A distinct click will sound when the correct letter is in position. It mentions Fox Peak where Vlad the Impaler was imprisoned. Take a closer look at the period of the signature of Kruger. find the bowl that was stolen. Enter 1905 When you write down all letters, you will get: Or, in "chemical" language: C2H4O2, Na2S, H2O, Get each bottle from the shelf (or under the shelf) and mix one drop each on one tray only, Click the faucet and clean the sponge, dip into the mixture and wipe Janos letter with it, Have a nearby look at the letter again: Behind the last K on the letter there is something looking like a square, Get the tweezer out of the inventory and grab it - it goes into your inventory, Get it out there and click it on the glass plate of the enlarger left from the light box, Now get the book at the right side of the shelf. The sets are the three turbanes, and the other three. on the metal hat of the soldier at middle of the wall. See a harmonica in the bag; he likes music. Do the same for the bottle An advice at the beginning: When you use the walkthrough, make sure to read every paper that you find, look at all pages of books and when you have to examine pictures or objects with the magnifier, you should do so. is the one Irina mentioned that has the rare vase of Von Bergen. He gives Boczow's phone number and explains the Test the donors:    Do the above See that the number moved position for the next Click on the pipette on top of the yellow test If the number is on the right side, it means the number for that See that the tomb is empty. entrance number lock. Take the sterilized instruments. Talk to Luana. Newspaper library:     Go to and a crow flies out. That positive on blue and yellow reagent which means he is type AB. Lower the filament into the blood in the test tube Doing fine up until the developing...I cannot find a empty BOTTLE anywhere in the lab or my inventory (besides the holly water vial) to use to mix the A. Talk to Luana the Gypsy. Turn left and go up the hill to the cemetery. Take the knife and repeat until the link is blood type in the Blood Test Report paper. Take the filament and place it on the microscope. i just forgot what site. The smoke is suffocating. Path 5:    Go to the left and draw (Jacob's) ladder. Play with Ionel fourth letter in the clue word is the letter on the book shelf. fire pit. cemetery and talk to the gravedigger still sitting on the steps to the Kruger and Hans are members of the Thule Society. selected. is type A. part 2..... 0: 1,080: Feb 2, 12 6:37 PM by shelly707. 7- 6 - 8. Check the backpack right of the fire. Turn or click the skull to unlatch the lid. Turn around and hear what the gravedigger said about Gameplay: This is a first person point and click game. Sodium sulfite, alkaline mix and distilled water. knife on the blue light to form an unbroken line that will not break. Go down and use the phone. It is Irina asks that you read the red book - The Lords With right click, you open your inventory with a few options: After leaving the train, you stand at the station. bars that seals the lid. For Questions or Dragon happens. Martha's grave:    Turn left The Path of Dragon comprises of seven trials. Look Vlad of Twilight or the Fulfillment of the Race written by Van Bergen. Go downstairs and use the phone. Now that the light is red, open the black box 1st i wanted to tell everyone if you are interested in the story, plz buy the game on cd NOT STEAM! gravedigger sitting on the steps leading to the church. the stop bath middle tray. middle row and place them on the bottom row and middle or top right. It is not suitable that the sequence of the and forward to the lit mausoleum and the sitting boy. and see a pile of dirt on the floor. The gate drops. Take me back to the prison. This will enable him to make a serum against Maria's bloody shawl found on the floor of the Dispensary kitchen. behind the firewood bin. Arno escaped from the trap at Vlad's prison. If correctly done, Father Arno will say so. kitchen - developing photo room - foyer, Middle from left to right:    II. Click to automatically place the piece of the sundial at right with on the wall. Take one of the dice and place it in the container at right. selections and inventory screen. letters:    C C H H H H O O N A N A S H H O. He also Place the tube on the front part of the sampler. All games mentioned or hosted and images appearing on JayIsGames are Copyright their respective owner(s). There are 9 fuse slots. Place the correct painting on the empty slots on There's a jackdaw the number is on the left side, it means the number for that row. Go back and take the mirror from the edge of the well. Letters:    Since the first % mononuclear granulocytes on the left and % room. Take the top off of the alcohol bottle on the There are repeat chances if you die. I cannot put items in the mouths but I did choose the symbols and nothing happened/ Now I have all the required items in my inventory Except for the mirror. Learn Draw blood as before. and check the gramophone now that we have the wax cylinder from Irina. Guess what is the color of the back of the card. Take the tongs in front of the box and Go back to Take the Martha and Maria painting. last resort. lab and place the sterilized filament on the top part of the sampler right You can read our daily honest reviews and walkthroughs, play games, discuss about them. inventory items can be arranged as needed on all those 5 frames. Submit your game now and we might release it in homepage. Go to the kitchen and take the pot right of If you wish to contemplate a hidden, terrible and cruel beauty, yet Change the light to the red bulb by clicking on water and destroys the rats and also the entrance-chapel. Close the refrigerated cabinet. fuses. See a map. bottle on the left. Catalogue:    Check the 3 spikes on the Genoese hats. Sample 811 (Ionel Martinescu) = Clumping or The credits screen is closed by pressing the front desk. Interpretation:    Check the Bedroom:    Go up to the History of Voivode Dracula:    1871-1920. kitchen. heads). Look around and click the white refrigerator box to open it, Maria told you the code is the year, the foundation was founded, From you newspaper articles you know, that this was 1905, After giving in the code, you have to drag the lock to the right and then open the door, Your blood donation has the no. There Open the drawer left of the sink Dracula asks question and if he likes the answer he decoder and a letter. Submit a Game: Don't just read reviews or play games on JayIsGames.com, submit them! Father Arno gets sick and is now Use the hook Draw blood:    Go back to (Stephan Luca), 812 (Janos Pekmester) and 811 (Ionel Martinescu). - Monte Saptamal. Mountain photo taken by Maria:    See that the wedge shaped In November 1916, the battle occurred here. the string and Acid mix to develop the photos...Did i miss something (not grabbing it) somewhere?...This is driving me nuts! To have an advantage at cards, select the visible colors. Roman Numerals:    Check is not dead but can not be awakened. positioned down. that is right of the window. Shed:    Go to the shed Learn Drawing difference - Crucifixion drawing showed one has an angel with 2 Vladoviste, September 16th, 1920, noon[top], Turkey, Urguryurt, September 25th, 1920[top]. The pictures are in the documents. Click the knife once and you will see a blue spot appearing. mountain ash or Rowan tree. Check his pockets and vest. 2. go through the tunnel the rats. Articles » Cheats Have an opinion? Irina Boczow:    Use the phone gold bowl. The cd version is a lot more better. the last page of the Runic Anthology. Pick up a shiny stone from held by the Click on 814 and Father Arno notes that his 814 Click to read the The pot is filled with water. Click the flashing book Let's test it on bottle 809 (Father Gregoriu). This might be Find the bracelet:    Feeling through on the bone yours is: 4111 and then 1 or 4113 and then 1. the game. Mythical Beasts Duel:    By opening a gate, liquid flows to the next The pdf manual is found at Start, All Programs and Take the forked stick from inventory and see it in front of you. Take Here are some solutions: Once completed correctly, see that the recessed steps pull out and a Martha's Diocesan file. Learn about the other victims. Exit the room. positive on yellow reagent which means he is type B. the door. Open it and see Janos. Watch this step-by-step walkthrough, which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. The gallery has picture of specific scenes that have Father Arno has enhanced hearing now. Lower the sampler using the lever at left. talk to Ojana. Leave a comment! the container to turn it over. bottom right and the hydra at bottom. It took me forever to stumble on this. glass plate above the enlarger on the left. stairs and see a telephone on the wall. the ESC key. Enter the blood type in the to exit the room. above the icons. Click and turn it over. on the pillow. The object of the puzzle is to select a beast See a code made up of 4 letters each and September See the copper wire Check the tab on the top left side of those pages. Check the information in Medical Files mentioned by Rated 5 out of 5 by simfan1968 from Excellent Story-line and Great Graphics When I first bought this game like two years ago, I never really played it until recently finishing it. They are following the Path of the Dragon. Notice the light at the cellar of the shed at right. weakest is the griffon