In addition, Ike told Zelgius that he was his final teacher. However, they are stopped by the Crimean Royal Knights, led by Queen Elincia. Japanese Finally taking Armor March grants himself and his ally armor units the movement they lack on their own. Nothing more. Zelgius *He does not have this skill as a boss in Easy Mode Are you [Summoner]? This prompted him to leave home and join the Daein army in order to escape his suffering. - Matthew (to Guy) "I am NOT you!!!" They encountered Greil's young children, Mist and Ike, and discovered that Mist was immune to the medallion's effects. He feared being discovered and treated the same way by his new comrades so he attempted to hide his brand by rarely removing his armor even when indoors. “ Promotions []. He has a bond with Sephiran and is considered a Level 20 Marshall (which is considered closer to the Black Knight class than to other Marshalls) with Eclipse for a mastery skill. One depicts him being left-handed, another right-handed. Aliases (Localized) He was Daein's most powerful general during The Mad King's War, and a member of Daein's Four Riders. I serve Ashera and perform her will. Examples of these include Sir Gareth, Sir Lancelot, and Sir Tristram. Zelgius served Prime Minister Sephiran selflessly and viewed him as his master. Black Knight: Did you never think that using your father's techniques on the man who killed him would be futile? List of characters in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, List of classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. How...entertaining. He is just as Mother described him. Chapter 3-7 Zelgius: Let's see how you handle this! He first defeated Ranulf, and later Skrimir in single combat, forcing the Laguz Alliance to retreat. Finally, although both the Green Knight and the Black Knight fit into the role of antagonists, neither of them is purely evil; the Green Knight is only a ploy sent by Morgan le Fay to test the Knights of the Round Table, and the Black Knight is regarded as an honorable and worthy commander by both his subordinates and enemies. To surpass General my ultimate goal as a swordsman. Let us test your stronger arm then. Black Knight only has low Res, which would be the easiest weakness to exploit. The first was in the forest of Gallia. Afterwards, as Zelgius lies dying, he tells Sephiran that he will be waiting for him. Zelgius, as the Black Knight, is later confronted in the Tower of Guidance along with Levail and the remaining Disciples of Order after Ike, Micaiah, and Yune's army defeated Senator Lekain. The Greek god 'Zelus' was one of the four children of Pallas and Styx, the others being Nike ("victory"), Cratos ("strength"), and Bia ("violence"). May contain spoilers Unnamed Father When Daein ambushed the Alliance at the Ribahn River, initiating their entry into the war, Zelgius re-assumed his mantle as the Black Knight to aid Daein, specifically to protect Micaiah. 'Black Knights' are a common trope in Western literature. This one blow... will contain... all my anger... and all my pain... Rrrraaaaa! Zelgius then told Tibarn that, while he understood why Tibarn wants to fight him, to wait until his battle with Ike was over. Now you owe me four favors." Bulky blue units like Ephraim, Winter Robin, and Fallen Hardin can duel him, though they will need to be wary if he has Black Luna ready. I am the black knight, Ares. Zelgius left the Begnion soldiers in Ike's company with him to ensure Crimea's security at Elincia's request, then returned to Daein to continue his work there. Greil recognized the Black Knight as his former student and remarked that Zelgius had no chance against the man who taught him how to fight, but the duel was a brief one and ended with the Black Knight impaling Greil right in front of Ike. The Black Knight is a great superunit for AR Offense purposes thanks to his inbuilt Distant Counter weapon, which grants him a free A slot instead of being forced to run Distant Counter. Should I yet live?Is this another miracle? True to his Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn fame, the Black Knight is one of the most powerful units in Heroes, especially one that is as easy to acquire as he is. However, upon finding that Gawain was not at his true power, he sought out Gawain's son, Ike. - Kent (to Sain) "I am Glass! Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. His sword, Alondite, is a divine blade blessed by … Throughout Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, his identity is not spoken of except that he was once a student of General Gawain. Zelgius's optimal and budget builds are the exact same as Black Knight. Relatives Castle. Vs Ranulf After Gallia and Phoenicis' armies joined the war on Crimea's side following the battle at Marhaut range, Ashnard ordered the Black Knight to divide up the Daein forces to defend both Fort Pinell and Nados Castle, and then inquired after Ashnard's order to have Ena killed. Ike: My sword-fighting skills were given to me by my father. I learned the sword from one of my fellow Four Riders, Gawain. Occupation(s) During this time, he meets Levail, the leader of Duke Lekain's personal army, who later becomes Zelgius' second-in-command. Black Knight: ... After a brief skirmish between them, Ike reveals that he was aware that the Black Knight was actually Zelgius, having been told this by Ranulf. The Black Knight is a last-leveled tier in both Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, being a General in the former and the class of "Black Knight" in the latter, representing a unique class mirroring that of a Marshall.. Finally, his weakness to Armor effective weapons remains the same and Micaiah is still his hardest counter. Zelgius was born in Daein. Come, son of Gawain... show me your strength. Prepare yourself. Soon after the Crimean army's victory in Talrega, the Black Knight oversaw the delivery of the medallion to Ena and Petrine at Daein Keep. If I stayed here, then perhaps..." "Circumstances being what they are, I shall lend you my strength. Regarded by both his allies and his enemies as virtually invincible, in addition to his immense strength and talent as a swordsman, he wields goddess-blessed armor and his swordAlondite, the counterpart blade to Ike's ultimate weapon,Ragnell. All those in my way shall fall. Fire Emblem Fates Fire Emblem Awakening Fire Emblem Characters Fantasy Characters Armor Concept Concept Art Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Pokemon Fantasy Armor. For those who can fodder off premium units, Zelgius can take the role of an offensive tank by giving him skills that accelerate his Special cooldown so he can activate it often. I am a general of Daein, and one of the Four Riders. Zelgius's title as the Duke of Kadohl, or Cador, depending on the translation, is similar to the title given to Macbeth in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, where he is bestowed the title "Thane of Cawdor". By the time he arrived, Greil stood in the middle of a standoff between the Daein army, led by Petrine, and a Gallian army led by Ranulf. People didn't know who he is and where he came from. I've relived that fight so many times... How could I not have seen it before? Nonetheless, he is a powerful asset and is an easy Grail unit investment. Ironically, Micaiah is a true hard counter as not only does she use magic and has a color advantage, Thani deals bonus damage to Armor units, meaning that she can one-shot him with ease. Furthermore, the Black Knight's relationship with Ike, Gawain's son, evolves into that of a mentor to a student as Ike pursues the Black Knight; when Ike finally defeats Zelgius in the Tower of Guidance, he says that Zelgius is his last teacher. Come, Son of Gawain, show me your strength.”, (*) indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero, (†) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Grand Hero Battles. Mist: ...sniff...sniff... That evening, the Black Knight found Greil in the forests near Gebel Castle, where Greil and his mercenaries had been lodging. General (Path of Radiance)Black Knight (Radiant Dawn)General (Awakening) For Years the black knight was told in the story and how it fear everyone who dare to fight him. After doing so, Sephiran told him that the time had come to awaken Ashera. He disappeared after the fall of Jarod's forces for unexplained reasons, though it could be assumed that it was because Zelgius was being recalled to Begnion due to the growing tensions between the Begnion Empire and the Laguz Alliance. Let us test your stronger arm then. ~ Marth, Fire Emblem: Shadow … Following Ike's capture of Nevassa, the return of Sephiran to Begnion allowed Sanaki to quickly marshal official Senate support for reinforcing Ike and the Crimean army with Begnion troops, and they entrusted Zelgius with a full battalion to reinforce the Crimean army. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 unless otherwise noted. I let you win. The Black Knight is a character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Knowing that he could trust him, Zelgius revealed both his Branded nature and his issues to Lehran, who saw something of himself in Zelgius' pain and isolation. Taking Swap or Pivot for his Support skill, allowing himself greater movement. Video Game: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn When he discovered that the brand also slowed his aging, he knew that his time in Daein would not last and he would eventually have to leave to preserve his secret. Black Knight Fire Emblem. Male He also has his own unique special, at least outside of his alternative forms, Black Luna, which is a much stronger version of Luna, ignoring 80% of his opponent's Def with the same cooldown charge as regular Luna, giving him astonishing bulk breaking capabilities. As