This argument is not based on ideology or economic theory. The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (“Passhe”) is a case study in the deteriorating finances of higher education. The current dilemma facing the Republican Party is the definition of being between a rock and a hard place. SEP'ARATE, verb transitive [Latin separo.]. Like the industrial upheaval of the late 1800s, today's economic transformation is widening consumers' options, expanding opportunities for those who are able to seize them, conferring staggering wealth on a select few -- and stranding those unable to adapt. The rebels seem to be increasingly disunited. By the mid-1990s the Gordian knot of the welfare status quo may have been beyond untangling. Recent surveys conducted by the Gallup Organization, The Wall Street Journal and NBC News, Business Week and the Harris Group, and Hart and Teeter have discovered strong public support for state rather than federal leadership in education, crime control, welfare, job training, low-income housing, transportation, and farm policies. The cost of government would fall by less than half of one percent. Welfare reform is only the most vivid recent instance of control over policy cascading to lower levels of government. If Congress and the Administration follow through on their budget-cutting plans, the federal government's domestic role will continue to shrivel. The Story Behind Stacey Abrams’s Fiction Career. Fifty separate choices add up to no choice at all. ... Of course, the definition of "white supremacy" has been stretched to include every microaggression under the sun. Federal spending is increasingly dominated by transfer programs, interest on the national debt, and the shrinking if still enormous defense budget. Biden and his Lack of Ideology. 1. “Disunite.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, National defense (12 percent of the total), interest on the national debt (10 percent), and federal grants to state and local governments (another 10 percent) accounted for most of the remaining third of the public sector. 1. Since priorities differ, the country may be better off if constituents can find arrayed within its borders alternative packages of services, regulatory regimes, and tax burdens from which to choose. disunited (comparative more disunited, superlative most disunited) . Saying "all lives matter" is covert white supremacy. a disunited political party [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. Is the Ethiopian political opposition "weak and disunited"? What does disunited mean? Lacking unity; not united. Federal officials, as a group, are certainly no wiser, more farsighted, or defter at implementation than their state counterparts. 2. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Enthusiasm for devolution, among elites and the electorate alike, has already reconfigured public authority. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. But America united remains much less subject to the flight of wealth and the influx of need than are its constituent states. THE wisdom of transferring governmental power away from Washington and toward the separate states enjoys something as close to consensus as American politics often sees. A state which is nationally and ethnically disunited may seek to divert attention from its internal problems by pursuing nationalist activities externally. Recognize the states' limits as stewards of education. ‍ On the one hand, the party establishment, along with most of America, hates Trump and wants/needs to get rid of him. simple past tense and past participle of disunite; Adjective []. A condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances: The office was in a state of confusion. Now, suppose that every last thing the federal government does, aside from running defense and foreign affairs and writing checks (to entitlement claimants, debt holders, and state and local governments), were transferred to the states -- national parks and museums, air-traffic control, the FBI, the Border Patrol, the Centers for Disease Control, the National Weather Service, student loans, and all the rest. 1. disunited - having been divided; having the unity destroyed; "Congress...gave the impression of...a confusing sum of disconnected local forces"-Samuel Lubell; "a league of disunited nations"- E.B.White; "a fragmented coalition"; "a split group". A related line of reasoning stresses the virtues of competition. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Out of Touch in the Horn of Africa? A state which is nationally and ethnically disunited may seek to divert attention from its internal problems by pursuing nationalist activities externally. Nor is there yet any blueprint for achieving the humane, work-oriented welfare policy that virtually everyone endorses in principle. Quite the contrary -- it will often involve privatization, vouchers, and more traumatic "reinvention" than Washington has yet seen. Do devolve -- where it makes sense. There is also a soothing a priori case for predicting that public-sector efficiency will increase as responsibilities flow to lower levels of government. THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE EDWARD GIBBON. Adj. What can we say about the spiritual state of the dissociated and disunited mind of other cultures? Joe Valachi. In 1996 total public spending came to roughly $2.3 trillion. Paradoxically, if we want to have a free choice about whether and how we will prepare all willing workers for rewarding roles in the global economy, about the terms on which our citizens engage global capital, and about how we should share the burdens of economic change -- if we want to have a choice, we must choose together, as a nation. 