but can defeat the hydra. door has been forced. Leave the dispensary. Go forward and talk to Janos. at bottom right and the basilisk at top right. Escape Duel room:    If Arno Circular lock:    The Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon Walkthrough. After 4 wins, the back wall of the loser On the top of the bars are letters. admirable to the sight, know that the green truth maybe read in a circle 2. This looks like a page in Vlad's biography - symbol on the mountain left of the trident. The game just skips it and moves forward. Ionel:    Climb down from the cemetery and go forward until assistant professor in Medieval History at University of Alba Iula. the differences. Click 'play' and Luana will Upon the death of one Martha Calugarul, you, Father Arno Moriani, are tasked by the Vatican to research Martha's life, uncover the facts of the miracle worker from Transylvania, and decide if she's worthy of … The drawings are found in documents The game is the sequel of Dracula: The Resurrection. the floor opens with the words - Don't look back. from inventory. go forward to the grave of Luciana Hartner 1870 that is beside the rose wants a fresh sample to test. cross, Mount of Purifying Fire, Mount of Death, Mount of the Dragon and Mount Viewer discretion is advised. Talk to Luca in the parlor. Arno. Ugh, why is everything in the iPhone/iPod version of this game different than the walkthrough? Look at the dynamo-generator. pressing an icon. cataloging and ghosts during the last visit. Right click to return the stairs and use the telephone. report the murder. Inn:    Go back to the Inn. Right on the wall above dresser:    Skull and hat puzzle:    pictures and items. Place the painting on the empty spot on the floor by Use the tweezers from The Play the game one more time to win and move the AdventureGameFan8, Jun 21, 2012 What do I expect for the $10 version of the game right? After you got the instruments back have a look at the door to the backyard - because of the steam from the cooking water you can see a message on the glass part of the door now. The statue has several bas-relief, some are worn out. Use Click-place the dragon piece from the ground above the Exit the dispensary through the kitchen door. which you will follow in the right direction... To make a circle, place one thumbtack (thumbtacks) There's a nosy bird left of the door. duplicate items or drawings. Talk to the Push the needle in. However, I'm stuck and I need some help. Pull the syringe. in the path. Check the painting of the Tower of Babel by Peter Try the free trial version or download the full-unlimited version of Dracula Series - The Path of the Dragon Part 1 today! select the color that will defeat the gypsy's color selection. Light the torch at top of pillar. on the line of the padlock. Bedroom:    Go upstairs and The white die picture. Stephan's trunk:    Use the Crucifixion. Find the place and date of the origin of the first and the fuse box at the cellar. since it wins against 3 opponents but can be defeated by the hydra. cannot just slide. Learn that he thinks Select Luana:    Go to the Oak that she has put together. Bracelet and mirror:    Jump to the other side and Chapel:    Go to the path Left on the wall by dresser:    Maria Florescu needs blood donor. Dracula: The Path of the Dragon - Part 3 is rated 5.0 out of 5 by 2. book shelf has a Latin word. Go forward to the first intersection and go left. Wall square:    Look close Pick up the wet firewood and place it on the fire walk in their sleep and present strange stigmata. There is nothing to get from playing these 2 the paintings on the wall. and Janos selects his beast. Check the green letters (green truth), Discover where in Turkey Fox Peak is located: Go downstairs and talk to Ojana about the covered Inn:    Go back to the Inn. by Kheops Studios. Exit the office and go back to Vladoviste. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. In documents and close up of the medallion, use the Three heard coming up to the rooms. rendering to Charon. See that Maria is type O. He advises to study the Svenson Runic Right click during gameplay opens the in game The combination is the date the dispensary was built. He gives the lighter. The i tried using the hammer and stake nothing happens except it keeps telling me something is missing. See the gold bowl but it is under a mortar shell. Click behind Janos and see Examine the other pages of Vlad's biography. the library catalogue. Learn his opinion of Martha's sainthood. If you do turn lit and the door opens revealing a staircase. Dracula 4: Shadow of the Dragon is a horror-adventure game developed by Microids. While typing, see the decoded message at the platform slides out on the other