the third Sword Armor unit, the Black Knight entered as a powerful asset that players could obtain for free as a Tempest Trial unit. While in the army, he served under General Gawain, one of the Four Riders of Daein, whom he respected and studied swordplay from. However, they are interrupted by Tibarn, who said that he had a score to settle with Zelgius. But I had to let you live, so that you could continue to train and perhaps one day be worthy of Gawain's legacy. Ike: My father robbed himself of using his stronger arm. Examples: Blood leads only to blood, and violence begets violence. For his skill B, taking Bold Fighter gives him a guaranteed follow up attack when initiating combat while also accelerating his cooldown. Are you [Summoner]? when defeated. In the English version, the Black Knight has three quotes that have him say English words. Daein I don't know about others, but I can tell who you are. Ike: I promise that it will be. Breath skills give the Black Knight +1 Special cooldown during enemy phase, allowing him to have a fully charged Black Luna ready after being attacked. Plus the Black … Nealuchi: H, how regrettable! My armor's blessing is gone; let us see if that day is today. Vs Ike in Part 4 Endgame - Guy (to Matthew) "Great. Ranulf: Still won't own up, huh? - Sain "Then choose! Later in the war, after Ike won the support of Begnion's army and set out to attack Daein, the Black Knight passed this news and his low opinion of Ike's potential as a warrior on to Ashnard, while also informing of the survival of two herons, and Ashnard entrusted him with abducting one of them and ensuring that both the heron and the medallion enter his possession. Despite revealing nothing about his identity, the Black Knight easily won Ashnard's trust with his immense strength and became one of Ashnard's most trusted agents. The Black Knight as he appeared in Radiant Dawn. The Black Knight's true identity was unknown in Path of Radiance, save for the fact that the Black Knight was once a student of General Gawain. Failing to injure him at all due to his blessed armor, the Black Knight instructed Ike to wield Ragnell the next time they fought so that they could have a proper fight. Steady Stance increases his Def by 6 when attacked, bringing his Def to 41. After the battle, Zelgius told Ike that thanks to him, he felt he was fighting Gawain in his glory days. A blade with no equal." Lehran then made Zelgius an offer: once he chose to depart from the Daein army, he would come to him and assist in achieving his plans, promising that at the very least, Zelgius would no longer be alone, which convinced Zelgius to readily accept Lehran's offer. The clearest allusion is probably that both the Green Knight and Black Knight are somewhat mythical individuals that are brought into conflict with their respective Gawains. Ike clashes with The Black Knight many times throughout both Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and eventually slays him in the Tower of Guidance after learning the Black Knight's true identity. The Black Knight later traveled to the port city of Toha to check on the progress of the Daein general Mackoya, who had come to subjugate the city ahead of schedule while following rumors about the journeys of Ike, the Greil Mercenaries, and their laguz allies after their attack on the Canteus Castle prison. Inheriting Steady Breath builds right off his innate Steady Stance Skill A while giving himself the Special cooldown acceleration to activate it sooner. A few years before the events of Path of Radiance, Sephiran and Zelgius traveled to Gallia to track down Gawain - now known as Greil - and Elena. Starting Class He feared being discovered and treated the same way by his new comrades so he attempted to hide his brand by rarely removing his - Raven (death quote) "So this is the Mani Katti. In texts such as Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, knights who wished to go unrecognized at tournaments would dress in black. One day, he met Lehran, who was in Daein at the time. Come, Son of Gawain, show me your strength.Zelgius to Ike 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others The Black Knight (漆黒の騎士, Shikkoku no Kishi, Dark Knight in the Japanese version) known as Zelgius (ゼルギウス, Zerugiusu) was Daein's most powerful general during The Mad King's War, and a member of Daein's Four Riders. he was looked down on and hated by his own family. I learned the sword from a man I once called master. At a 43 HP minimum with a Bane in HP, a large portion of the Heroes cast are affected by this skill. By the time they found them, they were too late: Greil had touched Lehran's Medallion and been driven berserk, slaughtering countless friends and killing Elena before fainting himself. Member of the Daein Army (Formerly) Commander of the Begnion Central Army In addition to the above, Black Knight: Sinister General has dialogue or appears in the following: Should I be here? He has respectable Atk and physical bulk as one would expect of an Armor unit. 