2021. But it is by no means assured that America's magnificent achievement of broadly shared prosperity will survive. states synonyms, states pronunciation, states translation, English dictionary definition of states. Except for Jewish and black voters, every subgroup gave the edge to the states, including self-defined liberals, Democrats, and, by 72 to 21 percent, voters under thirty. Observers with the luxury of taking the long view, or those with no special stake in any single country, may find this moment in history to be richly promising. America's federal system is sufficiently resilient that unless citizens are persuaded of small government's merits, the tilt toward the states that suppresses public-sector ambition will eventually (and after a hard-to-predict price has been paid) be reversed. not agreeing, or not working together to achieve an aim Synonyms and related words Definition and synonyms of disunited from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Suppose, then, that the states proved able to do everything that the federal government used to do, and do it a full 10 percent more efficiently. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... How well have you been paying attention this month? A bellwether poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates in 1995 for The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University found that by a margin of 61 to 24 percent, respondents trusted their state governments to "do a better job running things" than the federal government. "White silence" -- … "Shrink government" is one answer to America's problems but not the only answer. The reshaping of the industrial landscape, the maturation of the mid-century transportation and communications revolutions, and the emergence as economic rivals of huge populations long dismissed as backward are transforming the planet into an ever more integrated market. It includes the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii and various island territories in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'disunite.' By Michelle Malkin. Or the relative importance of the cities and states will soar. Serious federal reform may not be gentler than devolution to the public-sector status quo. Bob Dole brandished on the stump his pocket copy of the Tenth Amendment, affirming the principle of state primacy. A quite different argument for devolution as a core strategy for public-sector reform is commonest among those with direct experience in or around the federal government. Of course, the definition of "white supremacy" has been stretched to include every microaggression under the sun. The Disunited States of America is an alternate history novel by Harry Turtledove. Restore federal primacy in anti-poverty policy. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Many responsibilities do belong at the state level. Underscoring devolution's limits should not be misconstrued as belittling the benefits of moving duties as far down the governmental scale as possible. Learner's definition of DISUNITED. Politicians and businesses won't like it, but citizens would be well served by the sturdiest curbs that can pass constitutional muster on state location subsidies and tax incentives. By attempting to enthrone the states as the sole locus of legitimate government, conservatives muffle their own voices in the conversation over the country's future. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. And we must be vigilant against the prospect that budgetary pressures and fractious politics will lead states to retreat from the campaign of sustained, universal education investment that is the best hope for America's middle class. It was not probably till after the historian and the bard had been long disunited, that the latter ventured at pure fiction. Information and translations of disunited in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Definition of disunited in the dictionary. Curb the competition for business. Moreover, devolution is largely irrelevant to the debt service and middle-class entitlements that are straining citizens' tolerance for taxation. All other federal domestic undertakings, taken together, claimed between four and five percent of total government spending. We will never know; the first Clinton Administration lost its nerve on welfare reform and forfeited the issue to Congress. 3. To disunite; to divide; to sever; to part, in almost any manner, either things naturally or casually joined. Disunite definition, to sever the union of; separate; disjoin. Shared prosperity, in the maelstrom of economic change tearing away at the industrial underpinnings of middle-class culture, is an artifact of policy. Ari Jacobs. One engine of private-sector efficiency is the constant pressure that enterprises face to match the pace set by ambitious rivals. And by the standards of those who believe that what ails America is something other than big government, shifting authority to competing states, though it may solve minor problems, is likely to cause or perpetuate far graver ones. Define states. adjective. And for at least some functions (public schools, license bureaus) claims of superior efficiency ring hollow indeed. Beyond such procedural improvements, we must confront the politically difficult budgetary decisions needed to rebalance federal priorities and to forestall Washington's scheduled retreat into near irrelevance throughout much of the domestic sphere. Varied state strategies test and winnow policy alternatives, providing the nation with information about what works and what doesn't. But in its essence it boils down to a kind of grim gratitude that since we have wrecked one level of government, the Founding Fathers had the foresight to provide a spare. Revenue crunches and the accumulation of competing burdens may lead states to fumble their long-standing responsibilities for education and training -- just when productive skills are soaring in importance. Extending that logic to government, states that are compelled to compete for citizens and investment must be more creative and more diligent in carrying out the tasks of governance than an unchallenged Leviathan in Washington. LATEST. Five broad propositions suggest how we can readjust the federal-state balance to meet contemporary challenges. America is struggling to maintain itself as a middle-class society in a world grown inhospitable to that heritage, and our successors will judge this generation by whether we succeed or fail in the struggle. Bill Clinton endorsed the "inexorable move to push more basic jobs of the public sector back to the state level," and the 1996 Democratic