side. wait. Walkthrough Part 26 Watch this step-by-step walkthrough, which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. Inn:    From the train rooftop flies down. inscription on the slab - Enter freely and of your own will. Samples:    Click on the soap on the sink to wash the hands. come to you. The path is the way to change man to a bloodthirsty monster. Watch this step-by-step walkthrough, which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. This is Martha's room Father Arno states that he thinks that he is being Go to Ionel again at the end of the road from Go forward twice and talk to the gravedigger. outside and see that the fire is out because of the snow. See a bat on the window. Turn around and exit the cemetery through the gate It lights up all the torches that Martha is mad. the cap on the right side up yellow ampule. if it moves a bit. Attic:    Go to the top of the and then the Thule brochure. Watch this step-by-step walkthrough, which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. sweat ones at top and bottom. books are located in the library. Walkthrough Part 3 From: AdventureGameFan8. It will automatically turn off when done. The object is to place the appropriate item of that step or path in the Documents has Roman Numerals chart and The gate falls down to open the next room. Janos' room on the torch on the left inside wall. for the slingshot. This is really ticking me off. Arno's and the last 3 donor's blood need to be typed. shows at the left side 6 nails on the table and one in the hand of the executioner, The copy (v.Berg) shows 5 nails and one in the hand of the executioner - so one is missing, See the ship in the background - the copy does have two flags - one with the Geneose flag, Place one nail on each skull which has a hat as one of the six standing man on the pictures, There is a skull with a helmet with the geneose flag on it, Get the syringe out of your inventory and use it as a nail for him. We will use the Go back to Luana and talk to her. photographic paper. at the foot of the bed. person point and click game. After realizing that there are dark forces at work, Father Arno decides As soon as you click the bed a video scene will start..... Leave your room - Ozana, cleaning the floor wants to talk to you, Beside the information, that Stephan Luca, a journalist is waiting for you, she has to ask you a favor, She wants you to hang up the cross in the other room and praise it, Turn right there also and go one step forward - have a look at the door, which does connect this room with the one of Father Arno - the lock is broken, Turn around and go to the bed - on the floor you see a dark stain and the cross on it, You see a white spot of turned around cross - but you use the upper nail to hang back the cross, Open the bible and you will find two new biblical sayings, Go downstairs and enter the parlor to your left, Go through the whole conversation with Stephan Luca and read the letters he is laying on the table, Also read the case files he is giving you, Go back into the hall and call the police, After the first call, you will have to call again and ask for Inspector General Brutar, Go through the conversation and back to Stephan Luca, Talk to him again and call Father Gregoriu after, Now try to reach Monsignor Briganti, but he is not in his office, Try to grab that tile shown a dragon, but you need permission first, Go the reception and use the bell to talk to Ozana, Meet Luana, the gypsy and talk to her about Maria, You might want to play with her, if so, click the crate with the dice in front of Luana, Hovering over the dice will show you the rest of the dice, You have to choose a die and put it into the dice cup, upper right corner, If you dont want anymore, just leave the window, Now go the way right next to Luana, 1 step further and left at the next crossing, Go straight ahead till you are at the war graves again, You see bullet holes and they seem to be fresh, Turn more right and you see a wagon, but no driver, Now turn left from the oak and look on the ground, You also see shadows of people speared to pales, but when you turn around, you will only see the pale - without anyone, Turn back and go straight ahead till you are standing in front of the castle, After entering the gate, Janos will start talking to you, Turn to the left and have a look at the letters, which are carved into the stone: BM, Turn back and look a little right from Janos on the floor, Click the two small parts to fix it and get the part out of your inventory, you found in the inn, Turn around a little more, and pick up a few berries - they will go into your inventory, Now you saw everything here, so go back to the inn, Go to the telephone and call Monsignore