貴殿が[Summoner]か。 私は[Friend]の使いだ。 この書状を受け取られよ。. After a long battle, with Ike using Ragnell and Zelgius using Alondite, Ike defeated him. Zelgius helped take the two children, Greil, and Elena's corpse home. Black Knight David Frederick White is the English dub voice of Black Knight in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and Junji Majima is the Japanese voice. Zelgius remained behind with the rest of his battalion and assured Ike that he would deliver reinforcements if he needed them in Crimea. They are usually associated with antagonists, lawlessness, and death, and serve as a foil for the archetypical 'white knight.' In any case, the only skill universally inherited for either version of Black Knight is either Swap or Pivot for his Support skill, allowing himself greater movement. The second at Delbray in Crimea. Death Knight: My true identity has no value. Black Knight: Oh? He appeared at the battle of Castle Delbray to observe from a far, and was challenged to another duel by Ike. Black Knight - Fire Emblem. As it was revealed in Radiant Dawn, Bastian sent men to find the Black Knight's body sometime after the castle's collapse, but they were unable to locate any trace of him, with the Japanese version implying that he used his Warp Powder to escape. In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, his identity was revealed to be General Zelgius, Earl of Kadohl, the greatest general of Begnion, and the right-hand man to Prime Minister Sephiran. If he had, he would not have lost to the likes of you. He is a mysterious knight who serves the kingdom ofDaein, whose identity is not known even to the king he serves,Ashnard. Black Knight: ...Enough talk. ゼルギウス Character quotes of Fire Emblem Heroes This page was last edited on 14 January 2018, at 00:56. He makes another appearance as a sticker. Even his Spd is workable and higher than most armor units, preventing follow-up attacks from a much higher host of characters. All those in my way shall fall. However, few Red Mages can safely engage him, so relying on many staple Blue Mages like Reinhardt, Delthea, Linde, and Lute can yield solid results. Ike: What are you getting at? However, by then he had already cast aside his true skill.This means I have not truly surpassed him.But defeating one whose strength rivaled his own could be another means of achieving that goal.I have forever longed for such a battle.Not everyone would understand such drive, but as one who also lives by battle, I thought that perhaps you...Well, that is all. Come, Son of Gawain, show me your strength. Black Knight: What an odd fate. He was also one of the Branded, which he revealed to Sephiran, who provided him with the blessed sword Alondite and the blessed black armor. The Black Knight convinced Petrine to retreat, then retreated himself. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, one of Ike's palette swaps is based on Zelgius' normal color palette and one is based on his Black Knight colors. Thanks to the Black Knight, Jarod failed, and he continued to protect Micaiah in the war against the Begnion Occupational Army, despite Sothe's objection. Junji Majima This is a ranking page for the hero Ares - Black Knight from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). The modern word 'zeal' is derived from this name. When Lehran joined the Begnion senate as Sephiran, Zelgius enlisted in the Begnion military and quickly rose through the ranks to earn himself the title of Earl of Kadohl. Let us test your stronger arm, then. 219 likes. Nationality Having secretly survived the collapse of Nados, Zelgius continued to assist with the war effort under his own identity, up until the end. Voice Actors After Mackoya's men failed to stop the Greil Mercenaries, the Black Knight emerged to fight them himself, but was too late to prevent them from leaving. As the Black Knight, Zelgius made use of numerous mysterious artifacts which were presumably provided to him by Sephiran: he wielded the regalia sword Alondite, a set of Ashera-blessed black armor which rendered him invincible to weapons which had not been similarly blessed, and Warp Powder to instantly transport himself. For those who can fodder off premium units, Black Knight can take the role of an offensive tank by giving him skills that accelerate his Special cooldown so he can activate it often. Zelgius, better known as the Black Knight, is a boss character in both Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, though he is also playable in the latter. However, this was a change made from the Japanese version to the English, on part of Intelligent System's translation team: the Black Knight's blade in the Japanese version was Ettard while Ike wielded Alondite. 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