Rose Reynolds (Adult)Elle McKinnon (Young) Species: Both of them suddenly hear the sound of a roaring vehicle as a man, Mr. Gold's grandson Henry, speeds past them on the road. Safe search. She is then led to a room by the man to where Weaver is currently in the midst of drowning someone, but he stops what he is doing upon hearing the guard announce Tilly's presence to him. She is surprised to see how young he looks, and he explains was courtesy of some magic. She busies herself with sketching a drawing of the troll statue but remains distracted by the noise, so Margot suggests she go out on a date with her to get her mind off of it. When nothing happens, she muses to herself that perhaps she'll have better luck next year. During the course of the workday under Sabine's directive, Tilly bakes beignets and tells Sabine that she thinks her beignets are getting better, pointing to a heart-shaped beignet. Last modified on Thu 22 Feb 2018 08.01 EST. Weaver agrees with her assessment but sends her out when she protests against Rogers' showing one of his paintings to Eloise. In the Infinite Maze, she ends up at a tea party where she meets a woman named Cecelia who had to leave her true love and her daughter, Ella, because she has the curse of the poisoned heart, the very same curse Hook has. Margot insists it won't be for her no matter what kind of day it is and then helps clasp the bracelet onto Tilly's wrist before offering her a drink from the bar. I'm not an outcast. Henry regains consciousness and finds himself in a nightmarish cavern, where he is trapped against a wall, while a cloaked Alice reappears in front of him. Home: Apr 29, 2021 - Explore Karen Mallory's board "Alice in Wonderland", followed by 222 people on Pinterest. Prompted by Tilly, Rogers tells her all about Eloise, who, until she disappeared ten years ago, was a normal girl who loved art and hated school. Weaver believes Tilly's magic can defeat Gothel's, but Tilly has doubts as she is afraid of facing a monster like Gothel. When Weaver comes in to chide her for being a room she is not supposed to be in, Tilly grows increasingly frightened over Eloise, whom she deems a monster. Chapter One – Down the Rabbit Hole: Alice, a seven-year-old girl, is feeling bored and drowsy while sitting on the riverbank with her elder sister. Alive Thirten years later, after lo… Blue What is the rhetorical situation of Wiesel's speech How does he appeal to his audience? The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence: at … She then discovers a bottle on a table labelled "DRINK ME," the contents of w… Robin admits she had a mean girl streak in Storybrooke who cared too much about the approval of others, which she fell into again by trying to live up to her father's legacy for the same stupid reasons, however, by saving Alice, she now knows being Robin Hood means helping those who truly need it. Before leaving, he hands her a white knight chess piece and she, in turn, gives him a black rook. Biographical Information ("The Eighth Witch"), One morning, Tilly comes to Rogers' desk at the police station, trying to interest him in a chess game even though he is working a case. Tilly approaches the tree and expresses pity for how Gothel's life twisted into something she never meant for it to become, but that she herself will be different from her. When Margot begs them to notify Snow White and David, Leroy seems to be receptive to the idea but then coldly regards both women as intruders of Storybrooke. I'm not an orphan or a street rat or some crazy girl who's lost her way. When Tilly asks why Weaver works for her, he becomes irritated and tells her he doesn't before taking the sandwich back and asks her to take off the mask. However, Weaver is given orders by Victoria to stop Rogers before he breaks open the case, to which he employs Tilly to give the detective a false story about Eloise. However, Eloise claims she is her mother, which Tilly doesn't believe as she remembers her mother left her. If Alice eats no cake and drinks no tea, what is Alice’s height? The leader of the hunting party, Clayton, prepares to reprimand Alice for her interference, but Robin won't tolerate bullying and stands up to him. yes2. ... See alice in wonderland background stock video clips. Alice, also known as Starfish[1] and Tower Girl,[2] formerly known as the Guardian, and currently known as Tilly, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. She and Margot persuade Sabine to rally the townspeople into helping them find a portal. As This Is Colossal note, this rare edition of Alice was long coveted by rare book collectors and scholars, making only occasional appearances for study or the auction block. Explaining that Tilly was a child born into the two worlds of nature and humanity, Eloise suggests she let go of her humanity and embrace her true self, even promising to be the mother Tilly desires. Tilly then looks up at the statue, noticing one of the troll's eyes has a security camera, just as Rogers finds her, to … The Cheshire Cat directs her to the Mad Hatter and the March Hare to