Briganti, Talk to him, he needs to call you back, so stay at the phone and wait a moment, After you finished also the second call, go back to the parlor and talk to Stephan, Read the case file, Stephan is giving to you, carefully, to know, how far Martha did come with her investigations, After this, go to see Ozana at the reception, She tells you, that Maria asked you to come to the dispensary for a blood donation, Before you leave the inn, talk to Ozana about all available issues, Don't forget to have a look at the bible, where new biblical saying are waiting for you, Leave the inn and go to see Maria at the dispensary, To come to the dispensary, you just have to go straight ahead, Ring the bell, enter and go to the right into the kitchen, where Maria is sitting at the table, Follow the conversation to find out what Maria needs you to do, You will have to get a blood sample from yourself, You will have to put it into the refrigerator box, which is locked with a number lock, You will have to write down the blood type of your and the last three blood donations in the analysis book, After Maria left, you will be brought to the surgery automatically, You are standing in front of a working table, but before you start, look a little right up and you will see a few books, You can have a look at all of them, but only the Book from Martha, laying in front of the standing ones, will go into your document files, Now have a look back at the working table and grab the table with the instruments, They have to be sterilized before you can use them, so go back to the kitchen, Go to the sink and open the curtain, get the funnel, Open left from the sink the right drawer and get the copper wire, Look at the right and grab the pot, standing on the oven, Place it at the sink and click the faucet, Get the filled pot and place it on the oven, left side above the fire, Open the door of the fireplace and turn to the left, Close the door and wait till the water starts cooking, Get the instruments out of your inventory and click them into the boiling water, Go to the sink and wash your hands with the soap, After a short while you can get them out again, During all this the telephone will ring (random at what point), When you face the door, you will see the telephone in the hall, Answer it - its Prof. Heinrich Krüger from Munich and he asks for Maria to call him back, Don't mind, if you missed the call the first time, as soon as you turn around to go back to the kitchen, the phone will ring again, When you sterilized your instruments, go back to the surgery, Place the sterilized instruments back on the table and you will get a near by view automatically, Now connect the left tube connection with the left side of the syringe and the right one with the right side, The needle goes at the right tube connection, Open the first aid box left, a cotton is inside, Take of the top of the left bottle, left side, It is alcohol - so place the cotton on top of the alcohol bottle and take it back into the first aid box, Click the glass ampule on the instrument table, it will turn around, Get the measuring cap from the right bottle, left side, It's citrate - click the measuring cap at the glass ampule, After that click the right tube connection onto the glass ampule, When you click the tourniquet on the table, you will get a near by view of your arm, Now get the cotton and place it at the crook of the arm, You have to lead the needle now to the vein, The cursor is shaking a bit, to show that Arno is nervous, Place the needle at the vein, once it is in, you have to move the mouse a little right to make sure, that it is really in, Now you need to draw up the syringe at its top - an arrow will show you the direction the mouse has to go. After it, get the glass ampule No. with a tag labeled plot 1415. Arno has not done this. Watch as the fire flows over the oil slicked Pick up your Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon (Remake) PC copy from Green Man Gaming today and remember to sign in for our best price. The object of the puzzle is what the text states Father Arno is sent to A piece is missing. Janos' letter from inventory. the fire pit. Ionel's disk 'against the wall' game:    Enter VIRGO on the dials at the base of the frame. Place the pot filled with water on the left side And inventory screen this third part of this game corridor behind the firewood.! Path shown by Luana at the end of the stove above the enlarger and 3! - O touches the circular plate in between the door one more time win! 2 opens up a train ticket to Urguyurt used by Martha 's box on the in... And have a walkthrough you can play more than 1000 games like Dracula: Resurrection 2000... 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