platform featured the taunt "Republicans talked about shifting power back to states and communities -- Democrats are doing it.". DISUNITED STATE. The ascendancy of the states, by the most optimistic assessment, will have only a minor impact on the cost of American government. Devolution figured in the 1996 presidential election chiefly as a conventional piety, like family values or fiscal rectitude. ‘a disunited nation’. From the Cambridge English Corpus The … Within what most people think of as the government, states and cities occupy a huge and growing share of the terrain. So the United States' public sector -- already about a third smaller, as a share of the overall economy, than the average in other industrialized countries -- will shrink further. Delivered to your inbox! fragmented, split, disconnected. State and local spending -- the majority supported by state and local taxes, but some by federal grants -- is over 13 percent of the gross domestic product: more than seven times the amount of federal domestic spending for other than transfers, debt service, and intergovernmental grants. Even where decentralization does promise significant economies, it is rare that economic or managerial logic will call for the reassignment of authority away from the central government but then stop at the states. The reality, or the suspicion, of a conspiracy disarmed and disunited the Italians. Disunite definition is - divide, separate. Liberals, Lilla laments, have : lost themselves in the thickets of identity politics and developed a resentful, Post-Trump, the Republican party will likely be, Post the Definition of disunite to Facebook, Share the Definition of disunite on Twitter. Lacking unity. What does disunited mean? Send us feedback. Why Democracy is Killing America. "Devolution" -- shifting power from Washington to the fifty states -- is no cure for what ails American government. The parts of a solid substance may be separated by breaking, cutting or splitting, or by fusion, decomposition or natural dissolution. Not least to lower the risk that budgetary pressures will force states to retreat from education investment, Washington should place limits on the competition for business that is increasingly warping state taxing and spending policies. But it is shorter today than it was a quarter of a century ago, and will be shorter still another quarter century hence. And we should hope that the country does not become permanently coarsened by what we will witness in the meantime. But with the first serious recession (if not before), the new state-based welfare policy's built-in bias toward undue harshness will be revealed. English [] Verb []. At a minimum Washington should enlarge its role in financing higher education, from which the states are already retreating. Or both. A Disunited State: The Unification Process in Italy in the years 773 - 1870. See more. The individual states -- fearful of losing industry and richer residents to lower-tax rivals and anxious to minimize their burden of needy citizens -- will find such policies nearly impossible to sustain. chiefly British: not able to work or agree with other people within the same group, organization, etc. The odds that this retreat will occur remain difficult to gauge; the calamitous consequences should it do so are all too clear. Trump, who trails Biden 232 electoral votes to 306 (with 270 needed to win) refuses to concede the race, claiming widespread fraud involving mail-in ballots across multiple states. Meaning of disunited. ‘As a sectional interest Austrian industry was fragmented and disunited with little influence over the conduct of economic policy.’. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Definition of disunited adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Find 1257 ways to say DIS-UNITED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The list of public functions in which Washington has little legitimate interest is long and important. It is a woodcut showing a snake cut into eighths, with each segment labeled with the initials of one of the American colonies or regions. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis popularized a resonant metaphor when he wrote that "a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country." Budget figures underscore Washington's eclipse. meaning. I spent most of the day, the Fourth of July, thinking about cemeteries, the past, America in the rear-view mirror. We must redouble efforts to make federal operations more efficient, innovative, and accountable. What states surrender to lure or retain jobs, moreover, yields no net national gains; incentives may affect the location of economic activity within America, but don't appreciably augment the total. The embrace of devolution risks truncating a painful but vital national conversation over the scale and purpose of America's public sector. Devolution will worsen the odds. This is the British English definition of disunited. Beyond the laboratories-of-democracy scenario, in which diversity invites the discovery and diffusion of best practice, there can be value in diversity itself. The Bushman Way of Tracking God. Policies to shrink the underclass and solidify the middle class are thus far more sustainable at the federal level. How to use disunite in a sentence. But even for principled conservatives, devolution is likely to prove less satisfying than expected. Some admittedly alluring logic supports the ascendancy of the states. They will not be the last word on the proper structuring of America's federal system but are offered as a contribution, and perhaps a catalyst, to the next round of America's endless argument. Are you building something up or tearing it down? But there is no inconsistency in pursuing common goals through means that make the most of the market. Is Ron DeSantis the favorite to replace Trump in GOP? The Disunited States: How partisan politics is polarising the US. By the early 1800s, the nation dissolved with each state as a separate country. As Washington sheds responsibilities, and interstate rivalry intensifies, it becomes unrealistic to contemplate anything but a small-government agenda. More example sentences. Judge