt that his ending and one of his final lines, "I wonder if Bruce can put us up," were better than what he had written originally. Only Grant was wise to this tactic and greeted her each morning saying, "What have you got today? It was based on the play 'The Front Page' by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. Sein Mädchen für besondere Fälle gilt als Klassiker der Screwball-Komödie. [1] The major change in this version, introduced by Hawks, is that the role of Hildy Johnson is a woman. In His Girl Friday, Walter Burns manipulates, acts selfishly, frames his ex-wife's fiancé, and orchestrates the kidnapping of an elderly woman. Als die Pressemänner an die verschlossene Tür zum Pressezimmer klopfen, versteckt Earl sich in einem Schreibtisch. Additionally, the film ends with a brief epilogue in which Walter announces their remarriage and reveals their intention to go cover a strike in Albany on the way to their honeymoon. It is evident that Burns is still the same person he was in their previous relationship as he quickly waves off the plans for the honeymoon that they never had in pursuit of a new story. His Girl Friday is very much a screwball comedy, and that genre in itself is a product of its time. Sein Mädchen für besondere Fälle | Hildy receives one last call from Bruce, again in jail because of having counterfeit money that was unknowingly transferred to him by Hildy from Walter. It still holds up 70 some odd years later, but films just aren't made this way anymore. There is a clear contrast between the fast-talking Hildy and Walter and slow-talking Bruce and Earl which serves to emphasize the gap between the intelligent and the unintelligent in the film. Durch ein ungeschicktes Geräusch macht sich Earl bemerkbar. His Girl Friday often is so dedicated to its chaotic rhythms that I forget its acidic mechanics still have a heart and soul to them. From That Little Round-Headed Boy: "His Girl Friday": Anybody who ever worked in the journalism business, or wished they had been around for newspapering's madcap era, must feel a quickening at the opening tracking shot of Howard Hawks' classic comedy. Bruce meldet dies im Polizeirevier und ruft seine Verlobte an, die aus Wut den Bericht über Earl Williams zerreißt. Earl Williams hat vor einigen Wochen einen Menschen erschossen und soll am nächsten Morgen hingerichtet werden. The film stars Cary Grant as Walter Burns and Rosalind Russell as Hildy Johnson … 262 likes. Critics were particularly impressed by the gender change of the reporter. “His Girl Friday” is the third track off Fast Times at Barrington High (2008), the band’s last full album before their eventual disbandment in 2011. Hildy breaks down and admits to Walter that she was afraid that Walter was going to let her marry Bruce without a fight. La foule hurle | Tote schlafen fest | [21] The film was shot with some improvisation of lines and actions, with Hawks giving the actors freedom to experiment, as he did with his comedies more than his dramas. "[20] Her ghostwriter gave her some of the lines for the restaurant scene, which is unique to His Girl Friday. Many find this to be a comedy, and it is indeed very funny, but often at the displeasure of the characters. [48] The film ranked 19th on the American Film Institute's 100 Years ... 100 Laughs, a 2000 list of the funniest American comedies. But in this screwball movie, that take-no-prisoners approach also applies to romance. [21] Arthur Rosson worked for three days on second unit footage at Columbia Ranch. Bruce versteckt diesen Scheck in seinem Hut, weil es ihm Hildy geraten hat. Leoparden küßt man nicht | Ein Goldfisch an der Leine | "[30] The Variety reviewer wrote, "The trappings are different—even to the extent of making reporter Hildy Johnson a femme—but it is still Front Page and Columbia need not regret it. [26] His Girl Friday premiered in New York City at Radio City Music Hall on January 11, 1940, and went into general American release a week later. His Girl Friday is certainly very funny it is also slickly directed, and the chief parts are acted with diamond-cut-diamond precision by Rosalind Russell and Cary Grant. The feminine side of Hildy desires to be subservient and sexually relate to men, while the other side of Hildy desires assertion and to forfeit the stereotypical duties of a woman. But then Walter learns that there is a newsworthy strike in Albany, which is on the way to Niagara Falls by train. Hildy ist seit einigen Wochen mit Bruce Baldwin, einem höflichen Mann aus dem Versicherungswesen, verlobt. Reviewer: Step_Nine_Productions - - December 13, 2009 Subject: Audio Issues . Nachdem die Pressemänner wieder gegangen sind, erscheinen Bruce und Molly Malloy im Pressezimmer. It was based on the play 'The Front Page' by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. At one point, Grant broke character because of something unscripted that Russell did and looked directly at the camera saying, "Is she going to do that?". 'The Front Page' was actually first made into a movie in 1931 (keeping the title of the play). Die Presse taucht nach einigen Momenten wieder auf und befragt Molly nach dem Aufenthaltsort von Earl. So ironisiert der Film genregemäß das Verhältnis der Geschlechter, übt aber unterschwellig auch Kritik an einem korrupten Rechtssystem und stellt die Berichterstattung der Skandaljournalisten in Frage.“, The Road to Glory | [50] In this first film adaptation of the Broadway play of the same title (written by former Chicago newsmen Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur), Hildy Johnson was male. [47] In 1993, the Library of Congress selected His Girl Friday for preservation in the United States National Film Registry. [13] Additions were made at the beginning of the screenplay by Lederer to give the characters a convincing backstory so it was decided that Hildy and Walter would be divorced with Hildy's intentions of remarriage serving as Walter's motivation to win her back. [in her story]And so, into this little tortured mind came the idea that that gun had been produced for use. März 2021 um 22:42 Uhr bearbeitet. Charles Leder (sic) has done an excellent screenwriting job on it and producer-director Howard Hawks has made a film that can stand alone almost anywhere and grab healthy grosses. Because she has Earl Williams in the acting, a few times breaking fourth... Into a movie in 1931 ( keeping the title of the film for newsmen of the play ) MacArthur. Ein restaurant ein to complement the dialogue in a way that made the beginnings and ends sentences. The speed of the Morning Post, where Walter Burns, ein charmant-durchtriebener Zeitungsherausgeber und Reporter, seine! Some straight supporting characters in order to balance out the leading characters are all called 'Michaelangelos ' and can. Up 70 some odd years later, but Hawks insisted that it stay '' in! 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