Carcer's full name was shown in a preview of Night Watch to be Carcer Dun, but this was never revealed in the completed book. Getting a date with Adora Bell Dearheart would be nice, too. The Discworld equivalent of Odysseus. When the philosophical community came to the conclusion that distance was an illusion and all places were in fact the same place, Ly was the philosopher to make the famed conclusion that although all places were in fact the same place, that place was very big. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found one dictionary with English definitions that includes the word adora belle dearheart: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "adora belle dearheart… : Stanley Howler is another example of parallel Discworld-Terrestrial history: on Earth, Stanley Gibbons is a company which publishes catalogues of stamps for collectors; the howler is a type of monkey, and the gibbon, like Unseen University's Librarian, is an ape. The name Captain Swing has long been associated with civil unrest, being the pseudonym of the (possibly mythical) leader of the Swing Riots. Adora Belle Dearheart This list consists of human characters. He is described in the books as resembling a rodent, and wears a long poacher's coat covered in pockets. He is described as a thin, balding man dressed in a long, old-fashioned black coat with large pockets, and supports himself on an opera cane (which is in reality a swordstick, albeit a poorly concealed one). It has been suggested that by Going Postal he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock. He does this towards the end of Thief of Time by defeating Lobsang Ludd (then incarnated as the personification of Time) in a fair fight, in front of a crowd of higher monks. Maybe that counts better. Swing moves and speaks in an erratic, jumpy fashion, in bursts and sputters, rather than a continuous flow of movement or sound. In his home country he is regarded as a great sage because of his peculiar smell, and his many sayings advocating respect for the old and the virtues of poverty are frequently quoted by the rich and elderly. He is very good at martial arts when he needs to be and is the only known master of "Déjà fu", in which the hands move in time as well as space. He passed his final exam by a fluke, having already decided he was not going to kill anyone. Moist Von Lipwig His name is an allusion to the Chinese legendary figure Lao-Tze, the sage to whom the Tao Te Ching is attributed. As the new owners did not really understand the clacks the way the previous management had, they worked it until it broke. His core business is that of "night soil" removal, but he is also involved in general rubbish collection and recycling. Release Dates Adora Belle Dearheart This may be because of Snapcase's mental disorder, which caused him to be very secretive while trying to spy on everyone else. Verence II is a very well-meaning king, who takes running a kingdom very seriously (he takes most things seriously, having learnt at a very early age that being a Fool was no laughing matter), but things seldom turn out the way he might want. At the end of Witches Abroad, she became the Baroness of Genua. Mar 12, 2019 - Explore Johanna Mead's board "Adora Belle Dearheart", followed by 189 people on Pinterest. Unfortunately for Mort, his feelings for a teenage princess of Sto Lat get in the way of his job and he starts off a chain reaction of events by impulsively preventing her assassination. Another example given in the text is "cup-and-plate"—no definition is given, but "He's a bit cup-and-plate in the head" implies it means "not quite right.". Doting... if a little unwise. After a journey across Time to such diverse locations as the Discworld rainforests, the Tsortean War, and the beginning of the universe (during which he became somewhat more likeable), Eric was last seen escaping from Hell with Rincewind, and it is unknown what happened to him afterwards. Groat does not trust doctors, which is perfectly understandable since there are very few reliable doctors in Ankh-Morpork. Adora Belle Dearheart quotes. Liessa catches Hrun on her own dragon, and the couple share a passionate kiss. In the TV adaption of Going Postal, Gilt is portrayed by David Suchet. Oh-so-tempting to collect the lot, and buy a huge display cabinet to show them all off! He would not 'buy posh foreign dogs when he can buy the crossbreeds'. Where he learned his trade is not stated, perhaps trained by members of one or other of the Guilds, but the Patrician, himself trained at The Guild of Assassins is clearly impressed by Mr. Trooper's expertise. Like her half-brother she is keen to get in some decent plumbing. One of the birds he breeds is the wowhawk, or Lappet-faced Worrier, which is like a goshawk only more so—it prefers to walk everywhere and faints at the sight of blood. This could also imply that Hrun eventually split up with Liessa. See what Adora Belle Dearheart (dearheartab) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. The main character in Monstrous Regiment. Appeared in The Colour of Magic. It is also likely a commentary on the use and censorship of the swear word "fucking" in dialogue. Tawneee is, in fact, merely her stage name; her real name is Betty. Against all expectations, he acquitted himself admirably. The daughter of Cohen the Barbarian and a temple dancer. They subsequently meet their end after a freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a ravine, as revealed in Soul Music. : See more ideas about adora, going postal, belle. Adora Belle Dearheart (a name that will surgically remove any woman’s sense of humor), is Moist’s sardonic love interest. Everyone knows Lu-Tze's name as one of the best monks on the field, but few realise who he actually is. In Going Postal this is the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. It is generally said that if a D'reg is one's friend he is one's friend for the rest of one's life, and if he is not one's friend the rest of one's life will be about five seconds; to still be alive five minutes after meeting a D'reg tribe is a clear indication that they really like one. This is usually "bugger off" or something similar, but since the monks do not speak Morporkian, it does not matter much. The Duck Man is regarded as the intellectual of the group, and appears to be relatively sane. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure about that myself. When confronting the heads of the Borogravian army, Jackrum reveals (after asking the other two-thirds to depart the room) that almost a third of the commanders are women, whom he uncovered during his time in the army, something that became something of a hobby for the sergeant. Death, perplexed at the concept of a soul having a strong but completely vague belief and noticing Tulip's showing some remorse, allows him to reincarnate as a woodworm. Ironically, despite his rather feminine manner and distinct lack of martial prowess (the expression "a big girl's blouse" is British slang for a wimp), he turns out to be one of the few characters in the novel who is genuinely male. He became a zombie after having been convicted of a crime and decapitated but, since he defended himself, refuses to pass on until his descendants pay the legal fees. She chose her false name, Oliver, because it corresponded with the folksong "Sweet Polly Oliver", which is about a girl running off to join the army. She spends the… General Callus Tacticus was a soldier of the Ankh-Morpork Empire, and is widely proclaimed to be the greatest general of all time. Earlier in the book she is mentioned as being capable of believing the Disc is under threat from inhuman monsters, that she is a subject of derision for believing that the world is round, and that three dwarfs look in on her undressing. His "sonkies" (condoms), as they are generally known, sell for a penny a packet. He has also theorised on the physical underpinnings of monarchy, explaining royal succession by use of a particle known as a Kingon (or possibly Queon), musing about the possibility of a communications system based upon the systematic torture of a monarch (although at this point, he had been "thrown out of the bar"). Liessa's ambitions are high: having poisoned her father, the traditional means of succession in her family, she is hindered by the fact that as a woman, she cannot become lord of the Wyrmberg and faces intense rivalry from her two brothers. When Mort first encountered Ysabell, he was given the impression of "too many chocolates". Although one of the most popular philosophers of all time, Didactylos never earns the respect of his fellow philosophers, due to the fact that he thinks 'about the wrong things'. In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Miss Cripslock is portrayed by Tamsin Greig. You're a man with vision. In addition to social philosophy, Ly is also a proponent of natural philosophy. Hrun's fate after this is unknown. A thirteen-year-old demonologist and title character in Eric. Mr Tulip is, along with Mr Pin, a member of the New Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in The Truth. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below. He was the finest military mind on the continent of Klatch. stealing a silver candlestick as it would end being melted down). He has been pictured with a lantern though blind and is looking for an "honest man". Commonly seen entering and leaving the presence of the Patrician bearing either paperwork or verbal information on the activities of other denizens of the city, or the Discworld in general, Drumknott seems not to think much about the political implications of the information he works with, believing in filing for its own sake. Hands where I can see them (mister) – Adora Belle Dearheart (Going Postal) Synopsis. Mort starts off at the bottom, learning to accept his position while mucking out the stables, and trying to ignore Ysabell, Death's adopted daughter. Convinced of the fellow barbarian's agility, she tells him that he may marry her if he defeats her brothers. This hints that Mr Tulip's parental figures have left a lasting impression on his psyche, as he is someone who wants to swear but has been taught not to. | Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre, Discworld Assassins' Guild Yearbook and Diary 2000. However, her looks make her unapproachable, as all men have considered her out of their league; Nobby only asked because he was so used to rejection he would have simply regarded it as just another day. Her name says it all really, an ex-opponent of Cohen, and sometime lover. This Bureau is maintained by the current Patrician, Lord Havelock Vetinari, on the grounds that the sort of people whose minds work like this ought to be kept busy, or they might do anything. Since his campaigns were as expensive as they were effective, the rulers of Ankh-Morpork tried to get rid of Tacticus in a respectful and appropriate way. It's amazing the rubbish some people spout when they're trying to save their lives. Hrun grabs her wrist and almost breaks it. William de Worde described him as someone with "no discernible personality." Her entire life has been controlled by her fairy godmother, Lady Lilith de Tempscire, to ensure that she marries Lady Lilith's pawn, the Duc (pronounced "Duck") (actually a frog). He also appears in the Discworld computer game. Dr. Tiffany was nonplussed, and claimed she needed no apology or recompense so long as he ruled justly when he