Overturns Eviction Moratorium: Sets the Stage for Biggest Housing Crisis in History. The Disunited States "Devolution" -- shifting power from Washington to the fifty states -- is no cure for what ails American government. Find another word for disunited. Since it has been justified as improving, not shrinking, government, the ascendancy of the states skirts the debate over the public sector's proper size and scope. The Disunited States of Oppression. Donald Trump handily won the state of Texas and its 38 electoral votes on 3 November, gathering about 631,000 more votes than his Democratic rival, Joe Biden. Join, or Die. As hard times swell the ranks of needy families while hobbling job-creation efforts, as welfare is forced to compete with every other budget item for shrinking state funds, and as taxpayers and officials ponder the prospect that anything but the sparest safety net will lure the poor from other states, anti-poverty programs will spiral toward the deepest degree of austerity that citizens' consciences will permit. The states trade with each other, engage in … We have embarked upon a period of state-dominated anti-poverty policy, and may as well make the best of it by harvesting every bit of evidence that state experimentation produces, to be analyzed and stockpiled for the eventual reconstruction of a national system. Another third consisted of check-writing programs, such as Social Security and Medicare. Yet the states have, at best, a slightly milder case of the inefficiency that chronically plagues the federal public sector. Richard Kreitner on his new book "Break It Up" and why secession remains a possible solution to … "White silence" — not saying a word, remaining neutral, minding your own business — now counts as "covert white supremacy," according to equity training materials. Like the run-up in federal debt, devolution short-circuits deliberation over government's purpose by making activism impossible -- for a time. is a political cartoon attributed to Benjamin Franklin.The original publication by the Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754, is the earliest known pictorial representation of colonial union produced by an American colonist in Colonial America. Fix the federal government. ‍ Budgetary and political realities at the federal level will preclude reversing course anytime soon. Kwame Williams. 5. Jump to navigation Jump to search. It is a part of the Crosstime Traffic series, and takes place in an alternate world where the U.S. was never able to agree on a constitution and continued to govern under the Articles of Confederation. Kwame Williams. A feeble federal government served Americans badly in the 1780s and will do far worse today. A compound body may be separated into its constituent parts. Disunited definition: If a group of people are disunited , there is disagreement and division among them. From Cambridge English Corpus The … Beyond the high-profile rivalries for major plants and sports teams, there is a systematic evolution of state policies to favor footloose enterprises. Disunited states: Could a second Civil War — and an end to the union — really happen? Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. It is a matter of arithmetic. Simple past tense and past participle of disunite. Policies to shore up the middle class include work-based anti-poverty efforts that become both more important and more expensive as unskilled jobs evaporate, relentless investments in education and job training, measures to strengthen employees' leverage in the workplace, and a progressive tilt to the overall burden of taxation. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for disunite, Britannica English: Translation of disunite for Arabic Speakers. Unquestioning party allegiances and growing division between Democrats and … On the other, most reliable Republican voters not only love him, but also hate the party establishment. . The emphasis on class warfare, open borders, secularism, and multiculturalism by the Democratic Party andtheir cohorts in the media and universitieshas led to a very divided America. Is the Ethiopian political opposition "weak and disunited"? Learn a new word every day. What made you want to look up disunite? Bidding wars for business have intensified in recent years. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. State and local activities, funded by state and local taxes, already accounted for about one third of this total. A country of central and northwest North America with coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Malkin: The disunited states of oppression MICHELLE MALKIN, ... Of course, the definition of "white supremacy" has been stretched to include every microaggression under the sun. 4. 22 synonyms of disunited from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 46 related words, definitions, and antonyms. It varies in its details, depending on one's specific exposure to the crippling debt and toxic politics that have come to dominate Washington. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Accessed 12 May. ... 2009, p. 93). n. 1. a. ... an old factory in a state of disrepair; a jogger in ... if disunited, to make war upon each other? Disunited: disagreeing with each other. Where states vary greatly in circumstances or goals, where external impacts are minor or manageable, where the payoff from innovation exceeds the advantages of uniformity, or where competition can be expected to inspire efficiency gains instead of destructive stratagems, the central government should stand clear -- both to honor our culture's durable preference for decentralized power and to forestall federal overload. Rivalry intensifies, it becomes unrealistic to contemplate anything but a small-government agenda duties. The 1780s and will be shorter still another quarter century hence bidding wars for business have intensified in recent.... Ethiopian political opposition `` weak and disunited '' him, but also the. State as a sectional interest Austrian industry was fragmented and disunited '' best,... Him, but also hate the party establishment your experience on our website including! 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