learn of the Rabbit’s location. Suddenly, Mr. Gold hears Belle's voice and is reminded of her last words to him, in which she praised him for being a good man and that he would one day find a way to free himself from the dagger to reunite with her. Latest appearance: "Oh my fur and whiskers! What is the greatest common factor of 17, 26, and 54? Hook asks about how she managed to escape the tower, which she states is a long story. The 1919 "Alice in Wonderland" Gregg Shorthand edition with Shorthand Plates by Georgie Gregg conformed to the 1916 Pre-Anniversary Gregg Shorthand Manual. They get into Weaver's car and drive to the railroad tracks, where Tilly believes the object is. Alice is touched by her sentiments and thanks her for being by her side. After unsuccessfully attempting to illustrate Alice's Adventures in Wonderland himself, Lewis Carroll was persuaded to engage a professional artist to provide the illustrations. With a flower that Hook retrieved from a garden, Gothel uses its magic to speed up the growth of the conceived child into a newborn infant. Mr. Gold then instructs her to crush the heart as a sacrifice is needed to restore her father's heart, to which Facilier lets it slip that Alice is being tested. She tells him about having just gotten back from a party at Roni's where she and Margot celebrated everyone being reunited after the curse. himself had specific instructions for how Alice should sound. Hair color: Tilly is hurt she is not important to him, to which Rogers denies that she isn't and simply asks her to go home for now. As Margot reveals she is now the one in a bad place in her life, Tilly hands her the heart-shaped beignet to cheer her up and tells her to talk about her problems if she wants to. She informs Mr. Gold that the prince is looking for a bride and asks if he too is looking for a prince. When she meets the Caterpillar, both “Well, I should like to be a little larger, sir, if you wouldn’t mind,” said Alice: “three inches is such a wretched height to be.” “It is a very good height indeed!” said the Caterpillar angrily, rearing itself upright as it spoke (it was exactly three inches high). "I'm late, I'm late! ("Pretty in Blue"), Upon meeting Henry again, Alice gains his help with being led to Hook. To help Rogers understand, Weaver tells him about a bad experience Tilly had with the coven many years ago, during which her father was taken from her. story, and after some of her changes Lewis Carroll tells us how As he reaches for his gun, she tries to remember his name and snatches the weapon, pointing it at him. Hearing the roar of the troll, they reach the tower, where Alice painfully admits that despite not being imprisoned anymore, she still feels trapped and hopeless. She is skilled mountaineer thanks to her father, but she lost hope when he committed suicide. She follows it down a rabbit hole where she suddenly falls a long way to a curious hall with many locked doors of all sizes. As Alice turns the dagger into a ball of magic, Mr. Gold hits it to make it revert to the dagger again, stopping her from fully accepting her role as the Guardian. From the moment it was first published in 1865, new copies have never stopped being printed to this very day. The ride lasts 3 minutes and 38 seconds. As Henry attempts to stop Cinderella from killing the prince, he collapses from the drug's effects and sees Alice standing over him before his vision goes blurry. As Tilly looks on with concern, Rogers asks what it means, and Weaver ominously states that "they" - the Coven of the Eight - are here. She finds the chipped cup from Weaver's past and shows it to him, but he still doesn't remember. Relatives: How many ounces of cake did Alice eat? Alice in Wonderland Caterpillar Quotes. Robin shares the exact opposite experience, recalling how suffocating Storybrooke was as she was never alone and finally had enough to the point of stealing the sheriff's bug and nearly drove to New York if the sheriff hadn't caught her. The troll then holds out his palm for her to hop on and escape the tower, much to Alice's excitement. Rogers is too busy for games and he tells her people are in danger. some mushroom so that she is two foot high, and when she finds She waits forlornly in the waiting room to hear how Weaver is as she plays chess alone. Tilly later apologizes to him for her lies as Weaver told her it was for the best, even though she couldn't tell wrong from right. She talks to a hat, whom she calls Mr. Hatter, about the second star to the right that is blinking to the north which means it is her birthday. She débuts in the first episode of the seventh season and is portrayed by guest star Rose Reynolds and co-star Elle McKinnon. Blonde ("The Guardian"), Later, Tilly leaves the bar, with Margot bidding her farewell outside. It was written by Winston Hibler, Ted Sears, Bill Peet, Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi, Milt Banta, William Cottrell, Dick Kelsey, Joe Grant, Dick Huemer, Del Connell, Tom Oreb and John Walbridge; and directed by Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson & Hamilton Luske. Tilly, after taking a seat in the wheelchair that Weaver declined to use, tells him that he usually buys her lunch. Seeing as Alice doesn't know what a "bug" is, Robin shows her a photo of the car on her smartphone. Portrayed by: Everything in Wonderland was quite confusing for Alice, and the height changes were beginning to really take a toll on her. ("Eloise Gardener"), While Tilly is sitting on the troll statue, Rogers comes to find her, having softened his opinion of her as he understands Weaver was a father figure to her. She turns it over to Rogers, who finds it is one of the ripped out journal pages. After her first change she is only ten inches high, after her Tilly ALICE IN WONDERLAND. The pair exchange I love yous before Tilly hangs up and walks away. United RealmsRogers' home (formerly)Her boxcar (formerly)Her cottage (formerly)New Wonderland (formerly)Gothel's tower (formerly) Robin suspects the troll is a manifestation of Alice's magic, just like the bug, and only she can help the troll be free. Upon Henry calling her Alice from Wonderland, she expresses irritation over being referred as such since she only went there once before. Rogers mentions that the advice she gave him yesterday helped, and now, he needs her opinion on Eloise's journal. As Margot walks off, Tilly asks what book she's carrying and the latter informs her that it is Alice in Wonderland, her favorite book. Facts and Important Information: Alice in Wonderland first opened on June 14, 1958. Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, At this the whole pack rose up into the air, and came flying down upon her. Mr. Gold explains that he made a promise not to pass on his powers if it would be a burden because becoming the Guardian will make her immortal and as trapped as she once was in her tower. Hook shows her a fish hook that can free her, but when Alice moves to embrace him, her father is thrown into the wall as a strange marking appears on her arm as a result of her attempt to get close to him. Rogers and Weaver investigate Tilly's shed, where they find a board with the coven symbol, which, unknown to them, was placed there by the actual killer as evidence of Tilly's guilt, but neither of them believes she is responsible for Hilda or Doctor Sage's deaths. During the day, Robin gives her a letter from Hook as well as a present she made for her: a bracelet. The three discuss the probability that, if Eloise really is in a coven of witches, the reason she isn't using magic is that the bigger the spell, the more magic users are needed for it. Tilly believes she has solved it and shows Weaver but he tells her she seems confused. Tilly shows up late to her meeting with Rogers and Henry, only to have second thoughts as she begins walking away, but relents when she is prompted by them for whatever she knows. She yells at him for making her lose sight of the rabbit and laments about having to chase him down again. However, she is supplied with pills by her doctor to keep her from becoming "confused" and dangerous. Occupation: Other than grace and elegance, the White Queen also has a reputation for being kind to her subjects, unlike her older… Instead, he wishes for her to live out her days happily and grow old with the one she loves even if it means he will succumb to the darkness again. Human Advice from a Caterpillar. Alice is amazed that a whole life can be stored in a little box like that, which makes Robin laugh at the funny way she sees the world. She excitedly tells Rogers and Sabine that people now know her name unlike in the past when she often made herself unseen while swiping food. Tilly then reveals Eloise died in a car accident, but her body was never identified since Rain was not her real name. Tilly correctly guesses that this business is Victoria Belfrey and notes that she is a wicked woman, explaining that she has an ex-girlfriend who used to work with her and said she would rather scoop her own eyeballs out than help someone else. As Gothel attacks her with a stream of magic, Tilly pushes back with her own magic, which breaks through to hit Gothel and turns her into a blackened tree. "Leaving Storybrooke" She tells her father she saw many strange creatures including a dodo bird, a white rabbit wearing a waistcoat, a smiling cat, and a blue caterpillar. Upon learning the woman's name is Robin, Alice dubs her "Nobin" and annoys her with the nickname to the point Robin agrees to let her out from the cage. "Hyperion Heights" As Robin expresses envy over Alice knowing her father since she never got to meet her father Robin, whose legacy she hopes to honor, she breaks out of the shackles to go hunt the troll, though she leaves Alice behind, not wanting the girl to try and stop her. Status: Alice's height varies tremendously throughout the course of the Seattle Character She finds a little key to a door too small for her to fit through, but through it, she sees an attractive garden. ("The Girl in the Tower"), Later, for unexplained reasons, Tilly has a scalpel in her hand near the body of Hilda Braeburn after she has been killed. Species: Tilly thanks her again for saving her life and begins to leave, when Margot stops her, telling her that she's glad she stayed in town. First appearance: But I choose love. Weaver recognizes which symbol he means and shows him a coin bearing the same marking. ("Pretty in Blue"), A period after the birth of Henry and Cinderella's daughter Lucy, Alice leaves New Wonderland when she is unable to find a cure for her father's curse. She and her father also start corresponding with each other through letters, which Robin helps to deliver back and forth. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! " ("Leaving Storybrooke"), 'Once Upon a Time' Lore: Alice (Hyperion Heights). She lies about speaking to some of the runaways at the old group home and getting information about a guy who used to date a girl named Rain, who wrote poetry, loved Salinger, and drew often in her notebook. How many signers of the Declaration of Independence became president? 7.) Weaver finds Tilly sitting on the troll statue under the bridge, still playing with the Rubix Cube. For a very … The girl turns around and Tilly realizes she is the same girl who saved her life. Alice and Rabbit were having tea on a giant leaf. ("The Girl in the Tower"), With an extra hairpin, Alice frees herself from her chains and tracks down Robin, tackling her to the ground so she misses her shot at the troll. After returning to the apartment, Tilly finds two hair clippings in her bag, which were tokens that the killer took from the murdered women. no? She notices the skin on his hands look scaly, but Mr. Gold brushes off her concern and instead mentions he may be able to cure her father. You chose hate. Find a in this equation 2a = 1. Tilly mistakenly pronounces the name as "Targo", and Margot corrects her. Tilly continues to hand out more samples towards the end of her shift when Rogers stops by to pick her up from work. Weaver, who had been tracking the missing dagger, realizes she may have it. Henry struggles to free himself and asks her to stop it, but Alice seems to have no idea what he means, to which Henry realizes he was hallucinating the restraints. Occupation: is nine inches. This frightens her into assuming she really did it even though she can't remember, and she departs in a hurry, desperate to leave Hyperion Heights before she hurts anyone else. Assume Alice doubled her height e times, and halved her height d times. Gender: Alice follows Robin to a tavern and attracts unwanted attention by declaring the troll wouldn't hurt anyone, causing the hunting party to lock her and Robin up in a dungeon. Alice moves to hug him, but Hook warily cautions that his heart is still poisoned. more so that she is a foot tall and can fit through. Tilly admits she is hungry, which Rogers helps with by giving her a sandwich. Alice becomes interested in his plan, which involves having to steal magic from a witch doctor, Dr. Facilier. There’s also a character they had to interact with called Stayne, the Knave of Hearts, who is a seven and a half foot tall character. While trying to draw inspiration for the White … Alice tells her she was happy after leaving the tower as she thought she found a cure for her father so they could be together, but now she's still alone, making her freedom pointless if she has no one to share it with. Sabine then hands Rogers' favorite order to him, and Rogers replies he'll have to drop Tilly off more often. Auditioners were given sides of one of, The name "Carol" is a reference to the last name of, The illustration of Alice and the Caterpillar in, The same illustration is on the cover of the book that, The spyglass Alice is using to spy on her, Among the many fairy tale illustrations pinned to the wall in, The framed prints in the hallway of Jefferson's mansion are, The blouse Alice is wearing when she first meets, Alice is mentioned on the spine of one of, The story version of Alice appears on the cover of the. 217. ("Is This Henry Mills? Gender: Tilly also lives by herself in a boxcar. What happens to Alice if e = d? She returns to the New Enchanted Forest, where she uses the spyglass to observe her father Hook and his friends at a nearby camp. But I'm not like you. Relevant Pages Tilly goes to a building entrance and tells the guard she wishes to speak to Weaver. Begins with Charles Kingsleigh trying to draw inspiration for the child theater, is! To herself that perhaps she 'll have better luck next year leaves backpack... Her in silence and his head began to twitch is interrupted by Alice! And explains she has now stopped, Weaver remarks she was Tilly by... Everything you know about Alice in Wonderland, Alice, Wonderland animated featured. That there is someone new in town he should know about, to... And laments about having to steal magic from a friend, but she lost hope when he says does! 'S death White … the story begins with Charles Kingsleigh trying to sell his project to some men for! She may have it three inches tall and when she meets the Duchess is! 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