became Baron. :-) Adora Belle Dearheart, played by Claire Foy: Posted by Eolake Stobblehouse at Saturday, June 05, 2010. Liessa abandons Rincewind and Twoflower to their fate and catches Hrun on her dragon, and the two share a passionate kiss. For biographies of noted members of the Discworld's "ethnic minorities" (dwarfs, trolls, undead, etc. share. In Feet of Clay, he has become Foul Ole Ron’s Thinking Brain Dog and part of the Canting Crew. At the outset of the Discworld series, BS Johnson has long been deceased, but his architecture and other inventions remain. Promotion is also an unlikely prospect in the firm. He has been accused of 'not being able to make both ends meat.' Carcer is captured by Vimes at the end of Night Watch. After discovering this they argued, and during this argument Carlotta kissed and bit Lewton, turning him into a werewolf (or some variant type, several of which are named/referenced in the books themselves). Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's conman tricks amazing him, he names her "Spike" out of fondness. Appears in Pyramids; by the end of the novel she is enthusiastically embracing many of the stranger regimens, such as bathing in ass's milk, favoured by Cleopatra. Both men can become violent, but Mr Pin's violence is more directed and instrumental. She also has a fixation for the colour pink. In Unseen Academicals, he reveals that he cannot understand the fuss that is being made about football, both old and new. Their most noted member is 71-Hour Ahmed, who gained his name for violating the ancient 3-day custom by executing a criminal one hour before it expired, an act so unthinkable that other D'regs call him the most feared man in all of Klatch. His most famous housing project, Empirical Crescent, tends to drive residents insane if they do not move out quickly or simply disappear. It is also mentioned that he never went to Ankh-Morpork in his lifetime. In Interesting Times, it is revealed that he eventually became the commander of the Watch in an unnamed city. His ceremonial outfit of red and gold with a big floppy hat is usually supplemented with about three sticking plasters. Join Facebook to connect with Adora Belle Dearheart and others you may know. He has been in employment at the bank since he was thirteen, when he came to the city with a group of travelling accountants. When you look at me like that, I wish I was a better man. Pratchett has stated on Twitter that she is married to William de Worde, retaining her maiden name for professional purposes.[6]. But his mind begins to slowly change after an encounter with the lovely Juliet Stollop, and after the tactical substitution of the ball with a tin can, scores the winning goal in the inaugural game of the new football league. A doctor in Ankh-Morpork. Guards!. Nonetheless, in a tradition echoing the Afghan law of milmastia or the ancient Greek law of xenia, they will show a guest perfect hospitality for exactly 72 hours, whereupon killing him becomes an option. There are signs that his feelings for Tiffany extend somewhat beyond gratitude. Instead, he prefers to kick a tin can around, something at which he has gained an almost magical proficiency. Student wizard turned actor, and protagonist of Moving Pictures. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". Lord Snapcase was succeeded by Lord Havelock Vetinari. Ysabell first appeared in The Light Fantastic, where she met Rincewind, and was surprised to learn that he was not actually dead. As the Grand Master of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, he summoned a dragon intending it to be killed by a king, whom he would then control. Eventually he was apprenticed to Lu-Tze after his teachers were unable to teach him. Adora Belle Dearheart Summary There is a strange habit observed among spiders in the rural stretches of the Discworld, wherein they will, for no observable reason, decide to save some pitiful animal bound for the slaughterhouse. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Rosemary Palm is similar to real-life brothel owner, Lou Graham, whose employees were officially accredited as "Seamstresses". : During this time he showed several unique powers, being able to sense the direction of a time disturbance, balancing the "load" of time down to less than a second after a Time Crash (which a man with 50,000 years experience claims he could not even hope to do) and reacting to (and being reacted to by) the Mandala, a visual display of Time on the Disk. An archetypal fantasy barbarian woman (as well as an affectionate parody of the late Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern series), she has red chestnut hair, is curvaceous and wears almost nothing except for a chainmail harness. Lewton was once a member of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch (sometime before the books). Reacher Gilt appears in the novel Going Postal. Due to the Discworld's rather literal adherence to the laws of narrative convention, this is not an entirely mental issue: He is killed in an extremely operatic duel with the Ghost and spends two pages on a final monologue before keeling over. Hrun also has some fame, because Twoflower gets very excited at the prospect of meeting Hrun the Barbarian. The background of Mr Pin is much more vague than his partner, Mr Tulip. It is also implied that she has an excellent figure ("other features that are considered attractive in any time"). His son, Gravid, was an entrepreneur involved in a scheme in which goblins were captured in the Shires (a border region between Ankh-Morpork and Quirm) and enslaved on Howondaland tobacco plantations with the resultant cigars and snuff (as well as assorted troll narcotics) being smuggled into Ankh-Morpork; after this was discovered, Gravid was disinherited and exiled to Fourecks. Lu-Tze first appeared in the novel Small Gods as a minor character. It is possible that he is the ancestor of Rincewind as his name means "rinser of winds". [Adora treads heavily on Moist's foot with her boot]. Adora Belle. Susan Death), who is also a human who inherited qualities from an anthropomorphic personification. Company Credits She is actually an extraordinarily untalented singer, but the management favors her for her beautiful appearance (and the fact her father has donated a good deal of money) and has her lip-synch on-stage to the voice of Agnes Nitt, otherwise known as Perdita Nitt. Beautiful. Mort is described as being very tall and skinny, with muscles like knots in string. First introduced in The Wee Free Men, the first novel in the Tiffany Aching series. Liessa is never seen or mentioned after this. Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his Almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies. An Ankh-Morpork businessman who runs Hobson's Livery Stable, a multi-storey construction which sells and hires horses, as well as stabling other people's horses. The main mentions are of his journeys to Omnia (where he saw a person being stoned) and to Tsort (where his attempts to educate the ruler through subliminal learning resulted in his assassination). Adora Belle Dearheart : Yes. Official Sites He claims that, when he dies, he wants a bell left on his gravestone so he can have the pleasure of not getting up when people ring. According to Moist von Lipwig he is roughly the same age as Moist, who is 26 in Going Postal. 8,282 Likes, 183 Comments - Ellen Carozza LVT (@thecatlvt) on Instagram: “Benny and his baby, “Adora Belle Dearheart.” This year’s kitten theme is going to be Disc World…” As a boy, he "messed around in boats". He appears to be an homage to the famous cynic, Diogenes, who was similarly disliked by his contemporaries for focusing on the 'wrong questions'. Immediately upon becoming a Genuan citizen, he evaluated the question of the greatest military threat posed by any single other nation. He is also one of the three founders of Morecombe, Slant, and Honeyplace, Ankh Morpork's leading legal practice. He was looking for a job that was romantic, but did not involve hard work, which Holy Wood provided. Another notable fact is that his catchphrase (minus "buggrit") is also used by Mrs Tachyon, a character in the Johnny Maxwell series, also by Pratchett. During the events of Mort it became clear that Ysabell was competent in carrying out the work of her father including The Duty and 'doing the nodes'. In The Light Fantastic, Rincewind overhears Twoflower teaching the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death, Famine, Pestilence and War), how to play bridge. Hrun accepts and succeeds in carrying out her orders, but refuses to definitely kill her siblings. Ninereeds nearly outruns her but vanishes when Twoflower loses consciousness, causing everyone riding him to fall. Adora Belle Dearheart Before he can accept the "proposal", Rincewind and Twoflower riding upon Twoflower's conjured dragon Ninereeds, snatch up Hrun in a rescue attempt and fly away with him. Swallow-Me-Own-Blowdart Dhlang-Dhlang sold green beer, location unknown but suspected to be tropical rain forest, possibly Howondaland. Walter is helped by Agnes Nitt into combing both aspects of his personality together so he can become the director of music. and bully, who goes so far as to leave the city and live in the countryside to avoid contact with these "lesser races". Pteppic's half-sister and successor. Moist Von Lipwig A significant character in Monstrous Regiment, he is Polly Perks' platoon commander. Found boarded up, deep investigation reveals that a local thespian from the Dysk theatre was eaten there. Join Facebook to connect with Adora Belle Dearheart and others you may know. He is present briefly in Night Watch. Initially a rather dull-witted individual, he gained something of a conscience upon being rescued from the Queen of the Elves by Tiffany. Scion of a family of football hooligans, she breaks generations of convention by falling in love with Trevor Likely, who supports an opposing team. Join Facebook to connect with Adore Belle Dearheart and others you may know. In the same book, he assists Granny Weatherwax in recovering from a vampire attack, though he clearly understood his life was in danger at that point. Lobsang (born Newgate Ludd) was raised by the Ankh-Morpork Thieves' Guild, but was discovered by Soto of the History Monks when Lobsang performed the Stance of the Coyote (the effect is not fully explained, though it is presumably a reference to Wile E. Coyote's ability to pause in mid-air for comic effect) in order to save his own life after falling from a rooftop, which would have killed him. He has attempted to aid in deposing Lord Vetinari from power several times, but only through serving other clients and not from an actual desire of his own to depose of Vetinari. The last mention of Queen Keli comes from Raising Steam, when she is noted to be at the opening of the new Rail Line between Sto Lat and Ankh-Morpork. As he said, "Def'nitely give the ol' Rule One a fillip.". Young Sam enjoyed it, but Lady Sybil Vimes disapproved of this version. Generally he relies on the fact that no-one notices a sweeper, a well-honed ability to talk his way out of anything, and "Rule One", which states "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men", since such a person is almost always a highly trained martial artist due to the Disc's law of narrative causality. He appeared in Eric and is briefly mentioned in Pyramids. 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